/lang/ - Language Learning General

>What language(s) are you learning?
>Share language learning experiences!
>Ask questions about your target language!
>Help people who want to learn a new language!
>Participate in translation challenges or make your own!
>Make frens!

Read this shit some damn time:
4chanint.fandom.com/wiki/The_Official_Yas Forums_How_to_Learn_A_Foreign_Language_Guide_Wiki

Totally not a virus, but rather, lots of free books on languages!:

Check this pastebin for plenty of language resources as well as some nice image guides:

Torrents with more resources than you'll ever need for 30 plus languages:
List of trackers for most language learning packs:

>How do I learn a language? What is the best way to learn one? How should I improve on certain aspects?
Read the damn wiki
>Should I learn lang Y so I can learn lang X?
>What is the most useful language-related thing?
Your mom
>What language should I learn?
Papiamento, to be able to speak to this qveen
Old thread :
Old challenge :
Not answered:

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why do they keep letting /lang/ die

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>why do they keep letting /lang/ die
No one answers my augmentative question.

Yes lol, when we weren't in quarantine the thread kept staying longer.
Maybe some of our friends die from the virus...
Is it just me, or there aren't a lot of British flag in /lang/? I rarely see one.

I tried doing something different for once () and I got ignored by everyone

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What language will work on QUEEN in OP?

Caribbean qveen from Curaçao... Official languages are Dutch and Papiamento (which you would already know if you read all my text eh).
If school told me that's what Dutch women look like, I would have studied it more!

German exam this morning by computer lol fml bruh

Czech or Polish? Which one would be better to learn?

I think I understand somewhat why some people don’t like their language spoken by foreigners: exclusivity. English, being the current lingua franca, is the least exclusive language on the planet. Everyone everywhere speaks it. It is THE language to know, if one doesn’t already know it. And for those who were raised on it, who, for the most part, do not go to be able to speak another language fluently? Well, they get convenience, but they lose identity. I speak a language that my country did not invent, that has been on so many tongues that it has long since lost its dignity and is nothing but a cheap whore now. English is the language of utility, of commerce, of Russian men chatting up Turkish women in a Swiss hostel. It doesn’t mean anything. My language doesn’t mean anything! And if I’m not careful, not diligent, I could die with the fact that the only language I’ve ever been able to fluently speak is the language that at once belongs to everyone and therefore no one.

Join an Amerindian tribe and learn their language.

You've got more than 50 awesome languages to learn such as Lakota or Ojibwe, build yourself an identity that way. Sometimes I feel the same being a speaker of the third most spoken language on earth.

brits are notorious for only speaking one language


Lads what is happening? I'm afraid now, are your messages infected?

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it's too late user. it's only a matter of time before you show symptoms

I’m currently on a language learning plan of my own, otherwise I might.
All anglophones are. Face it, the vast majority of native anglophones are lifelong monolinguals. Some try to learn but fail, others are repulsed by the mere idea of foreign languages to begin with. To some extent I can’t blame them, for I used to be just like them.

English is English. Simple as.

unfortunately you're right. there's not really a reason for most anglophones to learn another language other than as a hobby unless you do international business or move to another country

At least you ARE English, therefore this language is yours. You have some root connection to it. I’m a dialect and nothing more.
Correct. What’s worse is the knowledge that everyone who speaks your TL speaks English better than you’ll speak their language for the longest time. If you’ve every pursued one language over the course of months and ultimately failed at it, you’ll know this sting more profoundly.
Ignorance is bliss, but knowledge of your own ignorance is pain.

That's the case with a lot of people in Europe too.
Outside of big cities, in the countryside, there are a lot of monolingual people

Just torrented the Russian Pimsleur course. Time to learn this language once and for all during this lockdown.

You found it on utorrent? I don't know where to find the pimsleur lessons

Yeah, check rutracker. There are loads on there (Russian, Japanese, Mandarin, German, French, Hungarian, etc). Remember to seed, btw, or you might get non-Russians like us banned from the site. If that happens, I'll track you down in Belgium and kill you by injecting you with a pozload.

I know, but it does seem to be the case that 95% of anglophones are lifelong monolinguals, whereas another language’s set of speakers might only be 40% lifelong monolinguals. I don’t know if that’s accurate, but that is my perception.
Out of curiosity, are you from the French or Dutch speaking part of Belgium and how do you feel about foreigners who attempt to learn your language, is it admirable or embarrassing?

This pic should be a staple OP pic

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нe чyвcвyю ceбя тaк хopoшo

>English is communism
It seems that in the end we still won. Checkmate, capitalists.

Yeah, but could she resist the tempting sounds of Mandarin Chinese or Swahili?

Why would I find embarrassing someone who tries to speak another language?
I'm from the French part.

On her insta, she wished Justin Bieber took her to her prom...
BWC for her

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I would contribute, but I feel I'm nowhere near fluent enough in my target language yet

Mmm Wodzionka

I really could not think of any histories desu.

because frenchies are largely pieces of shit who think like that


motherfucker i have the rona

We don't really

cursed trio

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>нa нeтфликc(e)
Бoльшoe cпacибo, how common is it to declense foreign words like "Youtube" or "Netflix"?

>Я нe знaю, хopoш ли я.
>Я нe знaю, хopoш я или нeт.
The the first one sounds better right?

Should I concentrate on 1 language at a time, or would it be OK to do 1 hour of X and 1 hour of Y

You can try 2 at a time if you're unemployed

Well if the two languages are quite different it might be ok. If they are to close, you will messed up a lot.

It's very uncommon NOT to declense them, except when in very formal contexts like in documents, they are usually written in Latin in quote marks. So I'd say almost always.

Я нe знaю, хopoш ли я. = I don't know if I'm good (enough).
Я нe знaю, хopoш я или нeт = I don't know if I'm good (enough) or not.
Both seem perfectly fine to me.

Mы нa вocьмoй cтpaницe, oчeнь жaль...

Is it a good idea at all to download a multiplayer game for immersion? Or will I concentrate too much on playing the game and not gain anything from the experience?

>Czech or Polish? Which one would be better to le

The board gets flooded with threads about the virus.

Quel est sa Instagram:



I think if you keep reminding yourself that you’re using the game as a studying resource you won’t be able to enjoy it and hence will get tired pretty soon.

Better not infect her

>I think if you keep reminding yourself that you’re using the game as a studying resource you won’t be able to enjoy it and hence will get tired pretty soon.
Does it help if it's a game I don't really care about enjoying anyways?

Son* Instagram
Son, car tu demandes son compte.

IG = monifajansen

I just find that when you actually like something, you retain the information that you get from it better

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57 messages
no challenge


Keeping afloat

Чyвcтвyю ceбя нe ocoбo хopoшo
I don't feel so well is what you mean, do you?
Any native care to clarify? I've only heard decline as a verb for declension, but declense exists in a dictionary, do you actually use it?