
cuckfield edition

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dogshit yank edition

haha britain has really stupid names

why do yanks do it lads

took my wife there once on holiday

scale of the situation just hitting me

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made 2 loaves of the ol' sourdough

/brit/ is a uni lad general, NEETs and wagies fuck off

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god, if you guys knew what my town's called, you'd never stop talking about it


/brit/ is a toilsman and neet general, unitoddlers fuck off

It certainly is not you silly schoolboy


met an aussie from the town of wagawonga

the holodomor didn't happen, but it should have

every single american is going to hell for what we did to the native americans

is it Wollongong?

Why? Ukrops dindu nuffin.

just acknowledge it's their land and that it isn't your home but Europe (or wherever else) is instead

no, it's a maori name, not an abo name

does america have a place called poosville?

every native is already there the godless animals

/brit/ used to be a uni lad general back in the original years
all the great stories and blogposts about spergin out were fantastic
they were outcasts, weirdos, autismos etc, here because it's the only place they fit in
the new generation of uni 'lad' is a mixture of wogs, edgy hipsters who think Yas Forums is cool and legitimate zoomer freak children and none of them can ever stop posting about drugs or politics

t. resident of Dobson

Tips for staying off the pron?

anyone else know that feel when you proper fucking hate yanks really bad

unironically have sex

they're in purgatory as they had likely not been given the Word before we slaughtered them.

you did battered a load of native Americans yourself personally did you?
when was this? back in your meth days or summat?
don't be daft

no I actually really like them

outstanding post

What are the oral languages of the Future?

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Eventually you outgrow hipster nazism and it becomes legitimate and unironic.

omegle for me

crave sex yet also believe sex outside of marriage is immoral, what do i do?

oh shit sorry mate didn't see the flag properly
on my phone

pig latin

my ancestors are old stock americans and with 100% certainty slaughtered natives

wank yourself silly

most of them died of disease though, that's just tough shit

and they were no angels. if you can't fight for land you don't deserve it. they had 10,000 years on that continent and achieved what exactly?

Arabic-Mandarin mutt language

there's a place called mianus
pronounced "my anus"
it was on jackass

SSRIs will kill any desire to masturbate.

>Matt Bomer has three adopted boys with his husband

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dangerously based post

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used to live close to Cumming, Georgia. nice place actually

all of them are going to be viciously raped

the biggest scam in history is this idea that the US "won" the "space race".
the USSR launched the first satellite, put the first mammals in space, put the first man in space and then did the first space walk. they dominated the field. then the US lands a man on the moon and pretends the whole thing was a race to the moon and that they won this race.

>my ancestors
some black fella dies shooting up a load of white people so we should punish his kid?
collective guilt is utter bullshit

Used to live in Mianus, CT

not really true, just nuke it to only being horny once or twice a day.
t. been on SSRIs since I was 8

look healthy and happy

I always thought he was so fucking FIT and now I find out he's gay
Normally I just get sad about fit guys when I can't have them because they're straight but I can't have him because I'm an ugly useless NEET freak
Life is suffering, is this what straight people feel when they see hot women

the USSR was funded by the USA.

*yawns right in your face*
Oops sorry bout that lad haha
*goes off to talk with someone else*

stop replying to me you repulsive yank beast

personally found they didn't kill the urge to wank, purely made it very difficult to finish (citalopram and sertraline). reckon the rabbit hole they'd lead me down is the reason that I struggle to cum in sex even 4 years after being off them.

I actually live just outside there. It’s pronounced cook-field

You can have whatever you want if you try hard enough

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retard. it only makes it harder to cum. it doesn't affect sex drive

United States of America be kidding me

get married

why are all poofs nonces?

fucks wrong with Wollongong?
South coast boys are coming for you mate 2500 brotha

10000 dead by next week
on course for being worse hit than Italy

yeah but nah

one might call it the United States Receipts (Selected)

aha oh no he's gone back to the original posting
have you in the palm of my hand

I’m just going to make an off the cuff prediction and say that our lockdown will probably be extended for 3 weeks exactly.

Screencap this and if I’m wrong either way you can call me a faggot.

So many thirsty whores. The first weekend after lockdown ends is going to be crazy

no its pronounced cuckfield as in tyrone cucked me with his big old stinky nigger dong

don't even have a female friend mate not really possible at this point in time


what on earth is that accent

3 weeks from when though?

the slippery slope of sexuality
if you want to fuck anything but a woman, you will fuck ANYTHING but a woman


i remember my doctor prescribing me fluoxetine and warning me about the sexual effects like i wasn't blatantly a 17 year old virgin

From the end of this current 3 week period.

shut the fuck up you yank cretin you're worth less than the shit on the bottom of my shoe

looking forward to the 1 million cases get

I lived 6 months in aus and aussies say faggot more than any american I know

the 7th?

does both for me

can hear downstairs neighbour woman cooking
chopping veg
very light quick dainty chopping noises
not like me with my big blunt fucking kitchen knife
sounds like gunshots when I do it

spoiled american slut accent

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The 13th. That’s the date when the gov will review the measures.

oh lads imagine being the millionth case
if it's you and you get in the paper you have to have a laugh with it


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noo not the heckin blue lagoonerino

lmao getting this mad this early
sort your life out freak