We must help them. They're literally the soul of Europe. If they die we're soulless. We can't be left with fucking France. We cannot.
We must help them. They're literally the soul of Europe. If they die we're soulless...
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None of your business anymore
DonĀ“t worry, we can transplate them to Italy if they need more people
You have... no... power
nothing of value was lost
No, I don't care. I'm not worse than an average filthy italian
Then why does your country send us ventilators, doctors and sanitizing equipment?
who's going to build shitty trains that can't brake if they die!?!?
I don't understand easier. They shouldn't do that.
You are not european, fuck off island shit
To make amerisharts mad
I'm fine being soulless then. Muh culture my ass, I'm not paying for them.
True outside of Italy, UK is the only other country with soul and the only quintessential european country. The rest have no soul no culture. Even Asians know this fact.
They'll end up immigrating to the US again. can't wait for all the qt meds
You ok nigel?
what if they somehow develop total herd immunity and then watch the rest of us die??!!!
YES PLS, idunno though because we're kinda fucked too.
Because Russkies probably wanna know what this Covid shit is about. They were not hit yet, not seriously so they can afford it and it's the cheapest and most yank and EU insulting way to gain access to corona research.
Uhm I'm sorry Nigel but you dont have a word anymore.
Also put those boots on and get ready to pick strawberries
What Italy is seeking is not help but selfish instruments - if Illinois or New Jersey demanded the other 49 US states guarantee their bonds to secure them a lower interest rate on money they will be spending domestically, they'd be castigated. But call it a Eurobond (recently disguised as a Coronobond) and somehow it's okay? Ridiculous.
Fix your own weak economy, low employment rates, low wages, and government finances instead of asking for regular bailouts (i.e. permanent fiscal transfers) from the rest of the EU.
Propaganda stunt to make you think Russia is your friend and turn your back on the EU.
>female impersonation with big tits
I dig that
They deserve compensation it was a German who spread corona in their cunt.
Actually the EU turned its back on us to help rapefugees, senpai.
France would be nice were it not for the French
god I want to fuck italy
I'm not a nigel, i'm an eric. Who believes Europe as a concept is dead without UK or Italy.
England wouldn't be nice either way lmao
why italian on Yas Forums are so pathetic?
>europe as a concept
Europe is a continent, not a concept retard
Italians on Yas Forums are twice as bad.
i'll grab my rifle then
We don't build trains, but we own your only metro system :^)
Italy has no friends, never had. Let my countrymen realise it so we gtfo asap
brainwashed polentoni are the worst
Is it a common opinion in Italy now ? Are you guys going to leave the UE when all this shit is over ?
Without UK or Italy, it is neither. You for example. No soul, and also not poppin
one brown person over the other
what difference does it make
Well, he's right to an extent. Italy and Spain are a tier or two below France, Germany and other nearby countries. Losing them would only make the EU better on average
>more french people live in england than vice-versa
>french people consistently rate their lives as being less satisfactory than do their english counterparts
>french people are nearly twice as likely to kill themselves as their english counterparts
>french people have, on average, an IQ three points lower than their english counterparts
England is much nicer, Clement
>Czechs thinking they're paying for shit
Lmao imagine the delusion
To your women, literally nothing.
The eurozone countries must save them, come on now Germany, Finland and the Netherlands. Time for denbts :DDD
why italian are so pathetic?*
>trust no one not even yourself
Constantly telling you that you were abandoned by the EU is also part of said stunt.
Having poor knowledge about the rest of the world is not a good thing.
When will you mutts realize that's not something to be proud of?
I really do hope Italy drops out of the EU. With UK gone (one of the biggest net contributors) and also Italy which is one of the other big net contributors it's pretty much finished. France and Germany will have to take care of lazy East Europeans themselves and EU will collapse. Russia knows this, why they're being buddy buddy with Italy.
it's Lega and Giorgia Meloni that they're pushing their propaganda when people are worried and stressed out, like the scum they are
literally all of those points is due to france being niggerier
the soul of europe i. e. the holy roman empire, which was centered around Vienna which means Vienna is the heart and soul of europe. Rome is a shithole, paris is infested with arabs and negroes, berlin is gay, madrid is poor, amsterdam is high, london is brexited, moscow is russian and Istanbul is not wholly in Europe.
Why do you talk as if countries can disappear?
>Muh masks
That infographic is ridiculous.
With that being said, Germany hasn't really been that bad, Merkel has been Merkeln as usual, but the Netherlands just caused a diplomatic disaster just because they had to flaunt their cynicism
>Implying Austria is anything of significance
You don't even have claim to an original language lmao
what do you want? Money? Is it money that you want?
also the IQ bit only applies to natives, and the english are smarter than the french
we must protect this at all costs
Italians are a race of pathetic small dicked brown midgets. They are too weak for this world so what is going on right now is natural selection, and Italians being a pathetic, useless ethnicity are being hit the hardest by the pandemic.
Italians also smell bad and are not used to taking showers and keeping hygiene, which helps spreading the virus.
This. Please, I can't wait to see them turn on each other like rabid dogs once they realize they're sending even more money to the real leeches, and these leeches don't spend nearly as many eurinos on their products.
big cope
>if Illinois or New Jersey demanded the other 49 US states guarantee their bonds to secure them a lower interest rate on money they will be spending domestically, they'd be castigated.
god i hope this is satire
Iq is a meme and 3 points isn't significant, you're just being silly
Somebody might get the idea we ought to. We already sent some protective gear to Spain.
and does the have the stat collectors become ethno-nationalists or do they mean people born in the country
why do you argue like a shitskin
gianny finiscila di buttare merda sull'Italia
user... factposting is forbidden here...
Yes, let's see who are the real members after this stress test
I like Austria and Switzerland, but I get fucking sick of seeing Austrian and Swiss posters on here pretending they're perfect countries. Every Swiss and Austrian city is full of sub-Saharans and mohammedans