What are Yas Forums's thoughts on Quebec?
How different do you think they are compared to the rest of Canada?
What are Yas Forums's thoughts on Quebec?
How different do you think they are compared to the rest of Canada?
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fuck quebec, I never gave a shit about them once into coming to this board and seeing how obsessive they are about the rest of Canada
Quebec would be the most based Canadian province if it was part of Canada, and not its own independent country.
Since they didn't sign the 1982 constitution, are they legally still part of Canada ? Also they are based, passing law to protect their identity against the post national federal multiculturalism scheme
the ones that i've seen on Yas Forums seem full of themselves and act all haughty and superior even though it is my impression that quebec is an economic dump that gets giant amounts of gibs from the anglo provinces and that they're not even particularly distinct culturally from anglo canadians other than speaking french
They are the one that receive the less equalization payment per capita (between province that receive), it's just that it's a large population. Also they have their own service that replace the federal one on somw level like police, so its kind lake a compensation since they pay it themselves
Also when you take account of the massive subsidy the western province get for their oil industry, you get a completely different portrait of the situation.
Also Muskratt Fall. 12 billion from the federal to hire foreigner enterprise to build an hydro electric complex that is not even renable to compete Quebec's Hydro corp
Every section of society is always a little bit of a circlejerk, but Quebec really takes it to the next level.
I like the people, the language, the culture, and living in BC I often feel like our provincial politics should imitate Quebec more in order to be independent from the fed. But every time a couple French Canadians get together in a room they immediately start sniffing each others farts and sucking each other off.
What the fuck does a foreign beaner even know?
>why we act like dicks
Because if we didn’t a*glos would seek and destroy our culture. It’s ok I’ve accepted it. It’s in their nature to do so. Just look at all the examples in history.
So, it's the most based part of Canada?
Frenchies don’t wash their hands to begin with.
Ablutions are a daily routine in French culture though.
Like if when Anglo visit Quebec they don't act rude, impolite, loud and expect everyone to speak english even in the most fare remote place, and getting even more rude when people struggle in English.
When I lived in Ottawa no one gave a shit if you spoke french in public
When I lived in Toronto nobody ever spoke about Quebec or french people ever.
When I lived in Quebec city. Every other conversation was some passive aggressive comment about Anglo Canadians and people speaking English
That attitude is why you'll lose first to immigrants.
from what i've been told other french canadians like acadians and franco-ontarians are nice
And that's why they're going to disappear first
yeah I've been to Nova Scotia a few times since my mom is from there, and acadians were generally nice. Franco-ontario is hard to come by but they have some communites way up north that are entirely french speaking just google search Hearst, Ontario
Alberta and rural BC is the most based part of Canada
This. We have to be aggressive and bitchy to keep control. If we didn’t it would be a passive multiculti place with no rhyme or reason like any other city
Not sure if I agree I am Acadian and nearly all my family hates English people
the places where those live are probably whiter than quebec
in Ottawa half the city speaks French because of mandatory hiring quotas and internal encouragement. There's a reason everyone in middle management is bilingual, lol
Not that there's anything wrong with that, I actually miss the presence of french when I stay out west, it adds a flavour and charm to daily life
If BC didn’t have a fuckton of Chinese it would literally be the best province to live in. I mean I can still go rurally and be fine tho
death rate is 0.74% and ICU care is aroud 2% and hospitalization is around 6.87%. We have done 67k test and our test capacity is 10k per day now. A big unknown chunk of our cases are jewish people returning from new york and most affected places in montreal are the ones that voted no in the referendum.
Angl*s will replace/assimilate them
The Chinese and liberals are all in Victoria and Hong Couver. Rural BC is like Alberta but more scenic. Lots of good-old-boy rednecks, self-reliant folks. There are some hippies out there, but they are a very different breed from the ones in the cities, rural BC is basically a live-and-let-live kind of place.
Rural BC here can confirm.
Between the methamphetamine and garden variety ethno-nationalism it's hard to find anywhere in the Anglo world as based and reddpilled as our backwaters.
If you go to Vancouver it's all Spanish and Punjabi. Canadian cities are cool because you really feel like you're in an Imperial border town being thronged by ethnics from all over the world. Only city I've ever been where speaking three or four languages is standard across class and social lines.
I mean, even if you're 100% anti-immigration and full "kill all brownos", you have to admit that their presence makes the food scene ridiculously good. When I visit Toronto, all I do is eat for a week straight, I don't spend money on anything else really. Or maybe I'm just a glutton, who knows.
skin color doesn't affect culture or language unless you're an a*glo
>Like if when Anglo visit Quebec they don't act rude, impolite, loud and expect everyone to speak english even in the most fare remote place
It's not a race to the bottom. I hate tourists too, and make a point of learning the language whenever I travel. None of that changes the fact that if you get two Quebecois in a room together they'll start rubbing their dicks together about it. Worse than blacks in that regard. Possibly
the future of Canada once multiculturalism really takes root, but that remains to be seen.
>and getting even more rude when people struggle in English.
Compared to the French? Je ne le crois pas.
Sounds like you're the one obsessed about Quebec, bud.
this song and video is fantastic
doubt it. anglos probably move to big cities like everyone else not to atlantic canada and northern ontario, meanwhile quebecois bring arabs, haitians and french-speaking africans themselves haha
>quebecois bring arabs, haitians and french-speaking africans themselves haha
Not to mention that the girls are qts and eastern clothing styles are pretty fly. My hope is that we eventually close borders into something more sustainable and all the cities develop into various ethnic ghettos each with distinct culture and language. Canada is like a meta-culture that absorbs every other culture without every fully assimilating it.
Trudeau got rid of visa restrictions for Mexican tourists in response to Trump being a dick. Now downtown Vancouver is filled with upper-middle class Mexicans. They're literally everywhere in that city.
Quebec needs to be brought in line with the rest of Anglo Canada.
Just like the U.S. did with Louisiana.
Quebec is an absolute drain on Canada.
>Quebec is an absolute drain on Canada.
we are the ethnic canadian, not you. Learn french. You're an anglo, not canadian.
meant for you baby
>eastern clothing styles are pretty fly.
People who check "Canadian" in the census are white Canadians who know nothing of their European heritage.
Canada is an Anglo nation. Has been since the end of the Seven years war in 1763. It's called "right by conquest". If you wanted to keep Canada out of Anglo hands, than you should have fought harder.
A kurta and suit blows the fuck out of a suit-and-tie. There's a reason India was number one for textiles and clothing through most of history. Give it a generation for the hipsters to catch on.
>you should have fought harder
They already killed a couple politicians and had a referendum at gun-point. What more do you want? It's possible to have a functioning society without forcing every ethnic group inside it to resort to terrorist campaigns just to protect their way of life. Retard.
You wish cuck
They created the multiculturalism scheme.
This too. Ontario is still worse though.
>People who check "Canadian" in the census are white Canadians who know nothing of their European heritage.
do anglo really do that?
Anyway, congratulation for not having developped a culture and ethnicity of your own since 1763.
Are you a homosexual?
There is no Canadian ethnicity. Quebec is French and Maritimes are Scottish/English.
Besides the language what parts of French culture did they keep? Are they just Ontarians who refuse to be understood by anyone else?
my imaginary gf is from there!
By and large they are just like Ontarians and Quebec culture is dead for the most part.
>quebec is french
french refer to french people are you dumb?
Hello ESL what are you trying to say to me?
>Upper middle class mexicans
>Literally everywhere in that city
What the FUCK are you talking about, this is literal nonsense
I live in Yaletown and I've never encountered a Mexican living in Vancouver
People from smaller areas in Quebec seem pretty nice but everyone I've ever met from Montreal has been a giant douche and I wish they'd stop coming to Vermont to avoid their country's high taxes.
>French culture did they keep
None really, language and some old buildings. We're effectively french-speaking north americans. Catholicism is gone, ethnic kinship is gone (see ), France itself killed a lot of her culture after the revolution also so there's been divergence anyway since the seven year war and with the revolution on top of it.
-secular governance and anti-clericalism
-extensive welfare state
-strong unions
-assimilatory approach to immigration (contrary to the multicultural one)
-support for government interventions in the economy
-support for nationalization of industries, such as utilities(in general distrust towards private industry conglomerates)
In general Quebec really has a separate society from the rest of Canada.
So besides the assimilation they are exactly like Canada.
that looks dumb af
No they aren't at all or can you tell me the date when Alberta nationalized its entire oil industry?
Take a walk down Granville street and listen to the languages going on. Mexicans in Canada aren't visible at all like down South but there are a lot of them. I lived on Georgia St. and about half my apartment were from Guadalajara.
Alberta doesn't represent all of Canada. In fact when you think of it Alberta is really the separate society. Quebec is more like Ontario.
Haven’t union membership rates been plummeting in Canada? Also besides the healthcare what strong welfare state? Also canada is famous for its cartels controlling its utilities like telecom??
I dunno none of those seem that big and the lefty Canadian party that supports SOME of those (NDP) did about the same in Ontario and Quebec IIRC and still overall badly
>secular governance and anti-clericalism
That's something that came out of the French revolution, our split was prior. French culture was originally pro-clerical. That's just a common theme for catholic countries though, a lot of them went secular instead of freedom of religion like protestant countries.
>assimilatory approach to immigration (contrary to the multicultural one)
Officially our government is interculturalism, which is just multiculturalism under a new word. There's a bit of resistance culturally speaking but anytime a party wants to put it into law immigrants and leftist parties start kvetching and if it passes it's likely to get shot down by Ottawa.
>extensive welfare state
>strong unions
>support for government interventions in the economy
>support for nationalization of industries, such as utilities(in general distrust towards private industry conglomerates)
Those came about in the 60's, not sure to what degree the cold war played in springing those values natively or if they were imported from France during the 60's.
In regards to freedom of religion vs secular rule, that's a very different approach to separation of church and state. French style is to force secularism while you're under the care or working for the State. For example, banning religious accessories while you're on the job as a public servant. Or back when we wanted sikh kids to stop bringing knives at schools and jews to accept tickets from female police officers. The female one wouldn't be accepted in the rest of Canada either as religious freedom but the sikh thing is covered as English style religious freedom.
You're literally making shit up. There are mexican tourists and student groups in the summer, that's it. Granville street is crackheads during the day and drunk UBC greeks at night.
Nobody here say "we are french". Only people from france say "we are french". People say "Québecois" as in: "Je suis Québecois" not "Je suis français". Why would we even say that we're french for fuck sake.
La culture change. Clairement que nos églises sont malheureusment vide, mais comme toute, la culture change. La population dans les années 50, même bien avant considérait la culture comme étant morte parce que celle-ci n'était pas ce qu'elle était dans les années 1800s. On est similaire a nos voisins de la nouvelle angleterre et c'est normal. Aujourd'hui les gens se trouvent des amis jusqu'en france et en belgique casuellement à travers dofus et un match de foot. Avant le hockey c'était la lutte, et avant la lutte c'était possiblement la chasse. Temps et aussi longtemps que la langue existe, la langue et l'accent existe, la culture peut faire des mutations mais jamais elle sera effacé. La covid-19 va probablement ralentir l'immigration des peuples, on peut espérer une stabilisation.
>Quebec is more like Ontario.
Watch any Canadian film award show or any media award show, really, and what do you see? 90% of winners are French-Canadian productions. Why? Because Anglo Canadians exclusively consume American media and American pop culture and don't produce shit themselves. They live in a separate media bubble.