Is it legal to sleep in your country?
Is it legal to sleep in your country?
Maybe he was sleeping suspiciously
>21 year old
he looks like he's in his 30s
he probably was posting in anti-Israel threads
Still not sure why we haven’t started shooting cops
no he doesn't, what kind of eunuchry do they practice over in Denmark?
he literally looks like a single dad who drinks several cans of beer a day and work at some tech company
What the hell no he doesn't
is it legal to miss work in your country?
The same information repeated 4 times in a single pic,
land of the free
Not 30's but holy hell it doesn't look like a 20 year old guy.
Yes he does. It's probably the harsh north american climate
this has a gf
and I don't
He honestly doesn't look 21
>Silver Spring, MD
That place makes me shudder
Thats the price of freedom
Mais il était pas moche lui.
If you're not going to work, you should be shot.
It was self defence.
I don’t understand. They rang the door bell, got no response, so started shooting into the house?
All hail God Emperor Trump, the Jewish corporate overlords and the brave men who enforce their laws! I promise to never show up late to work!
This is why every home needs a gun. If a cop comes into my house without a warrant you're damn right I'm shooting that pig.
He is dead.
Her pussy is vacant, dum dum.
He died in the name of freedom so it's ok
pls understand, it was dark in the house so the urban demographics might've been there camouflaged
The house was haunted
coping europoor nigger, grow a tan
idk how people can post stuff like this without fear of getting vanned
>Tsolmondorj Natsagdorj
Don’t worry, we’ll find a rationalization for this sooner or later
The Supreme Court has defended your right to do so, too, if they come in without announcing themselves as police.
At first I thought it was in Italy and I was thinking "This is very strange, why did this happen? I'm going to Google it to try to understand"
But then I realized it happened in 'Murica and it all made sense. They said "Maryland" twice, my bad, I blame the picture.
Truly we cannot understand these levels of freedom.
how does that help you if you're asleep
Americans live harder lives, which partially explains why their life expectancy is so low.
But they presume you have a gun, so they bring backup and even if you get lucky and don't get killed immediately, you will be pinned inside the house and eventually killed.
So how does that help?
Even if you do it legally, you think his buddies will just be like, "fine, I guess you were in your right". No they will shot you in revenge.
Fucking americans and their beard growth. It's not fair because they are so dumb and fat.
Did he report him for RDM?
>Tsolmondorj Natsagdorj, 24, of Fairfax, Virginia, said he met Lemp in 2016 and bonded with him over their shared interest in cryptocurrency. They also talked about politics. He described Lemp as a libertarian who frequented the Yas Forums and Reddit message boards, sites popular with internet trolls.
>“Duncan was a young guy with a bright future as an entrepreneur,” Natsagdorj said. “He was working on things to change the world.”
>On social media accounts that friends said belonged to him, Lemp’s username was “YungQuant”. On an internet forum called “My Militia”, someone who identified himself as Duncan Lemp, of Potomac, and posted under the username “yungquant” said he was “an active III%’r and looking for local members & recruits”.
fug he probably posted on int
what if you're asleep
do american police not have to wear cameras now that they've caused so much shit by shooting people?
going from this, he probably had various guns at home, which is probably why the police were scared shitless and started shooting
They can turn the cameras off when they want to, and/or the cameras mysteriously malfunction those days that officers killed a nignog.
i thought you were safer if you had guns at home though
You may die, but your death makes cops more cautious of illegally using their power on other citizens.
That is, unironically, dying for freedom.
Why are cops allowed?
because they serve the interests of the ruling class
if you want someone dead here, call the police non emergency number and ask them to do a welfare check on the person. mention that they seemed unhinged last time you saw them and that they own a lot of guns
In Quebec you can shoot and kill a cop that comes in unanounced
This wouldn't have happened if he carried a gun.
guns can wake you up when someone's outside your house?
I wish I was that free
You buy 50-cal automated turret with thermal detection to keep you safe.
Wtf i love texas now.
>Steve Ruebelmann
Strange, that man doesn't look very dark skinned. Police must be running his 23&Me profile to confirm the lawful killing.
>it doesn't look like a 20 year old guy
This guy is 20 years old.
That's most guys at 21 to 23 here. It's why my homosexuality only ranges from 15-20 in most cases
in the middle