Why are they so evil?

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aren't you guys the ones that tried to take over the world with britain and france
netherlanders just wanted to trade spices

because they refuse eurobonds?

>netherlanders just wanted to trade tulips

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its just our current retarded liberal governing party that only represents 20% of the population

what are their main policies?


I read this interview of one of your politicians and he seems alright
Lodewijk Asscher

pleasing papa germany

4 hours of continuous power by 2030

Cuz they ugly

just standard liberal shit
abolishing the dividend tax was the main way they chose to suck multinational cock this time

Because we don't give you money we are evil.

real beggar additude you have there

They're not. They're lawful neutral.
No body owes you anything and they're right to deny you.
My love for the netherlands cannot be described by words

he represents the largest social democrat party which is largely alright though heavily influenced/infiltrated by liberalism during the 90s and poisoned by identity politics during the last decade. Keep in mind that he shares his party with the infamous eurogroup chairman Dijsselbloem

Uh, another nice guy
Still it seems that a compromise will be possible. I think we made a fuss over nothing, politicians are just retarded like that sometimes

>They're lawful neutr-

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if the netherlands is evil then what are we?
in my eyes we're evil as a people in a good way but the peeps in the government stink
asking because curious

why are they so cute?

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Revenge for inquisition and 80 years war

i learned apreciating beer after my school had a cultural exchange with a belgium school
so you're good

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Belgium is an honorary MED BVLL, together with Luxembourg and Ireland

> Being a tax haven is bad.

Say that to Swetzerland and the city states around the world.

They are hypocrites, leeching the benefit of the unrestricted european market to act as a fulcrum for trade, draining value from the peripheral countries.

Because we speak the truth. Unfortunately the truth is one your poor corrupt shithole of a country can't handle, pretty much like the concept of making long term plans.

I think he is willing to cooperate a bit more now after all the critique

Because we're based af

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It is bad you brainlet, tax havens cause a race to the bottom.

Kek based

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Based bulgARYAN
How are the online lectures?

this desu senpai

it's just good business

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>leeching the benefit of the unrestricted european market to act as a fulcrum for trade, draining value from the peripheral countries
Damn straight we are!

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What the NL does is 10x worse than what Switzerland does. Many countries have also defences build in against the swiss tax system, but they cant do the same for the NL.

The NL is litterally point in Europe where multinationals centralize all their profits in Europe (taxfree), only to move it wherever they want and to whoever they want (taxfree). Starbucks, Apple, they all do this.

Are you Walloon? A Flem*sh can't be so based

Name one evil thing they've ever done

Race to the bottom? What do you meant by that?
If you mean that it takes money form the countries around forcing them to lower their taxes? Who cares? Like if that doesn't happen for any type of resource Their problem, for the taxies haven it is good get more money form the larger amount of money that entered the country in various ways.
That happens a lot here in PY x BR and that is only Brazil's fault to have many stupid and buereacratic laws regarding the opening of new business and tax.

not him but based

Belgians in general are scum and I can't wait until we've rid the entirety of Yas Forums of their presence.

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Welp, indeed for those around it can be bad, but isn't like any country takes it's policies thinking in the neighboring countries.

Tbh I liked the on-campus lectures more since its easier to focus when you dont have any distractions(especially for me because I have a hard time focusing often)

Cant wait till this shit is over so I can come back.
Are you staying safe?

literally how is this an argument

I am flemish yes, I also have a masters degree in taxation yes. But thank you. You are based too

Dood jezelf kankerbelg

why does your language look like a retarded hybrid between english and german?

Because it is

cause it is

kankersmoel houden kankermongool

> Everything is an argument

And the Belgium understood what I meant.

Lmao imagine having the guts of talking about economics when you don't even know such a basic concept. There's a reason why tax havens NEVER openly admit to be one.
If everyone were to lower their taxes till 0 or even negative rates, no country would have a net gain, the whole surplus would be of the business sector and countries would have difficulties financing themselves.

>Lmao who cares I want to be cucked by corporations hm yeah keep going


Same reason your language sounds like a retarded hybrid between Spanish and French. Didn't they taught you the history of Germanic tribes vs Romans in pasta school?

gib reparation money

That would be catalan/occitan desu

ours is the og latin language tho

No that would be Romanian, it even has Roman in the name!

They are the real savages.

Absolutely, feels alright to be honest.

I really doubt you have that much economical knowledge as you claim to have, their is literally nothing that special in that and I addressed in my post and not to mention that there are both stances inside economics and none being de facto right.
I don't see any measure to make give advantage to a region, not being an open agression(act of war) as de facto evil and there is no need to a country to claim to be something they clearly are and since their is no "economical police" and besides the CIT countries have there antonony and since no major sanctions are taken against those it still something within the "rules".

> Corporations are inheritely bad cause the voice in my head say so.

>Spain and Italy: Oh no, our economy is fucked. EU give money now!
>Dutch: Again? You know you keep fucking it up yourself by poor planning and a lack of future vision, right? But fine, you can get money under the condition you make some changes so this will be the last time.
>Germany: Ja, we agree.

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Yeah, being hit by a fucking Pandemia is somewhat our fault.
Based retatd

You clearly don't even know how the EU works. Both Ireland and the Netherlands have been investigated regarding their tax policies, and both have been pressured to change them. What tax haven do is not sustainable in a free market where they can just have their headquarters in one country and then operate anywhere else in Europe.

missing link between germoids and anglos

Yeah I'm staying safe but I'm bored out of my mind, and I just miss actual interaction with my classmates. The government just announced that they extended the measures until april 28th, so hopefully uni opens in a few weeks already.
How's Bulgaria currently?

our fault is not being ready because we lived on consumering and debt without any counterpart on productivity or prevention

Non-ironically, 90% of the Dutch online are horrible people. Really the untermensch of Europe.

Angry that we bullied you out of the Nederdraad?

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Government here took pretty strict measures and the whole country is on lockdown. Pretty boring also. Btw where are you studying? TU/e said they're ceasing on-campus educaiton till the end of the academic year. The earliest they'd consider is in the beginning of June but online education including exams will be available for the last quartile.