>Your cunt
>what nationality did you get mistaken for?
got mistaken as turkish in germany once
pic kinda related
>Your cunt
>what nationality did you get mistaken for?
got mistaken as turkish in germany once
pic kinda related
Other urls found in this thread:
Gorid is literally me
When I went to Rome people thought I was Italian which confirms I'm a wog
my dad is mongolian/korean and my mom is chinese/japanese
people call me american
English and Spaniard
German, Dad and Grandfather got mistaken for Greek allot though.
Jew and german because I cant roll r
Mexican and Jewish.
retarded map
thpanish, italian and even asstrian
but most people guess croatia(dalmatia)
Im Algerian and i got mystaken for aItalian, greek, french, brasilian, argentinian, mexican, latino, spaniard, turk, native amerindian
Polish, German and Hungarian in Greece and Italy.
Nationally American, Ethnically Korean.
I work with a lot of African immigrants and they constantly mistaken me with Chinese.
It pisses me off when they say "Ni Hao!" with a huge shit eating grin.
moroccan egyptian colombian iranian pakistani brazilian afghani & indian
>atlanto meridian
If I get mistaken it's usually for moroccan or gypsy
all of you can kys.
Thpanish, nafri, mena
Spanish tourists ask me for directions when I'm in vacation in spain.
Poland and France
When I travel people think I am American, probably because I am fat
Most people just assume me to be your average American, but on a couple of occasions people have thought that I was Argentinian.
How am I supposed to know if I never get outside and talk to p*ople?
Ethnically armenian, russian
got mistaken as french by french god knows why
why all u wh*toids gotta look the same
alot of armenians migrated to france through history, could be it
When I'm in Southern Europe people often mistake me for a German.
I hate this meme, please stop bullying us
Why does Scottish look like Gordon Ramsay?
I've been asked if I'm of russian descent because I have grey-ish blonde hair, one guy asked if I was scottish because I have a red tint to my beard
It also peeves me if people confuse nationality with ethnic backround
A Dutchwoman once told me that I looked very Belgian, and a family friend that once lived in France told me I looked like the archetypal French farmer. I've also been told I look Jewish because my nose curves (though it's not actually hooked)
I have dark wavy/curly hair and grey eyes
I imagine I'm just your average Iron Age Belgae man
I was told I look like a moldovan once. Worst insult I've ever heard.
Brit and Arab depending on whether I'm wearing glasses or not
During my Yas Forumstard phase I autistically used to ask strangers I had met only minutes prior what ethnicity they would categorize me if they saw me on the street without knowing anything of my actual backgrounds, most people awkwardly ignored my question
Dam, the fingol memes are real?
I've been mistaken for German and English in other regions of Italy
i used to lie about being bavarian lmao and then post my pic
Unironically get mistaken for either Armenian or Greek
German, it's always german.
I look like generic white guy.
So I got mistaken
for Dutch in Amsterdam.
for Quebecois in Montreal.
for French in France
No this entire map is just memeing. It's exaggerating 10000%.
Holy cringe, do yugos really?
I went to Spain, and people thought I was French.
I'm a Filipino and people think I'm Vietnamese or a ching chong
I look Mexican or every brown person with no beard is Mexican according to Americans
No they didn’t you larping fat fuck
No wonder you autists started genociding yourselves
swedes are the most autistic people on the planet unironically
Who/what do you look like?
English, Swede, Icelandic once in Denmark. Most similar is paleo atlantic, I guess.
Noice edit on us bro.
Saaame. It was a cringy situation in synagogue
Slovene and West Slav
Friends tell me I look Anglo
I look Caucasid as I'm from Turkey but I have gotten mistaken for a Croatian, Italian and Russian recently by co-workers and a hairdresser
Dacian, Hittite, Tocharian, Polish, Slovene
accurate, even if this is more:
>tugas falling for low-tier bait yet again
Poland is an ancient East Germanic (Goths/Vandals) territory invaded by dark Slavs during the Dark Ages.
fake, this is the average portugues, Yas Forums told me
>chimp mad.
every single time