Catholic countries can't be succesf- WHOAA!!!

>Catholic countries can't be succesf- WHOAA!!!

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>spics thinking they are on the same level as alpine jews
maybe in another timeline



That can be explained by the overlap between germanic and protestant culture.

The only country where an actual comparison can be made is Ireland.

why are you jealous of your visibly superior catholic neighbors?

Ireland is literally the country with the 4th highest GDP per capita and one of the highest HDI as well. Catholics keep BTFOing agnostic and non-Catholic folks


literally tax evasion. catholics are very good at that

Ireland is doing pretty well, also France, Luxembourg and a bunch of others.

They literally always are. They even claim we're one of them, that's how jealous they are to have something good associated with them. But it'll never work

Are Dutch catholics? I didn't know it.

Only catholic and orthodox countries have a soul
do not even try to prove me wrong

the only reason ireland is a rich country is Tax Evasion and Ryanair
They're basically a anglo version of Luxembourg

>defending taxes

> They're basically a anglo version of Luxembourg
Good post amico. Guaranteed replies from the Irish.

Less taxes and more developed. Tell me again how high taxation is good

We live happier lives that a robot like you will ever live.

Our largest religious group are catholics followed by protestants (most people are not religious though but they arent counted as a religious group)

Repent Sinners!

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Here in the new world only Catholics tend to be successful. Being protestant basically means you're a poorfag who bought into America's evangelical poison.

Most economically important regions here in Germany are catholic.

Germany starts at the Pyrenees!

>mfw you realize that Germany is more catholic than protestant nowadays
>mfw you realize that every mainline protestant affiliation is mostly dead
>mfw you realize that the catholic church is ever expanding and even forcing papal authority over some trad protestants
Seethe more protties

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europe existed because of catholicism lol

think you're forgetting that this tribe is even better at it, retard

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Doesn't matter, we send prottie pastors by the thousands every year. By the end of the century the world will be evangelical :)

There no such thing as evangelical unity, the only thing they mostly agree is to die for Israel

yes, so did any place on earth, what does this strawman have to do with anything?

Does successful mean in the present, as in not being a debt payer, or historical such as being a mighty empire?

In the present, but even in the past they were succesful too. For example, Italy required help from Britain, Germany and France to get rid of the yoke from the Habsburg, they couldn't do it alone


Italy did require three wars of independence with outside help, so you’re right.

How about your shitty island?

there is only a very limited amount of people that would pay for their services.

Not really, you could only take Central America
Paraguay is still ridiculously catholic despite (You)

success means that you breed jealousy.

>mfw you realize Catholicism today has grown closer to protestantism than it has ever been

I expect reunification of the Church any year from now. Just have to purify the Latin church from cult catholics

Here in Germany the case is rather very opposite.

Religion has nothing to do with it you low IQ monkey, brown subhuman. Its about being white and germanic.

not really, depends on what you consider protestantism, which is really though to summarize lol.

Nowadays, if anything the main opponent of the church is basically against neopaganism/humanism, and since pope francis and the jesuits are in charge of the church, they are doing what jesuits do best, to subvert their opponents from within. Basically like the Ancient church used to do with Roman Pagans but much more focused. Also why have a strong papal centralized european based monarchy when you can command in a decentralized manner and influence the world through culture and diplomacy? It's much more effiecient in a world where nuclear weapons exist and the main opponent is literally authoritarian governments wanting to have full emotional and political control over their subjects

>be late 19th century
>be German shitposter
>need to find some reason why Prussia is superior
>"I know! it's because we are proddies!"
>literally ignore the existence of France, Belgium, Half of Germany

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woahhh you called me names, you sure showed me.

kys you pagan or agnostic fuck. you only represent a small sliver of your countrymen

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God you're retarded. Go back to your fellow nazis in /deutsch/ you disgusting prick

just shut up retard lol

Religion doesn't matter, the German race must stick together now more than ever.


Shut up kike, it's the ovens for you.

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Shameful thinking. Deus vult.

>Shut up kike, it's the ovens for you.

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No Prussia, no Protestantism. And that's a good thing.

Do Cuckolics REALLY?

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shitty thread. there is no point of discussion.

Catholicism saved europe once. It wont save europe from themselves tho.

Those retards are asking for gibs to the gov due to corona virus lmao.

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It's not easy to be attracted to bland and not commonly accepted protestantism, that's why it's losing their members. Being protestant myself I think preservation of Christianity these days could only be achieved by attracting new members with the mystics of the Roman tradition. I don't say protestant churches shouldn't exist, I just say that its role as dominant religion has been replaced by atheism long ago. So why not just give Catholicism a chance? Give people what they want: gold, history and authority, maybe even convert the medieval church at the local town square into a cathedral (We, protestants are not supposed to care about that anyway). It's the only way to make Christianity sustainable for next generations, because without catholicism protestantism will probably be lost as well.

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I'm neither german nor a jew. I'm a proud Austrian

>Service economy bad
>Country with 6 million population must have large industrial base

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>ackshually you guys are worshipping the kike on the stick wrong we are supposed to perform anilingus on the pope *kills 50 million europeans*
what did ca*holics mean by this

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>I'm neither german nor a jew. I'm a proud Austrian

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Kys. Pls go back to your containment kindergarten thread known as lat

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I extremely doubt that.

>proud Austrian
Pride is a deadly sin, user.

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If loving your country and your people as well as being proud of it and what it has achieve is a deadly sin, then so be it. I'm guilty

no such thing

>“The cheapest sort of pride is national pride; for if a man is proud of his own nation, it argues that he has no qualities of his own of which he can be proud; otherwise he would not have recourse to those which he shares with so many millions of his fellowmen. The man who is endowed with important personal qualities will be only too ready to see clearly in what respects his own nation falls short, since their failings will be constantly before his eyes. But every miserable fool who has nothing at all of which he can be proud adopts, as a last resource, pride in the nation to which he belongs; he is ready and glad to defend all its faults and follies tooth and nail, thus reimbursing himself for his own inferiority.”

This post is sad as fuck. Giving up your religion because is dead and irrelevant . Anyway welcome back .

Can i also not be proud of my friends and family if they achieve something? Can i not defend them if they're being attacked? Fuck off robot cunt but, I mean, we already know you people aren't allowed to feel anything other than misery. So there's no need to show us a a quote from one of your fellow germans.

I believe you misread my post: I'm not leaving my own, I just hope other people get easier access to Christianity.