Invited : Poles, Lithuanians and Israelis (Of Polish and Lithuanian origin), Belarussians, Ukrainians.
Not invited : Russians, Austrians and Germans
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cool thread, can i join?
zesrałem się i śmierdzi xD
why Lithuanian flag has African colors?
Cool thread. I'm actually 1% Polish so I can participate (:
only Wh*tes can join, sorry
You can join /balt/
Because of our national dresses
show that dress
i thought you guys hated plc
Latvia was in PLC too
Also South Estonia but nobody cares about that
my last name IS Polish, but I'm brown. can I still join?
>Also South Estonia but nobody cares about that
Rude. Our king founded the school in Tartu that became your best university then
We have mixed feelings about it
Latvia was vassal of Lithuanian part of Plc
So was Prussia for some time too.
>Latvia was vassal of Lithuanian part of Plc
not really, Livonia was under a joint control of the Crown and Lithuania
What's your lastname
I was talking about this
Has Duchess of Finland, Catherine Jagiellon been mentioned yet?
>Eric offered to allow Catherine to return to Poland, but she chose to accompany John in prison. Tradition claims, that when the king offered Catherine to return to Poland rather than accompany her spouse in prison, she pointed to the inscription in her wedding ring, which said: Nemo nisi mors ("Nothing but death [shall separate us]").
hard to call it "Latvia", it was just a strip of rural land, even without Riga
>Israelis (Of Polish and Lithuanian origin)
>Not invited : Austrians and Germans
Enjoy your nation wrecking kikes lmfao.
Well, they did have colonies though
Good meme dear vassal :)
Stop making fun of Belarusians you bastard.
Most Lithuanians have jewish blood, so does poles
Fuck off antisemite
t. białyrusek
>Not invited : Russians, Austrians and Germans
still mad for Partitions lol?
I'm Anglo. But the Belarusians are the best Eastern Europeans I've worked with.
We and Ashkenazis are one nation divided by money and petty family issues
Accept that nazi
Invite Moldovans, and those who were formerly part of Poland next time as well pls :)
Next you will ask us to invite Russians
well you shouldnt. take it as a mercy blow. an euthanasia.
Fuck off traitor
Belarussians are nice people but they're too similar to us, I'd rather have a union with Baltic Lithuanians because it's funnier when two so different cultures live together, just like Austria-Hungary
We should find those loyal to the cause among the Moldovians. Those who remember their true roots of glory.
Never before have Belarusians been so well-off as they are now under Lukashenka's rule.
Balts are genuinely the worst race out there
Will you try break it up again?
Pretty sure that all late "Lithuanian" royalty was culturally Slavs if not ethically. All the weird balts were basically cavemen tier bog people.
>it's funnier when two so different cultures live together, just like Austria-Hungary
So, Poland Lithuanian commonwealth with no Polonization ?
>Pretty sure that all late "Lithuanian" royalty was culturally Slavs if not ethically. All the weird balts were basically cavemen tier bog people.
Did Batka tell you that
Only thing we inherited from slavs was written language out of necessity
If anything, Lithuanian royalty was Polish by the time of Plc
kind of, just two 'states' in a loose confederation, maybe with common foreign policy, currency, Schengen-like area and that's all
Lithuanians from around Mongol invasion looked much more badass.
Defend Lithuania, the real one red white red!
>kind of, just two 'states' in a loose confederation, maybe with common foreign policy, currency, Schengen-like area and that's all
So nowadays Nb8 we have with nordic with common currency ?
I'm all for that
Royalty, no. Nobility? Probably, before Polonization kicked in.
Keep in mind our actual royalty was Pagan until 1387. Not very Slavic (you had been staunch Christians for a long time by then). And I'd say religion is a pretty huge aspect of culture.
No one honestly argues that GDL isn't a part of Belarusian history, but the extreme Litvinist retards who claim it was founded and ruled by Slavs are the ones messing it all up for you.
It pisses me off that none of us bothered to write down anything about our religion, despite being officially Pagan all the way into late 1300s.
well, actually Slavs know even less about their pagan religion despite being a way bigger community
>Keep in mind our actual royalty was Pagan until 1387.
I wonder how many of them and for how long kept worshiping old gods in secrecy after Lithuania's baptism.
Still not enough
Well, but it seems our pagan religion was closer to Scandi one than Slav one
>If anything, Lithuanian royalty was Polish by the time of Plc
Nah dude. They were enthically Belarusians who spoke Polish. Like Adam Mickiewicz (he called himself "litwin"). Lithuanian language is so close to the original Indo-European because only some weird bog people who were never close to slavs spoke on it.
The royals? Can't imagine it being more than one generation. The guy who wrote the first book in Lithuanian, a protestant priest, however, was complaining in letters to dukes about how peasants were still keeping grass snakes as pets and feeding them milk and such. I'd imagine by the 1800s we were pretty thoroughly christianized, though. Some syncretized aspects of old faiths remain, of course. My grandma goes to church every Sunday, but I'm pretty sure also believes in reincarnation.
About time we blandda up and put both Germ*ids and M*scovites back in their place.
Even today some pagan traditions are alive here
For example užgavėnės (the holiday for kicking out winter, where we eat pancakes, wear masks, burn the effigy of a woman symbolizing winter, have fight between Lašininis (Lard) and Kanapinis (Cannabis) and etc
That doesn't make me feel any better, desu.
can you translate?
>t. Litvin
There must be two state languages in Belarus: Belarusian and Sudovian.
I am standing before a weird tube and I'm thinking that my voice will be separated from me and will go somewhere without me, its owner. People have funny ideas! Really, it's hard not to laugh at this situation in which the voice of Mr Piłsudski will appear. I can imagine this funny moment, when some kid turns the crank, press a button and a tube will start talking instead of me. I can't stop laughing that my poor voice, separated from me suddenly stopped being my own and belongs to I don't know what - to a tube? Or a joint stock company? But the funniest is that when I'm not here anymore, the voice of Mr Pilsudski will be sold for 3 grosze (cents) on the markets, almost like gingerbreads or sweets.