its over for you green freaks
its only a matter of time
Its over for you green freaks
oh shit
how do I get cured
There’s no cure, just take as many people down with you as you can
it's terminal ^_^
Good thing I have a dynamic IP. IPlets on suicide watch, LMAO.
Am I infected?
Oh thank god
lmao le april fools joke
Not so fast boi
You will be after I'm done with you.
Boy i sure am glad i have a natural immunity
try changing your ip, it won't get rid of the infection. they have new backend system for tracking users. unavoidable bans
In one hour I'm going to the doctor.
Wish me luck, faggots
We all do it one day
how does it spread?
Are you retarded or something? Stay home and don't spread the infection
Wait what the hell's going on? I leave for a day and all this shit is up now.
Still works for me, it just takes a lil bit longer. I've gotten quite a few permabanned IPs lately. (I don't mean that I got banned, but got relocated to a banned IP, inb4 trigger happy gay mod bans me)
Already dealt with that on my phone for years. Just delete cookies after swapping IPs.
Like this
*kisses you*
You'll find out.
>le wojak
Kill yourself
glowniggers btfo
please no I'm too young to die
and a coof to you good sir
Somebody coof on me, i wanna be patient zero in Ukraine
I'm still positive I'm going to turn in one of those super zombies from the movies
Gibs coof ameribro
You're too late
*coof coof*
*sticks raging hard cock in your mouth*
Sorry, but this is the only way
Cure the infected. One hammer per time.
wtf is it real
I just got off a ban evasion appeal while phoneposting the other day because some autistic mod thought I was using a proxy. It's a mobile IP you stupid newfag mod zoomers.
You have to reply to the infected to get infected yourself. Once infected, you need (You)s to grow greener.
I won't coof but you can get it from me in other ways.
Same, must have happened about 3 times already. My appeals rarely work tho.
My area just got off a area-block for abuse, it's funny cause 1400 miles south before I moved in Arizona I also had some faggot in the same IP range who was shitposting and getting IPs banned left and right.
Alot of CP bans which was kind of sketchy.
testing this so called backend system
is this before or after IP reset?
this is after
that settles that
I might be retarded actually
What are you doing exactly?
the disease will set me free?
No, Sven. You will never be free.
what do you mean, pekka?
coof on me nordic men
Do not stay here
Ewwwww, no
*ysk* *ysk*
I feel fine, don't worry about it
uh oh suddenly green
*host host*
glad to be immune then :^)
i think i'm immune...
Somalis and Asians do not transmit the virus
I'm taking you all with me!
How does this work??
Imagine being an infectionlet
I really think it's when you (You) a infected user.
Wan some barbie?