Which Latin American countries are the most Americanized? Which are the least?

Which Latin American countries are the most Americanized? Which are the least?

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1. Puerto Rico
2. Panama
3. Meksico

1. Bolivia
2. Peru
3. Paraguay

Puerto Rico
Is this even a question?

not a cunt so I would say the prize goes to MEXICO

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_Mexico.svg.png (1200x686, 93.24K)

Mexico, Panama, Costa Rica, Colombia, DR, Puerto Rico, Salvador

Least: The farthest ones geographically speaking

Chile. they're knockoff gringos.
>lmao la fuente de sodas
>lmao le Adam Sandler tier comedy movies
>lmao le shitty gringoesque cartoons

you are aware that that exists everywhere outside of shitty mercosur, right?

Why people say Panama? What's it like there?

Honestly Panama in general feels like freaking Florida, except it's not a flat swamp lol.

Panama gained independence from Colombia because of US intervention and the US kept some sort of military presence on Panama + there is the Canal

By Florida you mean Miami?

Southern Cone is more Unitedstatesianised than Colombia, much more people consume Unitedstasian cultural products there, and their Spanish is full of Anglicisms. Colombia is less urban and has more of a national "culture".

Why are you like this?

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I assume so. Northern floriada is much different from southern Florida

You went there? Chile is an exception. Uruguay and Argentina are more europeanized as opposed to americanized. And you are insane if you think their jargon uses more anglicisms than what you'd hear here

south and central fl. i've never been to anyhting norh jacksonville in fl

>And you are insane if you think their jargon uses more anglicisms than what you'd hear here

all the way, calling centros comerciales, "malls", saying "delivery" instead of "domicilio", expressions like "a full", words like "tupper", etc etc. Even Fontanarrosa wrote about that: documenta-akermariano.blogspot.com/2009/11/anglicismos-e-identidad.html

"Europeanized" on which sense? Unitedstasian rock and pop bands are tremendously popular there, much more than in here.

parqueadero, full is a word used in everyday speech in colombia "esta full rico", papitas chips, parqueadero, "tengo break de 1 a 2", reglame un sticker del cuaderno", bomper del carro, the word carro itself, broder, guardé mis cuadernos en el locker, mi novia fue a hacerse el manicure, masmelo, ponqué. Shit there are tons to put them in here.

Just geographically you re btfoed.

In The southern cone + brazil, except chile, they prefer sedans and smaller cars, like europeans. People here buy SUVS and 4x4 Pick-ups like in America, along with small cars too



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"parquear", "aparcar", all of these words have the same root. Parque, a word of French origin.

Nobody says break and "full rico". Nobody says "broder", this is not Puerto Rico or whatever, or maybe you Costeño comeburras do. "Carro" is from Latin, dumbass. "Ponqué" sounds French too. Haven't heard "locker" often.

>Just geographically you re btfoed.

we are in the XXI century, there are plains, internet...

>In The southern cone + brazil, except chile, they prefer sedans and smaller cars, like europeans. People here buy SUVS and 4x4 Pick-ups like in America, along with small cars too

sure; motor.com.co/fotos/top-10-carros-vendidos-colombia/27469

most of these cars are Renault (French) or Japanese.

ok, ponqué is from "pound cake", Chileans say "queque". Argentinians probably use some English word for it too, as it's usual in them .

What words are these supposed to be?


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Attached: AMÉRICA NORAM CENTRAM SUDAM · E E U U A.png (2500x1545, 356.47K)

That guy is SO butthurt lol

>Nobody says break
>Haven't heard "locker" often.

This just goes on to show that you haven't worked a single day in your life. This is every day colombian wagie speech. Tengo break de 1 a 2 y deje mis cosas en el locker. Hoy me voy en scooter al trabajo (especially millenials and zoomers). Do you live in the middle of bumfuck nowhere or something?

Ponque= pound cake

Full is used as a filler all the time in the coast, and even in some place inland. Bro and brother are used all the time as well, you don't socialize much it seems. Mi girla (mi novia). Fuck, you never leave your basement?

In the southern cone malls aren't a thing (except chile). here you will see american style big ass malls and even strip malls anywhere you go, these are rare in uruguay and Argentina


that doesn't refute anything of what I said. In Brazil or the southern cone (except chile, which is more americanized in this aspect) you won't see as many Suv's and 4x4 as you see here. They all import small fiats and volkswagen from italy, chevy and renault and drive sedans following european trends.

Try travelling sometime, once the pandemic wears off

Is Puerto Rico really that Americanized? Every Boricua I've met online was pretty hardcore about their identity. Puerto Rico is also a cultural powerhouse of Latin American culture.

pound cake
we use those all the time too

System-wise, Chile is as much a neoliberal hellhole as the United States are.

When you talk with a boricua 1 in every 5 words will be in english

>Every Boricua I've met online was pretty hardcore about their identity
That doesn't really contradict being Americanized ironically. After all, what could be more American than being autistic about race or ethnicity

never heard "bacon". Always "tocino" or something similar.

>Do you live in the middle of bumfuck nowhere or something?

no, I live near Bogotá, Costeño donkeyfugger, actually working in Palmira, Valle. Sorry if we don't speak like you do.

>broder, Mi girla (mi novia).
what is wrong with you Caribbean nigros? Disgusting. This is not Puerto Rico.

>In the southern cone malls aren't a thing (except chile). here you will see american style big ass malls and even strip malls anywhere you go, these are rare in uruguay and Argentina

but that's the word they use, "mall". Also, "shopping".

>In Brazil or the southern cone (except chile, which is more americanized in this aspect) you won't see as many Suv's and 4x4 as you see here

it's so easy to refute whatever you say: lmc-auto.com/news-and-insights/suv-sales-in-latin-america/

>Try travelling sometime, once the pandemic wears off

that's what I say, try to get off the pussy of the burra and travel more, your region is completely different from most of the country, for a start.

another one: techsciresearch.com/report/south-america-suv-market/3361.html

I've only talked to them in English because eu não hablo Españolinho.

>After all, what could be more American than being autistic about race or ethnicity
But they're not. Afaik they just have a Boriqua identity that's basically Taino-Iberian-West African and have been like that for centuries. They're not autistic about race like westerners are.

>System-wise, Chile is as much a neoliberal hellhole as the United States are.

Mexico, they like baseball and football (not soccer).

>he doesn't realize Yas Forums is a leftist board

hola ibero-fren

Not gonna talk with pueblerinos

btw the largest mall in South America is located in Santiago CL.

Centro Mayor

" Siendo el centro comercial más grande de América del Sur, el Centro Mayor cubre un área total de 280,000 metros cuadrados. El centro comercial se encuentra en Bogotá, Colombia y se abrió oficialmente al público en marzo 26, 2010. El centro comercial alberga las tiendas 430, que ofrecen diferentes productos y servicios."

Centro Comercial Santafe

"El segundo centro comercial más grande de Suramerica es el Centro Comercial Santafe. Este centro comercial está ubicado en un cuadrado 250,000 en Bogotá, Colombia. Fue abierto en mayo 13, 2006. Este centro comercial tiene un total de tiendas 485 que incluyen restaurantes 26 con capacidad para albergar hasta 1,500 personas, cines 10 y puestos de estacionamiento 3,200"


We don't

you forgot about Chile amigo, they suck burger dick like no other

t. el gomelito americanizado
nadie habla asi maricon, tu no eres el promedio, nadie usa habitual la palabra "break"
>Mi girla
kek, que putas con este pendejo?
> Bro and brother
su problema es que USTED particularmente USTED usa esas expresiones y dice ser el promedio, pero no pasa nada, gustas de usar palabras anglos y su cultura no pasa nada, apuesto a que tambien dices "wey" "puto" o otras palabras de los chilangos, verdad?

>wey, puto
no no uso esa mierda pero los normies con los que trabajo si lo hacen ocasionalmente, me provoca meterles una bofetada. Las mujeres dicen wey a toda puta hora tambien
lo dice todo el puto mundo en el argot laboral de este pais.

Dios son todos los congos que postean aca autistas que no socializan?

Why is Canada purple here?

con tantas veces que he estado en la calle, con tantas conversaciones ajenas que he escuchado, mis epocas de colegio, nunca he escuchado que sea habitual por tomar un DESCANSO usar la palabra "break", de hecho en tiempo de universidad a esos DESCANSOS usaban terminos mas coloquiales como HUECO, supongo que ha de ser particular a su alrededor,

Y bueno puede ser, Solo se que en varias ciudades donde he estado es asi, incluyendo la mia

Puta con los colombos. Acá no decimos mall, no, decimos shopping, que es mucho más caté.
Y decimos domicilio, no delivery.

Assuming that it is something particular of his environment based on the fact that it isnt particular of yours is... absurdingly ridiculous, and feed the bad image that colombians currently have in the board.


Argentina and the rest of the cone is probably more americanized than some of the countries they are talking about, they just don't realize what they have in common with europe is mostly americanized culture that took hold in europe
western = american for several decades now

only countries with a more traditional-western or indigenous culture can really be said to be less americanized. more ""european"" is not really less americanized, in my opinion.

Brazil is not latinx

Based american telling the truth.

you wished euroboi. You have nothing from the african american culture

I only noticed the cultural difference in South Florida

What is Brazil then? Arab?

>Chile. they're knockoff gringos.
>>lmao la fuente de sodas
That's how YOU call them. We don't even say "soda", which is not an english word
>>lmao le Adam Sandler tier comedy movies
>>lmao le shitty gringoesque cartoons

We're not in mercosur. Mercosur isn't the south american union

Puerto rico is ts own thing. No one tried to interfere with their culture there. If we did they wouldn't have the Hispanic accent

what is that font called?



kys bald manlet

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I know, read the post again. My point is that that exists everywhere outside of mercousr, not only in Chile as that user implied. My point still stands Argentina is much more Euro influenced than the rest, which is opposite to being Americanized

Based. FUCK the rae