Kill la Kill is now on channel 4's streaming site lads edition
isn't that literally hentai?
For fuck sake
How do I get green on my post?
giving out (you)s is how you get greener
What else is on Channel 4's streaming site?
I am infectedooooooooo
>If you're not pozzed by the end of the event you don't get to attend the pizza party.
>Also shall be greentexting each of my posts for a laugh. If you've got bad eyesight you don't deserve my posts.
>haha can’t take his carling
*wipes nose with a tissue*
*rubs tissue all over this thread*
i was looking into airlines too but with the uncertainty of how long this will go on for how can we know which airlines can ride out the storm for the longest? if for example theres travel bans up until september (which doesnt seem that unfathomable as of right now) will there even be many left standing?
Why are we completely nuking the economy over this meme virus?
Some 80’000 businesses are set to go under if this continues for a few more weeks.
Spanish flu which was far worse did nothing of the sort
*replies so i can pizza*
Channel 4 seeing unprecedented traffic from animenonces
Glad my auto update script breaks this green nonsense
Dunno lads, I think I must have caught it by now, but I feel fine.
Most airlines won't make it
haha look at him go
need people to stay inside while (((they))) install 5g towers to make the masses literally retarded consumers
>Can't know until you've been tested. Might be worth going to visit nan now though, in case you can't do it later.
Was just watching this the other day on Netflix. Don't get why people shit talk this show.
has this gave anyone else a deep hatred for asians? and when i say asians i mean any goblin with slit eyes cos they all look the same to me
Big national carriers will survive, BA for example
so what do you know that the medical advisors to the government dont know?
Finally, some lgbtqia+ representation on this board #getpozzedforequality
I've been given two months off work with full pay, this virus is based af
Can't wait to get back to partying like this
gonna stay clean all day
I don’t know, I’m just asking questions. At this stage Spanish flu was objectively worse yet we didn’t completely shut down the country.
The news is also coming on every night making it sound like 300 deaths is a huge amount, which again is fucking nothing compared to the Spanish flu
Why was there an iceberg between London and New York for the Titanic anyway?
America isn't in the Arctic.
There's something they're not telling us.
I get your point, but the pressure on top level staff to act forcefully and in line with the public is so high. I’m not going to blindly trust the gov because we all know that all reported numbers are way off.
I’m not the same guy who thinks this is nothing, but people can believe what they believe, the specialists aren’t giving us the full picture one way or the other.
Yeah right mate yeah right
thats a gigantic pitbull
nice frog, saved.
Let me in user, I-I'm clean I swear, don't let me die like this please they're coming pleaaaaghhhhh
my willer kind of reeks right now but it's also a bit enjoyable
It's a really tiny tortoise
*does a cheeky refresh before replying*
watch me
How do I turn it off?
Iceberg called me in for another day of sinktoil
I mean, I don't know a ton about the economic fallout of spanish flu but it killed as many people as died in the great war so I imagine there was pretty significant economic fallout. the fact that state intervention in the economy was already ubiquitous due to the war probably aided recovery
>it's a toilberg is extra annoying to try justify his unnecessary job to the bigger toilberg
Nebraska by Bruce Springsteen
doing a vbp (very big poo)
that pandemic was 100 years ago mate. why are you comparing it to how we respond a century later? should we have a look at the Justinian plague too while we're at it?
going to ask you literally the same question. what do you know that no one else doesn't?
/brit/ is a vbp general
this green shit is getting annoying now
0% chance I will be replying to ANY during this green pandemic. Makes a small change from my usual posting style but keeps me safe
Green's my favourite colour mate fuck off will you
div.reply {
box-shadow: none !important;
gets rid of it if you chuck it in your custom css
Doing my fucking head in already.
Spanish Flu and WWI combined can't have been THAT bad for the economy, at least in the short term. Roaring Twenties and all that.
why are kim and jimmy getting married on better call saul
haha alri hacker
Green's my favourite colour too
>he doesn't know how to bypass the corona script
hello literal casuals
No posting my waifu dad
Yes 100 years is a long time ago but it’s the closest thing we have for a comparison.
It just seems to me that had the NHS been sufficiently funded and we knew we would have enough beds nothing would be shut. This is all about making sure the NHS doesn’t collapse
is it based on captcha?
I thought it was based on replies
imagine being this upset by a green light around some posts
shit, I'm starting to get infected
the mass economic growth was a result of recovery after the recession that followed the war, particularly in the US
I’m not saying I know more than anybody, just that it’s obvious that we are not getting the full story. Especially from certain countries. People are allowed question things. Why are you so quick to blindly follow what your told? You still in school mate?
Did you not see the latest episode? So Kim can’t testify in court
reckon any criticism of the government and state-owned institutions should be considered treason and punishable by death.
>just that it’s obvious that we are not getting the full story
how is it obvious? you need to substantiate pseudo-conspiracy claims like this mate.
*radiates wellness in your general direction*
whats all this then
So now we have this economic chaos going on me saying nigger suddenly doesn't seem so bad?
eat raw garlic lads
only thing that'll help me at this time *cough* is for you to give me a (you)
Paying for only fans or pornhub premium is how you can support sex workers instead of exploiting them.
Especially since many sex workers can be in vulnerable financial situations right now.
If they have to sell their body they don't want to for free.
It's worth $12 to respect women unless you're too broke for that.
back from din dins lads
managed to pick up a pork tenderloin fillet for tonights tea
Who is the wrong here? This is a text chain with my manager
Captcha's consistent bullshit is the real virus.
so apparently being infected makes you incapable of telling which board and/or general you're on
testify about what
or just get a husbad
trying to convince my mrs to start an onlyfans but shes not having it, imagine denying yourself free money daft slag i say DAFT SLAG
get poz'd loser
just got here
how and what posts go green?
you can buy bread, english muffins and milk from maccas now
Just say "No thanks" next time
Are in the midst of a schizophrenic episode?
>trying to convince my mrs to start an onlyfans but shes not having it
absolutely based