>Sweden now the country with the highest percentage of Thai wives

how did it end up this way

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Sweden is incel:the country

swedish girl had other plans


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What's the percentage? Like 1.8%

I have never felt attraction to an asian woman

this the first time I saw an asian and thought "yellow". I guess the anglo racialist weren't spouting bullshit after all

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let me help you with that:

westoids love complaining about western women being degenerate race mixers even though westoid boids mix at a higher rate gotta love their hypocrisy


Not bad the children better than the father and mother , he have a bigger yaw than the father and more stilysh nose than the mother


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Only way to be happily married

>thai waifu
incredibly based combination

no one does this irl you dumb faggot

>When your parents cursed you to a life time of hapa

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> now

it's literally always been like that. 9% of swedish women are in foreign marriages whereas 15% of swedish men are and thai women and swedish man is the most common.

Less than 10%? That's fucking nothing. Even I have a realtive who married a Finn.

When you Brits say Asian, do you usually just mean South Asians like Indians?

Same. They’re very un-sexual to me.

Only extremely beta males marry thais latinas are the superior choice

Too bad the kid will inherit bald genes from the white guy.

I have never felt attraction.

South Asian girls >>>>> East Asian girls

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Pretty much any asian women that is there in Europe is their as a male order bride.

In North America it's sort of like this, but most WMAF couples are with asian women who actually grew up here and are westernized.

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* mail order bride

>refugees welcome!

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>Pretty much any asian women that is there in Europe is their as a male order bride.


I mean it's Thailand after all

once swede mutts successfully go through mutt transition they will try to move to pure nations to spread their overlord (usa) ideals.

globalism has allowed weak men with momey to move to shitholes and create weak offspring

Swedes are incels, look how many of their posters are here despite small population

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>tfw no swedish bf

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Western women are bitches anyways, if you ain't black you have to be a 8/10 or more to bang them

Isn't Sweden going to have a massive hapa population in the future?


I was actually thinking about that before I knew of the fact in the OP. Autists

pretty much

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bottom left and bottom center are cute

bottom right shows wh*tes are cucks

Weak chin and asian wife are an obvious pair.

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sweden, the hapa kingdom lmao

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Simple: white Swedish men who were rejected by their white female counterparts decided to import cheap Asian bride instead of remaining unwanted, bitter incels. It's hardly a sign of social status. Quite the opposite.

but what those say about asian "men" if even incels can be chad in asian countries ?
i know why women despise asians

you were in the news for the same reason too. incel

White girl mogging hard here


Most western men who buy Asian mail order brides are rightoids who complain about rapefugees flooding the country and have a meltdown at the idea of a handful of blond sluts fucking blacks and arabs. It's a matter of hypocrisy + cope + desperation, see

most of them are the cringe soyboy types or old boomers who don't want to fuck old pussy
take a break from internet politics pablo

Perhaps it is different in Denmark then; in the anglosphere there is very much a 'type' that buys mail order brides, and they tend to be repulsive rightoids who want a 'traditional' domestic servant that they can pass on their genes with

>but most WMAF couples are with asian women who actually grew up here and are westernized.
same in UK desu

How hard is it for a Swede to just marry an Eastern European whore instead of a Thai one? They literally border Russia yet they go the extra effort to seek a thirdworld jungle wife thousands of miles away. It's almost as if they don't want to be white anymore

Yeah but at the same time it's compeltly disengious to act like the majoirty of white male asian couples aren't left leaning libreals as opposed to far rigt wing white guys

>It's almost as if they don't want to be white anymore
people don't care about muh white race, mutt

It depends on whether the Asian was born in the country in question or immigrated there through merit vs. imported on a spouse visa or a FOB who can barely speak English.

yeah I know I agree

The Jews pushing the Kalergi Plan to remake Europe.

Sweden and Northern Europe are cucked because the entire media is owned by a single Jewish family with ties to Communism and Cultural Marxism.

>Bonnier AB is a privately held Swedish media group of 175 companies operating in 15 countries. It is controlled by the Bonnier family: Newspapers, books, magazines, television, cinemas, film production, and radio.


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Look at their handsome son. He looks like me when I was his age but I was never that handsome. Being half Korean is kinda lame. I wish I was half Thai instead.

The real reason is because Thailand has always had a surplus of females before you even count the ones who used to be male and Westerners tend to have divergent aesthetic preferences from Easterners when it comes to choosing women.

These are all good things by the way, everybody wins.

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>Thailand has always had a surplus of female
Why; do men suffer a lot of unnatural deaths?
What do Thai men think about sexpatters?

post your chin Chang

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Not until you post your beer gut and credit card debt