Both side have won an ally in the baltics. This looks like a Risk game

Both side have won an ally in the baltics. This looks like a Risk game.

Attached: Coronabonds status.png (4592x3196, 776.95K)

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why don't the green countries just do it? is there something that we should know?

We're civilized unlike Northerners, so if people in the Union don't want something we negotiate instead of saying "Wir schaffen das" and get our neighbors mad.

Estonia is just copying whatever Finland does.


Also funny statement for a lad that looks Southern European more than he looks Northern European.

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same with us and bulgaria

So who is leading who there?

Massa Germany.

this nigga is 2 meters tall

Attached: gre.jpg (1080x1920, 233.29K)


We have to invade germany before they destroy Europe again

Attached: gre2.jpg (1200x1600, 270.7K)

Not gonna lie he's evil but he makes my peepee hard

Belgium should be French

there's literally nothing stopping you from creating a corona bond with the other green nations

I mean with Romania and Bulgaria

Massa Germania


The whole Low Countries should be French.

>mfw it's literally the HRE vs France once again
Nothing has really changed

Attached: kuruminha_render__1_by_matbox99-d7ogt80.png (1024x702, 291.32K)

But out of Romania and Bulgaria, who is the senior partner?

Angela Merkel.

We'd probably support the bonds if France conceded their UNSC spot but for that to happen we'd need the EU army.

We'd deffo have the ultimate RED CHAD

Pretty confident that Slovakia will go red and Lithuania will go green

please come back
remember when we would always vote together

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I miss u guys already saxon coast bro. Feels bad knowing we left the smaller euros to the wims of France vs Germany

The Dutch and the Finns are the sneakiest motherfuckers. They are the actually are the most obstructionist and radical motherfuckers and when Germany decides to go along with their concern it's us who gets all the blame while they get to hide from it.

You weren’t in the eurozone so you wouldn’t have sided with either group

except this is not an election, we want to find a compromise that has everyone on board

This time the Italian press was pretty conscious of the fact that Germany just wanted to buy more time, while the Netherlands was the actual obstructionist.

Based dutch. I knew thats why we had the closest militray intergation with them out of any Euros
I'm sure we would nosy in because we're cheeky cunts

you really fucked up with Brexit, you were much more harmful to the EU when you were in it

brexit is the start of the eu's collapse
by 2050 it will all be eastern and southern european countries, dominated by russia and turkey

Very true but between this and the budget it's not like were really needed
Still its nice to back the dutch chads

Based, they are without an army too

wishful thinking, the EU before the coronavirus was considerably stronger than pre-Brexit
if it rectifies this shitshow (it will) it'll be another step towards a tighter union

well, then off you two go.

Those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat its mistakes.

Fuck coronabonds and fuck the EU.

the tighter this union becomes the quickly countries like netherlands, denmark, sweden etc. will leave. the opinion of the eu only increased after brexit due to the media scaremongering that british people were literally gonna starve to death once they left the eu. and now they've screwed up again with the coronavirus.
we need another russian invasion to keep this circus together

kjäh kjäh kjäh

The Netherlands is having to play the role of the tight arsed stingy cunt because prior to Brexit, they would just hide in Britain's shadow and vote with them.

>listen to my worthless new worlder opinion on europe
every time

at least the amis have actual novel opinions rather than being brit bootlickers like aussies

imagine not even realizing the UK wasn't even in the eurozone

This isn't just related to the eurozone dumb fucking kraut. This us regarding the central premisis of EU centralisation and integration.

I'm pretty sure this is on the table, as well as shared nuclear capabilites (at least one component like airplanes)
But that kind of tokens are to be traded for something bigger like EZ budget and finance minister
EU army would Def be part of that.
Coronabonds are a way to twist Germany and Dutch into starting some instruments to prepare further financial integration.
The EZ cannot live on the ECB bazooka forever, it needs to correct some of its flaws or disappear. Some kind of fiscal transfers or solidarity is inevitable

backpedal harder bruce

Why are the southern (and sometimes eastern) European countries such bullies? All the news I read lately, and before, about the Netherlands in the EU is us getting called heartless nazi bastards at for not wanting to give them our money. Any sort of attempt to form a front in parlament as well gets called out on, we're always "ïn the way" of the EU it seems. Why don't these countries come with good proposals and don't spend their own money on women and wine.

Average interest rate of like 15% incoming

please some nuke the Netherlands, its just an useless tax heaven

Yup, they are one of the few liberals, Ireland would too but they are too small and too deep in intricate politics so they get bullied by the commission and France
To be fair Germany has used Netherland to hide it's hawkery recently, letting them be the bad cop and being total arseholes in the Eurogroup. But most of the conservative are behind a tightening of the EU budget and abandoning any other ambition than the single market

>I was only pretending
Way to out yourself as a retard

cope on faggot, you tried to meme about "NL just hides behind UK" like the little cuckstamped vassal state you are without realizing the UK wouldn't even have had a say in this

Die you fucking leech

pay your own debts latinos

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Shut up and take the blame, We`re busy here trying to block southern Europe.

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It does, they would vote together on almost everything as said. Even before the virus, the Netherlands led the charge against expanding the EU budget to make up for the lack of money coming from the UK. You clearly have no idea what you're talking about, which is embarassing.


We should get Japan to join us

I dont get this tax haven meme, is your media spoon feeding you this?
It has been mostly solved already, with the 2021 tax reform plan as the final nail in the coffin for using our patent laws and low taxes regarding patents as a tax dodge scheme
I get the impression that the propaganda machines in the southron countries are meming with old news/dated facts regarding our tax structure

To be fair there is the sentiment at the EU level that Netherlands are only interested in Europe when it benefits them. Kinda like Britain.
NL hasn't been really cooperative and has made its tax laws so many international companies can evade tax in Europe regardless of where their operations are, but when the countries that have lost these tax income are in difficulty you are the first to claim moral high ground and mock them for their fiscal irresponsibility.

Also as soon as the Amsterdam flower exchange was hit with covid you asked the EU and other country for relief funds and you asked Belgium to welcom covid19 patients because you don't have enough hospital beds (probably because of stern cuts to public services ...)
This kid of things come off as hypocrite and not really a teamplayer

Meanwhile France has bore the heaviest part of the Brit rebate to keep them in the EU for example

'ate meds but you're definitely tax dodging swampjews

proof thats not dated?

Based Mongolians being up to something


>Red: USA, France, Japan, UK
>Green: Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Nigeria, Congo, Estonia

It's fun how the further from the center the more backwater

Us asking belgium is completely new to me, as is the flower exchange. Source? Some patients were taken in by germany, but we still have hospitsl capacity (not always local) for a while i think.

maybe you're changing policies (if you could provide english articles to support your claim i'd have no problem changing my mind) but you've been helping corporations avoid EU tax for decades, it may be outdated but it's definitely not a meme

Saying that you'll stop doing that in 2021 doesn't really erase the fact that you have been at the center of EU tax evasion with Luxemburg and Ireland for decades.
It's this kind of bad faith arguement that makes other mad at you.
Own your past mistakes and just say sorry and try to help to make ammend instead of showing up to the Eurogroup with an apple and a book

Already solved completely with the 2021 plan

The fuck is a "Coronabonds"?

i'll believe it when i see it and it's fully enacted in law

Why southern Europe so shamelessly eager to get the north's money? At least the East shows some restraint, while also developing themselves; soon enough they'll be voting against the south too.

new excuse meds are angling to use as an excuse for nords to pay their debt

And we have been following EU fiscal rules since 2008 now. Our debt was mostly made in the 80s
If the past is the past then we are all set

the East isn't being affected by Corona retard.

Here's one

And the other

I understand it's anecdotic but it's two very recent example of an endless tale here.
I'm not surprised that it's not toured in your local media's. Exactly as a lot of budgetary and infrastructure problems are hidden in southern medias.

That’s not certain. Governing coalition is divided on it.

>And we have been following EU fiscal rules since 2008 now. Our debt was mostly made in the 80s

lolno. Italy's debt to gdp has been >60% since 1990. More damningly, it's only *increased* over the 30 year period:

No progress whatsoever in three decades and you want others to give you more money?