
>spend millenia living in mud huts killing your neighbours and inbreeding
>a handful of Vikings come along and instantly start enslaving Irish peasants on mass
>settle around Dublin, eventually leave after the Viking countries start to decline
>meek and submissive Irish "people" take the settlement and are so impressed by it they make it their capital. A small Norse outpost was the closest thing to a city they had ever seen.
>kill each other for a couple more centuries before the Anglos show up
>immediately surrender to Norman chads and spend hundreds of years as their bitch
>occasionally riot, all revolts in easily put down due to infighting, drunkenness and Irish stupity in general
>French and Spaniards both try to help but all revolts fail and fizzle out
>have massive famine because Irish are too stupid to understand the importance of crop variety and are far too lazy to fish despite living on A FUCKING ISLAND
>blame Anglos for their own failures, as usual
>attempt to revolt with German aid during WW1, fail as usual
>Anglos sick of having to deal with the constant Irish whining just take the best part of the island and leave most of it under native rule
>Irish immediately go back to infighting, have their first civil war just two years after becoming a country
>Irish in the British zone continue their tradition of chimping out and murdering civilians
>still as lazy as ever to this day, entire economy consists of inviting American corporations to their tax haven and selling out their EU membership, will entirely collapse if big daddy EU ever decides to close said tax loopholes

Attached: Ireland.jpg (1200x1650, 408.37K)

Other urls found in this thread:


too many words, didn't read

the indolent hiberno-american finds a small paragraph to be "too many words"

sounds like a pretty based country to me!

stopped reading right there

>>have massive famine because Irish are too stupid to understand the importance of crop variety and are far too lazy to fish despite living on A FUCKING ISLAND

uh they weren't allowed to have more crops than potatoes to not compete with British farmers and hunting or fishing illegally would have got you sent to Australia

Attached: IRA nears soon 1473552862068.png (600x600, 382K)

Our ajusted GNI (exluing american companies) is still double yours. Yes we are a filthy tax haven, but our society is pretty much civilized at this stage.

Was the Irish race a mistake?
>very ugly to the point even we make fun of ourselves
>all Irish are depressed and suicidal
>all Irish are alcoholics
>literally 0 achviements and no history at all
>cumrag for Britain, yes for BRITAIN for 800 years and then the EU
>British had to civilize us because we were literal cavemen
>high point of Irish history: losing a war against UK
>despite the high GDP per capita memes, we are rather poor
>Irish weekend: 3 days of drinking beer and booze and then to work on Monday to plan our suicide
>high unemployement rates and GDP keeps falling as we speak
>no place in Europe, as we aren't Nordic, Baltic, Slavic or Germanic
>even our neighbor countries find Irish as disgusting hobos
>literal Celt-Iberians
>proudest moments in the past 30 years was 2 grand slams in a sport with 5 other teams, we still keep bragging about it and making documentaries and movies about it
>Irish are the biggest attentionwhores on internet
>there's a good reason for why so many Irish use imageboards. they want attention and mentionings, because that is the only thing left of what gives them joy
>Irish bully British on internet 24/7 because they are jealous of them and they want their attention. when a Brit replies to Irish, Irish feel more Anglo and happy to he noticed by superior beings
>Irish post IRA memes out of anger, not because they like them. they actually hate them but have no other choice. all Irish want to be like Anglos

Attached: gael.jpg (620x419, 24.71K)

>implying that being sent to australia is a bad thing
it's better than living on this fucking shithole island
being here makes me want to fucking kill myself and everyone around me.

I'm not OP.

why not move to Australia then? I'm sure you'll be welcomed.

Why are ulster scot inbreds so evil?

i like ireland

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everything here is true, seething irishfags in denial are just retarded, being irish is a shame upon oneself, we are a race of dullards and faggots who will get asswhipped by pretty much any nation. Hopefully the wuhflu will destroy this country and its people can finally be put down like the dogs that they are.

can't move anyfuckingwhere because of this stupid pandemic, god I hate the fucking slanty eyed cunts who ruined my travel plans. Now I'm stuck in this shithole for another year at least.

meh what's a year.

You've obviously never been here. Spend any extended amount of time on this cesspool of a nation and you'll want to jackhammer your own spine with a .50 cal.

a long ass time of sitting around in this fucking quarantine is what it is, we're only a few weeks in and I'm already considering committing crime just to amuse myself, I'm so fucking bored.

>I suffer in Ireland

nah i've been to visit my nan in roscommon

as much as you probably don't wanna hear it, it didn't feel any different to england

holy fucking shit not even we are this self-hating.

Seems wierd that a Portugese would write something like this about the Irish, what have they ever done to you?

Portugal and Great Britain are allies.

Fuck Irish "people"
They're the Mexicans of Europe

That would be the Poles

just isn't the same without you xx

they're cunts on Yas Forums, but in real life, nothing. they're fellow catholics.

Can you please conquer them? UK with Ireland looks so /comfy/ on a map.

>Portuguese flag
Didn't read


Nobody batters my country-wife but ME.

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that's the problem; Ireland is such a shithole that it feels no different to England, which is a slighly less shitty shithole, probably because of the fact that the Irish have a perverse relationship with England wherein they claim to hate it but in fact are always trying to imitate it.

I, for one, give a hug to my fellow Irish bros.

> nice people
> love to party
> beer flows like rivers
> fellow catholic bros
> based flag since orange is my fav color
> was in Dublin in 2006 when whe won the World Cup against the frogs, one of the best memories of my life

Based country

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no, the Polish are good slaves and will work their own asses for a slice of bread. Meanwhile the Irish are useless despite being massive wagecucks and bootlickers.

Attached: download.jpg (168x300, 9.86K)

lol no
>people are just massive faggots or passive aggressive soyboys
>party culture is trash and degenerate, only retarded normies participate in it
>alcoholism is not a character trait user
>flag looks like shit and is barely noticeable
>some gay ass game of a bunch of hairy muscular men in shorts kicking balls around the place is not an achievement either
cringe country, literal niggerghetto of western europe

Vikings never left

>v-vikings never l-left!!!

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Every Irish man I've seen either falls in the nigger chimp stereotype(Conor McGregor) or the greedy jew stereotype(Kevin O'leary, litterally this man is more jewish than most jews)
There is no inbetween

don't forget the Sineads, the Irish ''women'' who are massive whores and the depressed self-loathing Irishman that wants to fucking die (me).

>flag looks like shit and is barely noticeable
ok that I can't agree on.

the Irish flag is aesthetic in its simplicity. more aesthetic than ours I hate this green red abomination.

Why would you hate it, tho? I've always thought your flag was awesome

They have the most beautiful women (carrot-colored angels)

Attached: unnamed.jpg (512x507, 92.75K)

Thanks for the kind words mate

at least your flag has an aura of royalty or class to it, the Irish flag is like it's people; lazy, lacking in ambition and overly-simplistic.

jump off a balcony

it always confuses me that this board calls our women ugly yet fetishises irish women

native british and irish women literally look exactly the same

I can guess that you get your idea of Irish people from foreign stereotypes; the average modern Irish ''woman'' is fat, ugly and stupid. Or a whore. Only a small minority of country girls even resemble your pic in the slightest, most are just subhuman.

bring back the titty flag

Attached: 1280px-Green_harp_flag_of_Ireland.svg.png (1280x853, 157.58K)


seething potatonigger detected. are you still in denial about the shittiness of our country lad?

now that's a flag right there. unfortunately the irish are too sexually repressed to even think about tits, yet alone put them on the flag

>at least your flag has an aura of royalty or class to it
lol no.

something like this would be nice.

Attached: 980'980.png (600x400, 37.5K)

idk man it looks alright to me, nothing reeks of beta more than a low effort, ''humble'' flag. it's as if the creators of the flag were too stupid or lazy to make something respectable so they just slapped some colors together, put some vague symbolism on them and called it a day.

Nigel go back

what's taigy about what i said?

humble yet nice.

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>still as lazy as ever to this day, entire economy consists of inviting American corporations to their tax haven and selling out their EU membership, will entirely collapse if big daddy EU ever decides to close said tax loopholes
They have one of the best standars of live in the world. Whatever they are doing they are doing right.

looks meh, harp is nice but the color is just dull

no they fucking don't, I live in this shithole and the standard of living is fucking dogshit, nobody acutally reaps the benefits of the supposedly good economy unless you live in certain parts of Dublin or the coast, otherwise the housing is crap and the towns and villages are poor and ugly.

Is HDI a meme?

Attached: is this a meme.png (727x415, 25.8K)

I guess you're right but at least Dublin looks like a comfy city to live in (even tho expensive)

>buys into the HDI meme
you do realise that the HDI actually mean fucking nothing, right? It's just a way for faggot urbanites to go on a massive pissing contest with each other, not realising that you can't chart human happiness or fulfillment on graphs or bar charts like an actual autist. This means less than nothing and you can take it from me, I live here and all of my peers are either miserable and want to leave or are just retard low-IQ country brainlets with a false sense of national pride for a country that is rapidly alienating them.


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beautiful country

Wonder if they need some sand :)

Ireland is the Philippines of Europe.

If it makes you feel better irishbro, all the great musicians England ever produced were actually Irish.

I like ass xD

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and that's not even mentioning the shit jobs, complete lack of any actual culture, self-loathing faggot population, huge disparity in wealth and intelligence between the country bumpkins and the city dwelling queers, being the niggers of western europe, being mocked and despised by other superior races and nations, and being a literal who in terms of global politics or economic factors. It never even began for the Irish.

Ireland is just Britain except the people are less intelligent, the history is less interesting and the bogs are more numerous

And Portugal was any different from the first point before the Romans?

And every great author, poet, scientist, engineer and artist that Ireland ever produced was actually English, so I think we know who's won that one lol

kill all huns