Is Yas Forums a High IQ Board?

Don't get me wrong. There are tons of retards on Yas Forums. However, there are a lot of posts you don't regularly see here.

>lol fucking retarded liberal
>you must be a Hilary supporter
>4 more years, leftoid
>stupid fucking Europoor
>okay tranny
>(((vaccines))) are a Jewish invention
>the Jews are brainwashing us again
>heh, you trust mainstream media?
>fake news
>I support our boys in blue

Why is it that we don't see (many) of these low quality posts on Yas Forums? How come Yas Forums's posters seem so much higher IQ than other boards? Seems like (almost) everyone here is a tiny bit more informed and educated.

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our iq is 100

>I support our boys in blue
I do
>4 more years, leftoid
I didn't vote for him but I am READY for Donald I to seize power.

Yas Forums is the most normie low IQ board, it's just that it's so normie, you don't see that many autists from pol and leftypol as on some other boards

Yas Forums is unironically low IQ, not being Yas Forums is not an accomplishment

This place is just as retarded as every other board, in some cases far more gullible.

I used to think europeans and americans were smart before I came here

the reason why we dont have many Yas Forumstards is that we are anti-american and thus we have the lowest amount of sharters out of any active board

Yas Forums is a /leftypol/ colony.

No, probably lower iq than average.
Average iq of all boards is likely 80-90.


No, it's just that I make 10 high quality posts in the time it takes for one 70IQ illiterate retard to solve the captcha

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I realized this board is filled with mentally challenged people when posting Ben Shapiro or Stefan Molyneux content, or material by right-wing intellectuals in general, was encountered with mockery and contempt.

the fuck is a /leftypol/?
just because I don't want Yas Forumsposting here doesn't mean I'm from /leftypol/ or discord or what ever

there are a few commies here but far from a leftypol.

50% of people have lower than 100% so 50% of these posters have lower than average iq, can you spot them?

It could be YOU!
if you do not have a college education.

For every clever post, I also make a stupid one. Just to keep it in balance.

An IQ of 100 here is multitudes higher than the average of other boards.

Yas Forums is at the top of the bell curve.
objectively superior.

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Yas Forums is too right wing to have high iq

you realize higher education in the us is a joke, right? even at top tier schools


T. Low iq tradie who can't do advanced math.

We found someone at the bottom of iq.

The only boards I'd say where the average user is above average IQ is /sci/, /his/, and /lit/.

>high iq

No fucking idea, but what I do know is that this board is gay as fuck.

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>above average IQ
If you mean they have an average IQ of exactly 101 then yes.

Yas Forums is Yas Forums tier at best

no, only right-wingas are high IQ

Yas Forums is dumb as fuck.
You don't recognise the retards because you're one of them.

t. tranny newfag


lol fucking retarded liberal

you must be a Hilary supporter

4 more years, leftoid

Yas Forums is a very low IQ board these days, we don't even make new memes which used to be part of int charm

stupid fucking Europoor

Stop it!!!!!!


College education does not increase your iq, retard

okay tranny

(((vaccines))) are a Jewish invention

the Jews are brainwashing us again

You're not funny, G*rmoid; not even at a meta-level (>le G*rman humor).

heh, you trust mainstream media?

fake news

I support our boys in blue

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10 min well spent, sorry for shitting up your thread
but in all seriousness, I'd say that the intrinsic international design of this board helps
Yas Forums doesn't count because it's Yas Forums, but apart from that, you can't LARP as some racial ideal you would on other boards unless you're actually from there

please, I crave the (You)
you'll have to go one meta level higher, then you'd understand the humour. but it's alright, not everyone is capable of such elevated thoughts

The average Yas Forums is in the 180’s however the average Yas Forums user cannot help herself when it comes to shitposting so it seems like the board is low iq

you think all the gays are LARPing?

I mean, what would you say the average IQ of the people in this thread is?

definitely less dumb than Yas Forums

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70 based on the OP

I don't. You sound like a salty fuck that got rejected and didn't attend a top 10 school. Matbe you should've worked hard instead of doing nothing but beat off, smoke weed, and watch anime in high school.

t. top 5 global university alumn

>heh, you trust mainstream media?

literally what is wrong with this statement

if CNN said it bro it cant be fake

No it was supposed to be bait but it didn’t work

>tfw one of those replies was me
j-just pretending to be a horny retard i swear

but it's true

what are you doing on Yas Forums
aren't you hated by all there?

>aren't you hated by all there?
that's exactly why i post there

Literally nothing. (((OP))) is clearly a lefty liberal commie tranny.

I make a point to fill Yas Forums with BLACKED posting though so fake news

Yes I made the post and was expecting more (you)’s from the herself part but I guess everyone saw through it

The only threads with high IQ across all boards are cunny threads.

/lit/ maybe, but most of /sci/ are fucking troglodytes

Finally an intelligent person.

well, except for me