
Attached: strange.png (381x69, 8.32K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Goodnight, loverboys

where's the double poster

No infected people allowed, take it to /fr/ or something.

Fuck off creating new when I'm trying to find out what this is

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how do i turn off this reddit green shading on posts??

*nasally virgin freak voice*
reddit green shading on posts

We're all in here

That's a strange way to tell me you love me
When your sorrow is all I can see
If you just want to cry to somebody, don't cry to me, no
Don't cry to me, no

Attached: d48.png (1054x526, 71.43K)

What do you think it is you stupid little virgin

April fools is cancelled you insensitive prigs


I don't get it

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t. virgin



Attached: brit is hell.png (813x579, 462.97K)

cool thread guys

If i was the president
Of this land
I'd declare
Total War
On the coofer man

british people be like im bri ish

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how does one get infected

that was worth posting

um, yikes. oof. ok boomer, let's unpack this- who hurt you sweaty?

edit: thanks for the reddit gold friendo

dutch peepo be like i'm dying of a flu lmao

Need a good druggist

(you) a pozdaddy

think I might non-ironically be a national bolshevist

Singer Rick Astley has announced he will play a free concert in Manchester in October for the health and emergency workers battling the outbreak of coronavirus in the UK.

He says he wants to say " a massive thank you" to the NHS workers, who are doing "an amazing job".

Did a kettlebell workout yesterday just a week after I did a ONE MILE cycle. becoming a proper sporty spice, me


Northerners will never show their faces here again if they have any dignity. This is pathetic.


can see that wild mountain goats have descended into the welsh town of llandudno probably clocked on to the fact that they can walk through town without getting buggered by the locals

no real rhyme or reason to it, seems to just happen after you make a certain number of posts
think you can accelerate it by replying to greenposts

Why are you called DUTCH
When your country is called NETHERLANDS

what's your MBTI type lads

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Ever just eat an entire loaf of bread? Unprovoked?

I want to take as many poz loads as possible.
Infect me, please, biohazard posters.

Green more like grim


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goodbye horses (demo 1)

Sharing needles

Attached: 137904_39vCGir3.png (600x600, 76.51K)

>Me driving up at 70mph

despise normoids

you tell me nigga it's your language

Waiting for my Amazon Music trial to end on Friday. Then I will start my 4 month trial of Tidal for £4


druid obvs

Attached: 224.png (556x712, 56.79K)

Demo 2 was the better one

the virgin one


Why’s things green

new dua lipa single is an absolute banger lads

Have any of you ever actually tried to help Tim or do you just let him suffer while continuing to laugh at him

Attached: 1580350592674.jpg (642x612, 56.4K)

utterly fucking despise netherlanders

No but I will sometimes eat 3 rounds of buttered toast one after the other

hahahahahaha ostrelia
hahahahahahahaha big rabbit

Social Nationalist
National Socialist
National Bolshevist
Patriotic Socialist
Conservative Socialist
Blue Labour
Authoritarian Leftist
Welfare Nationalist
Socially Right, Economically Left
White Jucheist
Russian Bot
Stalinist shill

Yep...that's me!!

need these reddit cunts out of business pronto

Attached: mong family.jpg (1108x194, 36.03K)

my condolences

finest mimickery from nippon

jerking off to hentai exclusively these days

how do i turn this green infected shite off

no it isn't

Had to stop buying crumpets because I kept eating the whole pack of 6 the same day I bought them

Really impressed with this post, I must admit. About time some Yanks stepped up their posting game. You can stay here.


*runs with my arms spread behind my back*

Coronavirus: Stacey Dooley Investigates

moved back into the ‘rents house for lockdown forgot how annoying they are why’s the old man listening to talksport all the time? there’s no sport on ffs

ENTP. But I'm not like the other ENTPs, I try my best not to be a fast-talking smug redditor

brits are retards and called everyone from there germans (deutsche)

Oh fucking shut up Rorke

Vile coomer slug


crumpets would be better if you didn't have to toast them

local news.. tempted to commit a crime on the off-chance that she is the one that arrests me

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Nice x just cancelled my Disney Plus free trial


can’t get enough of cardi b loudly shouting CORONAVIRUS


not true in the slightest

*spaffs a heaving green load 'pon thee*

INFJ aka The Cleric myself

hentai is just drawings
no jews, no drug addicts, no suicides, no nigs

Shit is getting real

had some fried calves liver and onions for lunch, but it wasn't the best desu. Think I prefer venison liver

lad in the hall is now doing squats with his shirt off
i might complain to the building manager, there's no way this follows isolation protocol

Get fucked you pozzed bender

Take a moment to think of this man. He has no football to watch. He can't go to the pub. He's not allowed to socialise with his mates. He doesn't know how to use the internet. He has no work to occupy his time with.

This man is suffering right now and we need to help him.

Attached: 1cc.png (579x536, 14.04K)

was going to do this but will be keeping it as there is a lot of good content on there and 6 quid is manageable
may have to cancel 12 quid a month netflix subscription, however

you will miss them when they're gone

It's me

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Why is /brit/ so slow at the moment? Are Brits ill in beds?

I do the same. It's not easy to control your appetite and diet.

Attached: man-in-bed-mouth-agape.jpg (1541x925, 127.26K)

currently listening to "girl anachronism" by the dresden dolls

excrementum faciens

Attached: arry.jpg (1280x720, 66.35K)

NPC Blacksmith

I beg to differ

sprinting up and down the hall arsenaked wielding a pair of scissors without any regards for safety

coof on me please i want to be pozzed

love those guy jones videos but cannot stand the boomerish comments underneath

Nowtv is better than netflix

It's your country nigga, I'm asking you

how do you turn it off

stupid sensoid

Wasnt talking to you

Please infect me daddy~

makes u fink

Attached: 1585662106235.png (1096x421, 164.05K)

What are you then big guy?


Anastacia Jaclyn Dooley MBE

hearing a lot more sirens from ambulances
and I live in Florida, freaking senior community state

phonepost and use kuroba

Very insensitive April Fool's gimmick when people are dying

I'm BEGGING for your poz loads

get a life creepy poofter

Attached: fun.png (368x441, 228.17K)

hello 'dit

running riot in dagenham

love kpop girls

Attached: choa 2.webm (608x1080, 2.39M)

INTP, the crown prince of unrealised potential

Travesty of a post. Netflix is going downhill and is still better than Nowtv. Amazon Prime TV is the real shitter


Attached: rorke.gif (220x121, 89.99K)

*coof* *coof* *coof* *coof* *coof* *coof* *coof* *coof* *coof* *coof* *coof* *coof* *coof* *coof* *coof* *coof* *coof* *coof* *coof* *coof* *coof* *coof* *coof* *coof* *coof* *coof* *coof* *coof* *coof* *coof* *coof* *coof* *coof* *coof* *coof* *coof* *coof* *coof*

Attached: 1423185820392.jpg (1024x1012, 643.82K)


Cough cough cough!!!

Attached: lethal cough.jpg (327x154, 5.89K)

Everyone is on the path to death
Some just have a shorter path

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all women are whores and should be arrested

It is mental how much better ordinary people's living conditions are in the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Almost all the UK is grim and horrible.

800k-900k within a span of two days
we have liftoff innit

Going to start filtering the pozzed benders

*the cavern echoes with rumbling and a strong stench*
My brain: What is this...new devilry?
*the rumbling continues*
*satanic chanting*
My stomach: A coffee poo...a demon of the morning world.

Attached: ggr.jpg (640x400, 68.91K)

I think there's something wrong with your bird pal



browsing that subreddit where everyone pretends to be retarded

>It is mental how much better ordinary people's living conditions are in the US
Lol no, the UK is much better for the average Joe.

ccp virus pozzed test


Attached: 1565141010678.png (791x1476, 107.99K)

Is that not the entire site?

i am extremely intelligent

Attached: 1556725928382.jpg (950x760, 281.44K)

for me, it's two wanks on one day, once a week

The only chains on you are the ones you place on yourself

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i'd just punch her and run off

am I pozzed yet

browsing that general where everyone pretends to be a genius

women are funny

so it's only when WE reply to a pozzed faggot that we get infected

for me, it's being called intelligent by idiots all around me for years but actually being a midwit and totally out of my depth in the presence of actually intelligent people ahahaha

thread = 'boards.4channel.org/int/thread/120657156'

for posts in thread:
print(">>" + PostNumber + " Didn't ask")

no one in /brit/ has ever claimed that apart from amer and 190 probably

you do NOT hit a woman

No they're not

This green shit is really annoying to look at

don't get the point of reddit
once you realise that every post is constructed in such a way to attain the most upvotes then it loses whatever potential charm it once had

I replied to many and am still yet to be pozzed

You do. But only a slap

I've replied to hundreds of poz posts, and been replied to hundreds of times by poz posters.
Yet I'm still not green. The only possibility is I'm naturally immune, and I'll be used as a test sample for how to make others immune.

Browsing classic football shirts. Would like a 90s Sampdoria or Nazio shirt. Or Mexico 94



accurate albeit a touch overblown assessment of things in here

wahey alri haha

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just means you're trying too hard

Coys giiz a haribo

am also finding it exceptionally difficult to get pozzed

I said living conditions meaning housing and cost of petrol etc. They have so much more space and nice greenery with cheap electric and petrol. The UK is grim. I found a nigger ghetto in Chicago and the houses were larger with bigger gardens than middle class houses in the UK. Admittedly they niggers made everything filthy but you get my point.

you seem to forget there has been a good dozen of renown epidemiologists posting here last couple of weeks