Your cunt

>Your cunt
>Worst sounding language?

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English from northern england

fuck that "oi mate i'm gonna fix yer mug fookin talk bout me nan again mate" shit

shit taste

>Europeans trying to speak in Ebonics

Attached: 4A962056-E17B-4CE3-9867-6BEBDB307F07.gif (320x352, 3.85M)

People from Maine. Fucking weirdos.

I can’t stand that shit either sounds fucking awful
‘’Oi I luv tha briteesh an ate tha french’’

Faen ta deg, norsk er et vakker språk!

Attached: norsk kjæreste er sint.png (600x600, 98.12K)

>worse sounding languages:
Indian, Chinese yes boring take I know

mate i think ye mean the bri'esh, fuck T we don't use that fooken le'ah hear

Russian. it creeps me out.

You know I used to think like you, until I became based

Why are you talking like a Londoner then?

its weird just thinking yuros call each other niggas. Or even third world countries.

for me, it's gotta be appalachian tennessee

You mean it sounds scary or just awful?

Everything about these people is fucking hideous.


>ching shong bung bong shao

yes its mucho cringe, based twitter post

but norf fc jus won 10-0 fookin 'appy days

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Better than
>Oui i ate zee breeteesh and lov ze frnch

Chinese is more based than Russian

You misread, it said worst

i think he was saying that a norwegian tried to call him (on the phone), there would normally be a comma in between "me" and "bruh," not that a norwegian called addressed him as bruh
let's eat grandma

reddit-tier banter

mandarin is like a fucking needle in your ear


And where do you think you are?

it's unsettling, if that makes sense. it doesn't sound like words to me, just noises.

cope more, zhang, chinese is absolute shit-tier

tonal languages are so disgusting

I like the writing system / penmanship of all Arabian languages but hate their phonology.
Why can't there be a nice Arabian language with beautiful abjads AND pleasant vocalizations?

Attached: pretty on paper, puke when spoken.jpg (633x900, 131.96K)


i just don't like the softness and the constant z and zh sounds, kind of gets on my nerves

i remember hearing cherokee once and was taken aback by how bad it sounded. it sounds like chinese and german mixed together.

i get what you mean it sounds like an emotionless serial killer language

Nah this is still cringe but it sounds better then the fucking grating sounds they make when speaking

Do you count our "je" as a zh sound?

I mean...

Attached: Chikatilo.png (435x435, 392.92K)

Holy shit true I didn’t think of that one but never met any

>Nah this is still cringe
Nah it's pretty based, you just aren't used to mandarin
English sounds fucking retarded to those hearing it for the first time too

Spanish and also Ching-chong

Do black Canadians just sound like white Canadians?

They sound so awful with thay dead 'a' sound they make. Insert it everywhere like its the only vowel they know.


French, too gay

>zhing zhang chong bong
speak english, narrow-eyed subhuman

I hate the ‘’th’’ sounds it’s so weird. It doesn’t exist in French so it’s really unnatural for us to say. It’s funny in France they will go ‘’ze’’ but if you’re French Canadian they will go ‘’dah.’’ ‘’Ze zing over zhere’’ and ‘’Daht ding over dhere’’ idk it’s sorta interesting

continue to seethe ivan

Post an example sentence.

continue to seethe, zhang

For the most part I’d say they’re pretty normal sounding. Maybe in larger cities they are more like that but most of the blacks here aren’t ‘’ya muhfuggin bix mood’’ we don’t really have that many blacks here but I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re some like that

Danish... so basically Norwegian

yeah thats what i mean


Sorry denmark but your language sounds like someone vomiting.


yeah i can see how it sounds weird, not used too much in english so it doesn't get annoying

aren't there a lot of jamaicans

Ah sah thar ya gawt ah parrah plahars thar. Haws abawt ya lawt ma barrah tham

Both Dutch and Danish are abhorrent. Imagine having to hear either every day.

I never knew Don Knotts was from Maine.

I love that sound I wish I knew how to produce to sound more French.

Maybe no idea really if there are they probably stay in Ontario but I’ve never been there


nobody says mug up north

Idk can enjoy it you want but it’s cringe sounding literally sounds like a non language imo

>sounds like a non language

Ebonics is just absolute trash tier and it should be banned
Also Thai and Vietnamese sound like chicken

vietnamese makes me feel ill

It doesn’t even sound like a language just a collection of random sounds. Sounds too foreign to the language I speak
Viet sounds like screetching cats

>Europeans calling each other nigga
>Europeans using American slang
>Europeans trying to speak ebonics
>Europeans trying to rap
>Europeans throwing up gang signs for Instagram

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French sound like snooty faggots. English working class accents in general are alpha, friendly and aggressive at the same time. Cockney shits all over any french accent