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made for BWC
Bad Wuhan Coronavirus?
made for GPG (grande preto galo)
No, boys who cry
Sike! Im brown with BC. my goal in life is to breed with a kuruminha.
New worlders ONLY
Hello, how are you today?
Very good and comfy day so far.
Not this thread again, I've already fapped yesterday
But im coming to brazil and breeding with your women whether you like it or not. Im already talking to an argie babe and how she wants me to come over.
does brazilian girls like turkish man?
I hope your day continues to be comfy
You will fap now
Shoo shoo
I am blonde can i get Chel gf pls?
Better yet, you get a harem.
OK, if we're being real here. How hard is it to find a girl like that in Brazil?
0.01% or less are probably like that
>girl like that in Brazil?
Like what, like an anime? 0%
It's kinda easy ngl
They're mostly just white and/or black, right?
>white and/or black,
No, 70% are just varying degrees of brown. 15% are white/white-looking and 15% are black looking.
Here, prostitutes:
See for yourself
>asking a tunisian to give you informations about brazil
tell me about brazil, im going traveling for a year next winter and want to know about south america, what am i likely gonna run into in each part of the continent?
Excuse my retardation.
Wow, I guess it isn't that hard. More white looking people than I expected too
I never left Brazil and I live in the most dangerous part of the cunt so I can't help you lol. Avoid northeast without a local escort to guide you, the beaches in Ceará are magnificent though. This region circled in green has some nice waterfalls and rivers, if you are interested in that
The fuck it's the third time today that the image don't follow the post.
i highly doubt
So by northeast you mean the area above BAHIA?
this is a chink
See pic related
Nah chinks don't put this red thing in their face, it's a mark that native brazilians use. That's why kuruminha have this red thing as well
damn those whores are cheap, $20-40 US there gets you whores you'd need to pay $200-300 here
they put it to get atention
>chinks don't put this red thing in their face
looks like photoshop to me
Bahia's northeastern rio, the areas he marked on the map are fine for visiting tho
Not as without a guide.
Not as a foreigner and without a guide.
I live in Pernambuco, I'd say the coast is very nice for visiting, I would avoid the ones in major cities tho, they are too full, coastal towns are based
I've seen many tourists visiting it here without guides and they were fine, mostly boomers, but yea tourists tend to be stupid without being guided, they walk into favelas like it's no treat
>£20 for a turboqt prostitute
Brazil is the promised land
>slant eyes
Dropped harder than a piano.
>paying for vaginas
>have a brazilian coworker
>complete mental case and terrible at her job
>cheated on her husband (of 15 years) with a guy she knew in high school who just got out of prison
>he found and left her
>blames him for all her problems
>started doing drugs, sleeping around, acting like a dumb 20 year old
>but she's hot so my pp get hard
fuck you, penis
I personally know a few girls that look like kuruminha, but they are not commonplace, at least where I live ( São Paulo). I would say there are more of them probably in the North of the country where is closer to the Amazon.
go away, brazilian chad
I'm not into amerindians but I'd hit that like it was Israel.
Slant eyes are cute, you have shit taste.
post screenshots
Not all of types of slant eyes tho.
Mostly the ones like OP
Why r u geh?
You probably meant "dick harder than a piano"
They are paying 20 bucks for it, I pay 200
Nigga it's not that scary.
Just stay in tourist zones.
Come to Pernambuco.
I'll take you into nice tourist zones, introduce you to some safe prostitutes and you't scam you.
Just pay for my shit too because everything here is fucking dirty cheap for you guys.
200 euros? Why are you wasting such a amount of money on prostitutes? Is you father a senator or anything?
Remember to avoid letting the gringos buy stuff by themselves, a coconut in recife for the average dweller will cost 2 or 3 brl, gringos will be charged 10 or 15 and think they are doing an honest deal, I've seen a french boomer pay 30 brl for a single tapioca in Olinda
200 bolsonaros.
Yeah I know
also shoutout to fellow Pernambucano(?)
Leão do Norte na área.
I wish I was the son of a senator
That is a misplaced SEA monkey
Amazonian amerindians look like SEA monkies
Just go to SEA and get a gf there, amazonian injuns are just misplaced SEA monkies
Genetic trash, you can have it