political compass thread
Political compass thread
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Wrong board.
political compass is ass
9axes is better
Too tired to make it but it's around the bottom left corner.
why is Yas Forums so full of libtards?
Don’t even know what it means to be honest, am I the perfect centre lefty?
Here's my political beliefs right here
Expected to be top right
They’ve been migrating to the whole site for a while now. Yas Forums is basically an r/chapotraphouse colony.
you're like, where young castro would have fallen.
centrist scum
Full version or short version
short version if you dont care enough
long version if you care enough, takes like 10 minutes
I consider myself a right-winger
There's nothing wrong with centrism, it's just another political position and is not akin to fencesitting.
But you're obviously not so why are you lying to yourself?
I might be too based for this board
well you are finish
>I might be too cringe for this board
What does this mean?
libtards owned
don't know why but i always get authoritarian left, when i always answer pro-religious and anti-LGBT.
The lower you are, the more you like our current jewish cultural epoch, and the more left you are, the more you are a commie
I wasn't expecting that.
That's because the political compass x-axis is based on economic ideology. Both pro-religious and anti-LGBT are social beliefs that are represented by the y-axis. You must be in support of gibs to land yourself as a leftist.
imposto é roubo
Becauase left/right in this test only concerned with economical issues, not social. You could be the most religious person and hate lgbt people and jews and still be extreme left
why r u so based
That one's questions count towards different points that aren't as informative.
This one's much better.
Exact same thing happened for me.
Too many axies, try again
I like libertarians and free market
Socially right? Economically? Just wondering what criteria landed you there.
Ludwig von Mises seems very based
>Mises wrote and lectured extensively on behalf of classical liberalism.[24] In his magnum opus Human Action, Mises adopted praxeology as a general conceptual foundation of the social sciences and set forth his methodological approach to economics.
>Mises was for economic non-interventionism[25] and was an anti-imperialist.[26] He referred to the Great War as such a watershed event in human history and wrote that "war has become more fearful and destructive than ever before because it is now waged with all the means of the highly developed technique that the free economy has created. Bourgeois civilization has built railroads and electric power plants, has invented explosives and airplanes, in order to create wealth. Imperialism has placed the tools of peace in the service of destruction. With modern means it would be easy to wipe out humanity at one blow."[27]
deciding not to engage in politics is still politics lol
This more accurate one may be for you, it takes things like that into account.
I'm not taking the test again. I always end up somewhere in the middle of the purple block.
cringe. kys
I’m pretty sure it’s just very pro left-wing biased
There weren’t many question about economy and “right wing ideology” except dumb one like “inflation or unemployment”
Or it was full of corporation are good
Which is stupid as well even for Yas Forums we all can agree corporation should be controlled.
In the end if you just think that poor people are human you would get “socialist” in the results which make no sense
seething statistoid
Merkel LoL
That image is more stupid than the site itself.
Imagine thinking that center-right is the same thing as “Muslim rapist welcome”
almost based
>if you just think that poor people are human you would get “socialist”
Care to give an actual example as opposed to a vague generalisation that makes it impossible to pinpoint the actual issue?
Berniebros should be gassed
LoL we have a great libertard here
Here. I'm this poster