How much is homosexuality accepted in your country?

How much is homosexuality accepted in your country?

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generally accepted.

not seen as something to emulate, but it's forgiven.

Who cares. You have shit in your mouth.

completely accepted

7% are faggots, and in my state (Rio), 11% of males are faggots.

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Soon in mine it will be ilegal to be hetero

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Too much

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Give me 5 minutes with my tongue up your arse and you'll be slippering around in your own precum garanteed

take your pills schizo

not at all, punishment is getting burried in the ground and getting stoned to death

Finnics worshipping germanic images are cucks of the highest order.

>not at all, punishment is getting burried in the ground and getting stoned to death
didnt expected less from a sandnigger country

Don't forget your estrogen pills too


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>Don't forget your estrogen pills too
cope more

We throw them off rooftops

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Is generally accepted, especially in the big cities like Milano, Turin o Rome. There's a coservatorism in the smalls towns and suburbs

We pretend we hate faggots bu honestly, half of us have done gay shit. The other half were the ones the gay shit was done to.

Leave my country right fucking now.

Too much.

>tfw I seethe when I see gay posters on Yas Forums then I remember most of them are cute girls larping as fags

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unfortunately no

lmao wrong.

cope greta

half of them post pics of themselves and they're indeed all true male faggots

>they're male faggots

full homo

Recently it has become at the least accepted, but it wasn't until 2012 that anti discrimination against sexual minorities became common.
Yet it is still something kind of undiscussed and underground.

The small towns hate poofters, while the cities celebrate them. Villages are surprisingly open-minded (pic accurate).

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What? All of you?

preety much like portugal

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Guy on the left is really fucking hot now, no homo. He/she/it is trans, goes by Marissa Madison (last time I checked, it changes frequently)


If you wouldn't plow that boy on the left's ass into the stratosphere then you are gay as shit.
t. straight

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mainly the parents don't accept it so as long as you live on your own you're fine
I wouldn't let my kid get buttfuck under my roof either so that's understandable but if he makes his own living go for it bitch. better than a neet kid anyday


not anymore

>If you wouldn't plow that boy on the left's ass into the stratosphere then you are gay as shit.
Based ameribro

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Generally it's accepted but it really depends on the area. Mostly arab/black ghetto area ? Not really

Overwhelmingly white gentrified neighborhood in a big city ? Totally normal, people are wearing rainbow stuff everywhere and half the girls are art hoes and/or bisexual.

It's actually pretty funny to see when the two interact on twitter, it's like they just discovered that a significant part of the country has wildy different beliefs. Anyways, the average area is accepting, not the point of going to pride paradaes and trying to get people fired for saying "fag" online, but accepting enough that gays can lead a normal life while homophobes are usually disliked.

I don't think that word means what you think it means

completely unacceptable

need to work on that user

Not enough discriminated

I do. Poorfag area becomes filled with rich kids who push the poorfags out and make it "trendy" and all that. It's really a big thing in the eastern part of paris, the really ghetto areas aren't the ones being gentrified, it's mostly places that were already decent and near the center.

Accepted in cities
Laughed at in villages
Hated in towns


lol west indians hate the gays

fuckin sick in the head muddaskunts

how's the laundering going?

Accepted by the most intellectual and based areas of the country

In some places, being straight is illegal. In others, not being straight is punished by murder.

hmm? Haven't started yet but I'm about to open a business. It'll be legit though

>In some places, being straight is illegal.
Why you want to be the victims when straight ppl are the majority?

You on vacation user?

Got tips to open business ? are new comers able to survive in this competitive environment ?

Do think your country will ever just come out and stop hating?
So small villages are more open minded than bigger towns? Why, do more educated people want quaint village life while towns in working class? Does this vary by region?
Interesting, are you saying that villages merely laugh at them while towns despise them? Would you say villages are somewhat (if not more tolerant...) less hateful than towns?
You all need to have sex.

Ha ha, you have shit in your mouth, ha ha, totally don't do that thing to me or anything!

Nah man this is all new to me. There's just a void here that I'm surprised no one's jumped at. It's been a lot of work and this virus is fucking things up.

real deal, been here for almost 10 years

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holy shit

I know who you are

based most homophobes are in the closet anyways because they cant be in terms with their sexuality

Villagers are just more chill and kind than town dwellers. People dont will make you problems unless you actively trying to interupt their lifestyle
Also towns are full of bydlos and more intellectual people from towns often go in virtue signalling which in Polish conditions due to our history means catholic-nationalist combo primarily

Please do that thing to me...

Are towns or villages usually poorer and less educated. Obviously the city is likely superior to both in this regard, but I'm wondering if the towns are actually worse off than the villages.


I wasn't talking about you, stop inserting yourself into my conversations

You find your "void" because you know the market and found an unexploited opportunity or it was pure luck and casual observation

Thanks, I would normally coom but she cut her peepee off and that's just fucking cringe. Better as a twink desu.

>how much chakra dysfunction is accepted in your country?
It depends how (un)spiritual country is.

No but you were seething about something I said, so learn to deal with people responding to you, poopmouth.

Whould happily do it!

Fully accepted.

I wasn't seething you retard, I didn't even reply to you. The obvious joke was that I was trying to get him to rim me too you ignorant mountain ape

Not accepted at all... In most cities they can't even have their parade or whatever

It depends on the part of the country. I live in the Southern US and while you more than likely won't be physically harmed for it, it's frowned upon. I likely won't be disowned over it, but it would crush my parents and grandparents if they knew, and they don't deserve that after how much they've sacrificed for me.

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this picture is from like 2008, wonder what these guys look like now

Don't chimp out now, poopmouth.

Not accepted at all you're guaranteed to get your shit pushed in if you're being a faggot in public.

Kind of partial to right myself

I'm a gay twink and love sucking dick. Homosexuality is accepted here.

Tfw No cute Nord twink to breed. Feels bad

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