What is your honest, non-meme opinion of Mexican diaspora in America?

What is your honest, non-meme opinion of Mexican diaspora in America?
Why do you hate 'em?
Why do you like 'em?

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I don't care

I hate the ones that ghost me on Grindr. I live the ones that hookup with me.

I don't care

Don't know how they are irl but they make terrible posters on this board

I like when they post in perfect Spanish

They are ugly like 85% of the time. Just unfortunate looking people. But their food is good and (the first generation) always works hard. Their kids either integrate well or try to emulate niggers.

What I like:
>taco trucks

What i dont like:
>every single mexican here is either directly an illegal immigrant or his dad/grandpa is one. I have no idea how so many millions of people just cant understand why americans dislike them aimlessly crossing the border then having an anchor baby

from what i've seen and heard, you are obese, speak foreign language, play loud music in the night and have high crime rates. not exactly the neighbors you want

>caring about the opinion of the eurocucks who post here
Chupame la verga chinito
Todo eso es verdad y estoy orgulloso de eso

I'm not really so concerned about others perceptions I am just genuinely curious about what people think outside of the memes on here.
Also, you are the reason why there is such a negative view on Mexican-Americans.

>I'm not really so concerned about others perceptions I am just genuinely curious about what people think outside of the memes on here.

People will not give you a genuine opinion here. Stop wasting your time with them.

>Also, you are the reason why there is such a negative view on Mexican-Americans.

They will dislike us no matter what because they need someone to hate to forget about their problems and hating on blacks is politically incorrect
Stop caring about the opinion of retards on an imageboard

i no hablas mexicaño

shit, not only CHI's are shit, any hispanic in the US no matter if it is Cuban, Slavadoran, Honduran, Puerto Rican, Colombian, Venezuelan, etc are cancer

>i no hablas mexicaño
Me vale madre hijo de puta

>That's the truth and I'm proud of that fact.
I'm not him btw.

Estos son mis corridos favoritos. Que opinas?


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>Don't know how they are irl but they make terrible posters on this board

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t. olmec cucks

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Olmec phenotype doesn't exist, you're making castles in the air

t. olmec
a mi no me hables pinche prieto


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>not an argument
Ok simio

>What is your honest, non-meme opinion of Mexican diaspora in America?
>Why do you hate 'em?
>Why do you like 'em?
Don't care about them, don't want to fraternalize with them nor be around them.

They are ugly and don't have souls. It's something about their mongoloid genes. They look like there is no self-reflection going on inside their head. They have dead eyes.
They aren't as dumb as niggers here but at least niggers have something like a soul.
It seems like they don't experience genuine human emotion. Where we would experience anger they, experience irritation. Where we would experience, love they experience either lust or an obligation.
They are also always fat and I've never seen a chi woman over 18 who wasn't shaped like a potato.

How about Colombian/South American Diaspora? Most people don't know I'm latino until the Summer, see my name, or hear me speak spanish. Although my dad is actually illegal, we integrated pretty well and took the language, music, and good food with us.

>This autistic subhuman again.

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Absolutely disgusting.jpg

You have to go back.

>Absolutely disgusting.jpg

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Why is everyone on grindr so gross

What do you want?

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Why? why don't you go back?

It does not matter if he goes back or not. You already lost this country conservacuck

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1st I don't care.
2nd I don't care if it's actual immigrants. It's the native-born that don't even speak spanish and are "lost" about their identity who I really have no time for.

>You have to go back.

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Take it from me, be very concerned about those somalia ones

Have you even played a Sonic game? Or are you just following dumb Yas Forums culture?

Why are ignorant eurocucks who do not know what they are talking about answering ops question?

I don't like them and wish they didn't exist and/or disappeared for good

I’m Mexican and I graduated with a degree in aerospace engineering a little less than a year ago. I work for Boeing now. We’re not stupid.

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That’s because you’re a faggot so desperate for Americans and Europeans to like you that you agree with them when they clown on CHIs. You’re a fucking cuck, basically.

Ah shit, A fellow triton.
I wish I did engineering

too light to be mexican

Actually had a crazy fucking roommate (some slav from eastern urope that was always high as fuck majority of times) that we couldnt get rid off due to state laws. Our neighbor was a short Mexican guy that pretty much invited a shitload of people for his constant parties until fairly late at night. Our roomated on a drug trip try to assault our neighbors pregnant wife and our neighbor gave him the beatdown of a lifetime. The guy had our roomate running down the street all bloody up screaming he was about to get murder.

Cops picked up our roommate and threw his ass in jail. This allowed us to get rid of him, and after that I bought him a pack of beer for the neighbor and thanked him. Ended up sharing it with us and got invited to their parties.

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But most people on Yas Forums are of the opinion that they like us and don't like you which isn't surprising since we are extremely different

why are the mexican-americans I meet in real life otherwise normal people but the mexican-americans here are all unhinged autists?

Costa Ricans are physiologically incapable of learning more than one language, their brain can barely pick up Spanish. Where are you actually from?
What’d you study bossman?

Nearly everyone on this site is an unhinged autist.

>I work for Boeing now. We’re not stupid.

That would have been a great and true statement at any time before 2019.

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Lmfao don’t look at me, I work on propulsion systems

Biochem/chem, doing a biophysics PhD out of state now. Pretty interesting so I can't say I'm too regretful

My favorite video game franchises are sonic and need for speed. I like to go fast and I have a need for speed.


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My brother studied biochem at SDSU, cool shit bro.

Good food
I have no other interactions with them

Hating or liking people you never meet is dumb af.

Most people on Yas Forums do not like you, retard

It can be pretty cool, but too much memorization at points. Good luck on your career

Im neet just waiting to inherit the money from el tios mafia. Im not dumb I know working is a waste of time

Thanks man, you too.

Do not argue with the olmec cuck

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We act like retards on purpose to trigger the eurocucks who hate on us

they are poop

t. half olmec half n1gger tranny who was bullied by chicanos

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You will never pass due to your n1gger genetics. KYS

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