I wish we had been colonized by England instead of Spain
I wish we had been colonized by England instead of Spain
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They didn't want you
You wouldn't even exist.
Chances are you wouldn't exists since you know, seperation of natives and yuros and there would had been a lot more blacks.
Why not us?
>You wouldn't even exist.
Is that supposed to be a problem?
Anglos are a gross and disgusting people.
Now imagine how based Mexico would if France had colonised you
All of France’s colonies turned out to be shitholes, even worse than Spain’s and Portugal’s. Quebec is only so nice because it was controlled by Anglos
Greater Haiti
I'm not sure what being colonized by Denmark would look like afaik as I know you only had some islands in the Caribbean that you sold off to other countries
>Anglos are a gross and disgusting people.
Those are just lies by subhumans like Iberians and their descendants (you)
The Brits never would have risked colonizing anything if Spain didn't have their successes in Mexico and Peru
>imagine how based Mexico would if France had colonised you
Black people take it over round up all the whitoids and kill them?
I've also thought about being colonized by France but I like England better. I guess our food would be much more interesting and we'd have more high culture
Have read/heard the same shit from the OP so many times.
You would be about the same
The only reason the *nglos got their way in the US and Canada was because of low native population density.
English Mexico would look JUST like Spanish Mexico, but with shittier food
Not really. He would have been genocided. Anglo colonists came to start a new homeland and brought their families. The Spanish just came for gold
Between US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, I don't think there would be enough britoids to go around the world like that.
I wish Brazil was a german colony.
He would not have been genocided.
Mexico's indigenous population was way too big.
Anglos would have made their own towns to isolate themselves from natives. At a certain point with the industrial capacity, the same thing would have happened to them as happened to our natives. They would be put in camps and pushed somewhere else, either farther south, or war instigated to kill them all.
A joderse tercermundista
Dude, when you think about english "high culture" you're thinking about french culture. They(like everyone in Europe) just copied whatever the french were doing
>You would be about the same
>was because of low native population density.
>English Mexico would look JUST like Spanish Mexico, but with shittier food
You're contradicting yourself. Mexico was the most densely populated part of the Americas along with the Andes plateau. There's no way English Mexico would be like modern-day Mexico. It would be far more purer with either a Native majority with large White and Black minorities or a White majority with large Native and Black populations. Either way, no Mestizos.
Also, our food would still be great because it's the Native component that makes it great not the Sp*nish.
I wish Napoleon never would’ve sold Louisiana :(
this desu
You do realize my post was about France, right
Not really, we only did what we did (mixing with the natives) because we and the Portuguese kickstarted the colonization craze. There were advanced societies and hierarchies already in place.
The English replacing the Spanish would have done the same thing, because they didn't have the numbers, just like Spain colonizing North America 100 years later would have led to an Spanish speaking USA
I wish he had won his war.
Imagine a world centered around France instead of filthy anglophone meme countries
Ah okay, sorry
> You're contradicting yourself
Uh, no. There was low population density in the East Coast of the USA, that's why the *nglos had their way. Reading comprehension, mate.
> It would be far more purer with either a Native majority with large White and Black minorities or a White majority with large Native and Black populations. Either way, no Mestizos.
Other way around, we had several limpieza de sangre laws due to the arabs, english colonization with such a high density would have probably made yiu even more mutt.
I'm not sure that would've been a problem. As long as there's land people just reproduce even if it's a small starting population.
>I wish Brazil was a german colony.
Why? What do you think Brazil would be like
I agree
>Why? What do you think Brazil would be like
He's probably a german-brazilian himself.
We used to have lots of them in Yas Forums.
Like Belize or Malaysia, right?
Based historylet
Or India kek
>Other way around, we had several limpieza de sangre laws due to the arabs,
What's your point? Spain also instituted the racist caste system yet that didn't prevent you from mutting everything up.
>english colonization with such a high density would have probably made yiu even more mutt.
Why would they. Anglos wherever they went mostly stay unadmixed until much more recent colonization like in NZ and India and even then it was nowhere near Spanish scale
That depends on when the colonisation would start. If it started early, then the anglos would mix like the spaniards did because the concept of race wasn't invented until the late XVIII century
This, pretty much.
You getting Jay Courts instead of Hernán Cortés in Tenotchitlán would make you just English speaking Mexico
Wrong and retardpilled.
Concept existed since antiquity. Easy example is during the reconquista, how nobles differentiated themselves from those who had moorish blood.
I wish this too, but if that were the case you would be White, we killed our Indians.
Belize is a super successful and well integrated country
> let me tell you about your country
mudejars were iberian natives just like christians.
Limpieza de sangre was to make sure you didn't have Islam in your family, it wasn't to gatekeep arabs specifically
Why? Mexico had a more suitable climate for plantations. The English would have flooded Mexico with niggers.
Malaysia was across the world, and belize was surrounded by spanish lands.both unsuitable for colonization unlike north america/new england that was a very short trip for anglos.
This, true Anglos are Übermensch.
i feel like my chin got smaller just by reading your post
Why didn't Anglos mix en masse with all the Natives they encountered in the Thirteen Colonies then. There may have been less there than in Mexico but there were still plenty of them around. Or with all the Black slaves they brought
I extremely doubt they would've been able to kill off all Natives. I'd be either pure White or Native American
Spain did as well. It's the reason why there are Afro-Mexicans in Veracruz and coastal Guerrero and Oaxaca. Only reason we don't have more is cause they got mutted
Um, it was about making sure you din't have Moor ancestors so
>I wish Brazil was a german colony.
It still can be, brother. Bolsonaro is part German too.
pues sí, creo que puedo contarte un poco al respecto.
Además que fui criado en Badajoz hasta los 12 años.
> Um, it was about making sure you din't have Moor ancestors so
u wot?
It was about making sure no one in your family tree was a muslim convert
> 12 años
> t. yanqui
Al menos no eres el puto CHI Hellenismos
You point is moot. You say it wasn't to gatekeep Arabs but clearly any Arab in the Iberian Peninsula would've been Muslim so the result is the same
How do you feel about being a Mestizo?
Sure, the thing is there also were pure bred Iberians who converted (the majority of the muslims, actually), and the law was designed to keep these ones out too.
There was no point to mixing with the natives, the natives were few and their society was in a post apocalyptic state.
Lacking a cohesive, advanced hierarchy meant they had to build it from scratch.
Furthermore, the English looked to profit by planting cash crops through settlements, which wouldn't have been the case in Mexico if they got you all when we did.
As for why didn't they mix with Africans, after Bacon's Rebellion, segregation was pushed.
I smell a cocky nigger lads
Mestizos are scum. Hispanic culture is shit. I wish I was an Anglo Native.
You would be like India today in this case.
India is based
Anglo natives are superior, and they integrate quite well.
>when you think about english "high culture" you're thinking about french culture
>this is what fr*Nchtards actually believe
>there also were pure bred Iberians who converted (the majority of the muslims, actually), and the law was designed to keep these ones out too.
I doubt after several centuries of being Muslim and living next to Arabs and Berbers they were still pure
He is mixed race, though, not Native
There are no pure natives in America anymore they all have Euro blood.
Sangue infecto has nothing to do with race, it's religion
>Lacking a cohesive, advanced hierarchy meant they had to build it from scratch.
So in Mesoamerica they would have co-opted the upper class or supplanted them with themselves.
>Furthermore, the English looked to profit by planting cash crops through settlements, which wouldn't have been the case in Mexico if they got you all when we did.
Don't get what you mean. Iirc they used Virginia to plant tobacco and and Caribbean islands for sugar cane. Pretty sure both can be planted here
Pretty sure your country would have still been spics, fucking nigger.
Not true. There are still pure ones in the Southwest and probably the Plain states and Alaska.
What country is the rare I'm phone posting.
I wish we had not been colonized
Western Sahara...
They are a dying breed.
Are you a nignog or nafri?
They were, for the most part, purebred Spaniards, because there wasn't enough migration to sustain a genetic shift
Explain, you may ask if I look like a fucking chimp ah ?
Are you a nigger or sand nigger?
> So in Mesoamerica they would have co-opted the upper class or supplanted them with themselves
which we did in the first place...
> Don't get what you mean. Iirc they used Virginia to plant tobacco and and Caribbean islands for sugar cane. Pretty sure both can be planted here
Your silver and gold mines were far more lucrative short term, while the East Coast had jack shit.
Do you honestly believe that the colonial era British Empire (including smallpox) couldn't defeat a bunch of dirtfarming stone throwers?
>I will never live in a villa on the Yucatan coast, drinking ice-cold beer and fucking Alejandra Guilmant of an eve after a day spent exploring Mayan ruins and spitting at illegal Guatemalan border-jumpers
It's not a matter of firepower, stupid mutt