It's oh so futile Edition

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this is snow monkey, do you have snow monkeys in Morocco?


good, they our ancestors


this quarantine sucks
hate living like all the incel NEETs on this blog

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>this quarantine sucks
>hate living like all the incel NEETs on this blog

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Morocco kills snow monkeys

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Reminds me of the annoying monkeys in my ski course

I feel so empty on the inside and sad, the morning I was feeling happy.
Why does this happen all the time?
I hate happines

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Nigget stfu


Faggot retard

fuck arabism bullshit

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What is your religion Sven?


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lol. based



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Palestinians are the protagonists of mena.

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download heroes and generals on stream free ww2 arcade game


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>dog eater flag
Opinion discarded


its actually an iraqi nigger flag . Still better than LGBTQQIP2SAA tree flag tho

no nobody gives a shit about donky abusers

What's your name and how tall are you?

Falestiziis are the reason mena is so shit and in this state.

I just reread the Cairo trilogy for the 50th time ama

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Huh? You hate them after your hero Kais "cuck" said keeps sucking their cocks?

Exactly, Guts is the reason the world went to shit. But he will use the power friendship and win in the end.

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Doesn't matter, also your country just made gays protected by law some weeks ago, you are hands down the most gay country in MENA
Not saying

nope. you are trash because you are an 80iq ayrat. palestinians are pretty irrelevant.

maniich el 3abed eli ta7ki 3iih

Redpill me on kais
Is he Islamist or liberal ?
Is he any good?

Good thing i live in KURDISTANS REGIONAL GOVERNMENT. Also its not like the gays in here were held by any laws

falestizzi is posting under israel's flag hahahaha


that's the correct spelling yes

Based, keep killing t*rks and I'll support your movement.

k*rds aren't better than t*rks
both are nationalist retards

why is life so pointless and mundane? I don’t even want to die, quite the opposite, but there’s literally nothing you can do but be obedient to the system and suffer under it, or die fighting it.

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Kurds never oppressed my ancestors tho

they likely did, ottomans imported them to oppress shia , they likely fought against every shia rebellion in Lebanon

Unfortunately the pkk is not that active anymore . Kurds in Turkey have been assimilated

I hate when I share a country with a kurds.

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turkmeni shias**

all shias really

not true

This is it
Fuck both t*rks and k*rds.
I'll genocide both of you.

اريد انيچ يا جماعة الخير

am i based?

you're too based

i miss benny

who even are you
fuckoff retard

hmm k

He's a cuck, simple as.
Keeps harping about muh palestine, muh duty towards Palestinians etc.. etc.. He spews populist jargon and all his speeches are conducted in an uncharismatic MSA style that's supposed to draw pretentious pseudfuck uni students who believe in 'muh revolution of youth, and on the other hand serves to awe the retarded common peeps who could barely string together a sentence in derja, let alone MSA.
He doesn't dabble in political ploys and on the "surface" appears like the average educated "uncorrupted" by politics faggot. Which is the main reason why so many sheeple voted for him. That and because his opposition was another populist cunt but a businessman who used all his assets to construct a faux reputation of being a "charitable" and "generous" soul. Neither (S3ayyed or his opponent Ma9arouna) is politics savvy. Neither is charismatic and charming. Neither is conniving or wary. Neither has a steady political agenda or critical ideals/beliefs. Both are smarmy average FUCKS. Said is a populist cunt through and through.
He goes on air and lets shit dribble out of his cuck mouth saying HOW WE NEED TO PUT ASIDE A PORTION OF OUR SAVINGS FOR THE COVID CRISIS TO OUR BRETHERN IN PALESTINE. He also extends a helping hand to our European cousins, making us the laughing stock of normies on kikebook. Poonesia can't sustain itself, let alone any other "brother" nation. We barely have ventilation machines to support the current number of afflicted (which hasn't reached 1000 yet but it fucking will) and this Cunt Said is so far up his own ass, slurping on shit coffee, claiming it is our DUTY to save palestine.

tl, dr: The age of le stronk leader man in Poonesia is over. The best we can hope for now are cucks serving as political puppets for the real overlords running the parliament. Moreover, the subhuman to average educated person ration is very skewed so our parliament is also overrun with idiots.

can someone with a lebanese flag accuse me of being a Russian Jew infiltrating the /mena/ general?

What's MSA?


>supposed to draw pretentious pseudfuck uni students
the only uni students who were impressed by him are probably the ones who go the islamist majority unis.
(though i'm not saying that the more reputable universities are 'safe' from having some islamists and has-beens from former governments teach there or present lectures or that the uni goer is smart)
i'm honestly glad his term has been full of problems that he's not even responsible for, like the COVID crisis or the earlier security threat, it will probably contribute to his being remembered poorly after his run is over.
>he doesn't speak Modern Standard Albanian

>Modern Standard Albanian
Based Qais maintaining the language of our original ancestors.

Kicked out of 4 rooms in a row for bullying Indians