Reminder than Argentina is rightfully British clay

Reminder than Argentina is rightfully British clay.

Attached: British Argentina1.png (1200x600, 130.3K)

Other urls found in this thread:

we still have the boiling oil, Abdul.

Attached: 1511601351026.jpg (1024x575, 171.52K)

What would Argentina be like if Brits had succeeded in the invasions?

Mexico's arse is mine too.

Attached: British Mexico.png (1200x600, 161.79K)

Probably the wealthiest nation in South America and a top quality cricket team.

We would be the same but with english as one of the offical languages. And the Malvinas would be ours

That flag is ugly desu. Paint the background red or something
>We would be the same
You think so? Why so pessimistic?

wasn't belize a british colony as well? if a colony isn't mostly populated by brits then what gives?

Can you please stop invading countries for one minute?

Attached: vzaXF.jpg (960x684, 102.74K)

God I wish.

What makes you think Brits wouldn't have settled there? Seems like an okay location to do so

>cuck stamp flag

oh no no no

>oh no no no

Attached: British Brazil2.png (1200x600, 49.57K)

It would probably be the same tbqhwyf

>The independent Chad vs The virgin British islands

Delet this abomination right now

Attached: 1545372570520.jpg (750x747, 36.51K)

because the actual british invasions here took place in 1806 and 1808 if i recall correctly. any country that was subjugated by the brits by that time didn't receive as much settlers, and there was a sizeable spanish, mestizo and indio population by that time. US and Canada where colonized much earlier and thus received a lot more attention.

posting in a based thread guys

What about Australia

What about this one?

Attached: British Brazil1.png (1200x600, 56.4K)

We were well and truly colonised by that point

how bout this one? :-)

Attached: argenzil.png (1600x900, 84.02K)

Missed opportunity. We need more yellow ensigns.

Attached: Flag_of_Niue.png (1024x512, 13.28K)

Attached: 1527942789786.png (673x501, 60.64K)

this . also the native australian population was just some shitty aboriginals. Argentina was loyal to the spanish crown and were able to defeat the brits in both occations.

Brazil belongs to Britain.

Something curious I've noticed in Krautchan some time ago, that your typical international/non-DACh poster was generally more educated than the local Germans. It makes sense; while a non-native poster is educated enough to know German as L2+, there was no such barrier for native German speakers, so even the village idiot posted there.

The same holds true for Yas Forums if you swap German with English. When I see most flags, I can think "this guy is probably educated enough to hold a decent conversation". Then there are fucks who didn't actually learn a second language to browse Yas Forums, and... predictably even the village idiot (as the OP) can post its (yup) idiocy here.

Considering I don't really miss posts with the USA flag, I'm considering if I should also filter the ones with the UK flag.

The temptation is strong, ngl.

Attached: UK brekkie.jpg (640x849, 130.84K)

krautchan is working again?

seethe on

No... I've noticed this when it was on. There's Kohlchan now.

have you got any more of these

>seethe on
>Australian flag
You guys are too infrequent here to be worth filtering, but thanks for proving my point.

A few

Attached: British Venezuela.png (1200x600, 28K)

get a life

>pics that would get you executed in venezuela

Nigga you are posting on Yas Forums this late and you tell people to get a life?

Which is your favourite?

Attached: BA.png (1200x3000, 651.27K)

and is my birthday and me mom didn't even sendme a message
the first one

that flag is interesting because the light blue argie flag was created a couple years after the revolution in 1810, and the Sun of May design wasn't created until much later. both things happening way after the british invasions.

i wonder what our flag would be like if we had indeed been colonized by the brits.

Maybe some variation of the Southern Cross

were there ever real british ensign flags with black backgrounds? it looks pretty cool

>and is my birthday and me mom didn't even sendme a message

Post your cellphone number here, annon, we can cheer you up mate


you could have responded with a "happy birthday, user" so I'm not giving you anything it's too late now don't even bother saying it

Not official ones. Not that I am aware of anyway.

oh yeah. pretty boring ngl.

Attached: argentina empire.png (1153x692, 39.79K)

>and is my birthday and me mom didn't even sendme a message
You mean 01/04? Happy birthday, argiebro!

It's also my ex gf birthday. I'm preparing myself for a miserable day of drinking alone and crying remembering all the good times we had. :)

feliz cumple user.

Feliz aniversário.

Attached: 1470030817793.jpg (570x487, 86.68K)

yea the ones from the pirates lol

feliz aniversário, companheiro, I was kidding

brits wouldn't have been able to hold the city

Attached: Happy-birthday-wishes-HD-wallpaper-2-680x425.jpg (680x425, 39.08K)

( ´ ▽ ` )


Cheeeee, feliz cumpleaños, boludo!

don't you ever fucking post this again

It would have ended like Canada split between a spanish speaking Cuyo, North West and Cordoba, a englsh speaking Patagonia and Buenos Aires.

is this the kind of schizophrenics media outlets warn me about?

i like to think english argentina would've gobbled up chile, uruguay, southern brazil and paraguay like a good anglo boy with expansionist tendencies