Do white feel guilty about black?
Do white feel guilty about black?
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I don't feel guilty but I do acknowledge oppression is wrong.
No, I’m sorry to what happened to them but in no way I’m responsible of my ancestors’ actions.
Did italians even practice slavery. It was just the brits that practiced it. Not all whites.
I dindu nuffin
We use gas against natives (with Church’s permission kek)
No white feel pride
Well also Spanish, Portugese, and I think French and Dutch too but not positive.
Plus arabs of course, and other blacks.
Yes, in Roman times
The blood in my veins did it, I fully accept it, and it does nothing but make me feel pride and make my dick hard.
>The blood in my veins did it
As a white person of largely Anglo-Saxon descent in the south I don't feel bad about it, but that's because as far back as I can trace my ancestry everyone is poor as shit. A lot of people forget that most people in the South didn't actually own slaves- most property, both land and human, was owned by a small aristocracy.
Every culture has practiced slavery in one way or another. People just ignore if it was within the same race. Parts of europe still had slavery in early 1900s
This board seems safe. It's getting crazy out there! I see people coughing and stuff. Looks like some sort of virus!
My dad's side was unironically plantation owners.
oh, so you're unironically white trash
Does Lithuania really?
No I was born in NYC, my dad used to work on Wall Street, and my parents paid for my college.
you're upper class white trash
I don't understand what qualifies me as white trash but ok.
not that i believe you but you should know 99% of people in nyc don't believe in white trash non-sense like being proud of slavery
you lack self awareness
>white trash
>owning land
You can say owning a plantation with slaves is immoral but you can't deny it's a sign of success
No but like they never returned. So we have complete sand monkeys claiming to not to be immigrants and you can't throw them out because that might be true.
maybe in the past, but things are different today. being proud of slavery is white trash tier
Its the actual truth user. Also don't currently live in NYC but another North East city, but I'd say a good 20% at least of people that live are are at or near Yas Forums levels of racism. Including people of all races in that statistic because I'm all about that diversity.
>but I'd say a good 20% at least of people that live are are at or near Yas Forums levels of racism
so, old white boomers. yeah i'm glad they're dying off, along with their ideology.
That just makes me an asshole not white trash.
user you are white trash to me.
No including zoomers more then anyone else. Hispanic zoomers in particular but white and black zoomers as well. Boomers if anything are the most liberal part of big cities.
you don't even know what white trash means. it means trashy white people who espouse autistic pol-tier racism. youre probably some acne ridden fat ugly fuck in person
>No including zoomers more then anyone else
you have zero statistical evidence for this and only anecdotes but whatever. 20% is still a fucking minority
>White trash: poor white people, especially those living in the southern US.
Go back to your apartment complex illiterate nigger swine.
You're basing your shit on nothing but make believe shit, but literally talk to any hispanic zoomer, they're the most race realist people in the US.
It's alright whites are wagecuckolds enslaved by capitalism, sadly they blame it on jews as a cope instead of of their own 1%
>he looked up the actual definition
lmao, you really do lack self awareness.
the south is known for racism. white trash is synonymous with racist. racism is widespread among lower class whites
The Jews and reptilian boomer wasps are the 1% you retard.
i live in a big city with a large hispanic population, none of them are pol-tier autistic racists or right wing
I'm sensing a lot of insecurities you really are white trash lmao. Gtfo fatass wagecuck white trash.
and you're still getting fucked by them. cope more
Do japanese people feel guilty about koreans and Chinese?
Have you actually talked to them deeply about racial iq's?
you didn't even know what white trash is yet you're throwing it around lol. i didn't grow up in southern white trash territory, pal. i am a well rounded cultured individual
Long at this angsty wealth hating socialist harpie. Survival of the fittest you financial failure, sorry
Yes not disagreeing, but the Jews are absolutely at least part of the problem and deserve a 2nd shoah.
no because i'm not a fucking incel and i don't care about that shit
>deserve a 2nd shoah.
and who's going to do it? a bunch of larping incel faggots? good luck
Ok what Ivy League school did you go to?
I am one of the reptilian wasps you retard, or my dad is at least.
no my ancestors were quasi-slaves themselves i. e. serves who lived in europe were slavery was illegal
Nah I'm part black
why the fuck would I feel guilty for some robbin ass stupid ass no education ass broke ass nike wearing ass negros?
I didnt say its going to happen but morally they deserve it.
No its because you're not an interesting enough or intelligent person that you actually no one deeply enough to have that kind of conversation. Talk to people outside your race a bit more whitoid trash.
>American Hispanics subtly shilling about being racist
>even if whites eventually use it to kick their teeth in
Perfect example, non-white zoomers are very race realist.
>Ok what Ivy League school did you go to?
you sound like you're 13 lmao.
you don't need a fucking ivy league education to be a well rounded cultured individual
i'll never understand why pol-tier racists come to Yas Forums, a board dedicated to international discussion about other cultures. truly the epitome of low iq
They haven't been mixed into the American meat grinder yet so they still have some form of genuine identity.
>No its because you're not an interesting enough
you are a boring ass person if the only thing you're capable of talking about is race
>Talk to people outside your race a bit more whitoid trash.
i do, i don't like talking to most white people because they're boring, uninteresting, or racist white trash like you
i have never treated non whites badly nor did my ancestors i know of
i doubt my more ancient peasant ancestors did anything to them either
i wont talk on behalf of all french people or white people because this would be retarded, but in general white people do think they have to do good to make up for the horrors their ancestors have committed by slavery and colonization
which i think is stupid
Look at this fucking cope lmao. Insecure white trash, what a pitiful creature.
Ok when was the last time you fucked a nigger in the ass if you know them so intimately?
you didn't even know what that term meant and had to look up the definition
i talk to some blacks at my school sometimes
Coof somewhere else, insecurity is ugly m8 just accept who you are.
>never buck breaked a nigger and made him beg you to be his master
You don't know nonwhites at all gtfo.
look at the faces of those people.
they all look fucking disturbing.
lol ok not gonna sit here and try and prove myself to some incel kid. this is your last (You)
have sex
>look at the faces of those people.
>they all look fucking disturbing.
Actually get to know non whites, they don't like whites that demean their own race, frankly they think you're weird. Frankly I think you're weird, especially for pretending you have nonwhite friends when you don't really, and its very clear that you don't.
here's a funny fact.
fiinnish word for slave is orja, it comes from ancient word arya, wich is, as you might quessed aryan. 40% of finnish genotype is aryan blood. we took so many aryan slaves, and mated them they almost are half of the genotype.
like bunch of guys is bronze age, wen to europe from fennoscandia, killed all the blokes who were in town, took women and young children as slaves. and boy, we had lot of slaves to fuck and was loundry with.
White is a vague category, anyone with light skin is accepted as white in america.
If you are castizo you are treated as a white person
Hard to imagine their granddaughters are getting blacked in droves while grandsons commit mass suicide. Karma really does pay off.
you sure do speak on the behalf of non-whites a lot. are you non-whites yourself? if so, fuck off shitskin
Yes we werent nice at all in our island colonies
why shoul I feel sorry about acts of violence commited against blacks a million years ago when blacks don't give a shit or even celebrate acts of violence commited by blacks today?
No and I don't speak for them, this is very clear stuff though.
probably not, speaking from a black perspective
no, it's very clear you're a spic, especially with this comment sorry paco but you are a brown shitskin just like the rest of your kind
Ehh that's pretty iffy. Like if one says that but shit doesn't really change then it doesn't do much.
Im not him
That wasn't my comment lmao, and no not a drop hispanic, I plan on marrying a castiza though.
>when blacks don't give a shit or even celebrate acts of violence commited by blacks today?
As in?
>Hispanic zoomers in particular
hmm...sounds like you described yourself here. you kinda exposed yourself, paco
Believe what you want to believe man but I'm not hispanic.
uh huh. you've already exposed yourself, buddy.
Gang violence is more about ideology and drug market competition than ethnic cleansing.
Good thing places like LovKiz Paris exist, maybe one day you'll understand.
Im a mestizo and the guy being racist is a castizo. Do not lump racist light skin hispanics with brown ones