what the fuck bongs?
What the fuck bongs?
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Oh dear. I thought this sort of cancer was limited to the capital.
yeah sadly wh*tes still cohabit the original black founders
based wannabe janny
go back to /h*S/
rule 3.b
Racist bullshit does not belong here
this is the end of the white race
mein arianische ancestors are crying in valhalla...
Nooooooooo dont say the nigger-word think of the advertisers!!!!
I'm not being racist, though.
Well, Birmingham is near the Black Country.
>pointing out bong self hatred and historical revisionism is racist
cry harder you fucking loser
I mean, it is pretty accurate in Birmingham's case. Birmingham was nothing before the industrial revolution, and the workforce came from all over the Empire.
This is based
wtf, why did they sticky a post in the middle of a thread?
By "Empire" you mean The British Isles as this is where the vast majority of the workers came from. Non-Brits in the country were almost nominal. It's only after WWII and Windrush we began to see increasing numbers.
This is nothing more than historical revisionism designed to make disillusioned non-whites feel more connected with the identity and culture of the nation by rewriting our past and offering a place for them in it.
You never get other white Europeans here doing this sort of thing despite plenty of them coming from nations that had significant groups migrate here.
they were brainwashed
Britain should be given away to the Germans and french then, and then both can give nonwhites some
Lay off the drink, Doc.
Good lad.
who was?
How can I tolerate the work environment, the helplessness of patients dying due to lack of facilities? Sometimes I can't go to work without ketamine and some coke
Shouldn't this thread be more on Yas Forums? You're talking about medieval TV shows, right?
Well good luck to you, lad. Can't imagine how difficult things must be right now for medical staff around the globe.
>blacks in America we wuzzing as ancient Egyptians
>blacks in Britain we wuzzing as medieval knights
Thanks. If we ever meet you're getting a notarized 4 week holiday from doctor and free narcotics and test prescriptions
You work about as much as the average Yas Forums NEET
please stop roleplaying
Currently posting from the operating theatre, were performing a tracheostomy on a corona patient, wanna selfie for proof?
There's six "corona patients" in Sudan and two of them are dead
look at the picture, see the skull, the part of bone removed, the master race frankenstein controls. the new skull reforming to contain all frankenstein controls even in thin skulls of white pedgigree males. visible to you at night.
in 1965 CIA gangster police beat me bloodily dragged me in chains from kennedy new york airport. since then i hide in forced jobless poverty. there is no escape from this worse gangster police state
>Suns never sets on British Empire, Dominion over palm and pine.
I'm gonna say it
Yes we are and always were BLACK, no we don’t care what Johnny foreigners think
Amerifat greatest ally since brexit, remember?
They're just following our footsteps
>western wh*toids unironically getting replaced
Make it three
>>blacks in Britain we wuzzing as medieval knights
No one is really doing that
I am pro immigration and I think this is retarded and over the top
UK Demographics:
>white 87.2%
>black/African/Caribbean/black British 3%, >Asian/Asian British: Indian 2.3%
>Asian/Asian British: Pakistani 1.9%
>mixed 2%
>other 3.7%
>(2011 est.)
So can somebody tell me why EVERY TV show/advertisement feature BLACK men so heavily? Why do you have BLACK medieval knights, but never Indian or Chinese medieval knights? Why is BLACK the only minority you wish to portray?
BLACKS are a dominant force in the western world thanks to American culture. men want to be them, women want to be with them.
lol niggas be totally taking over bong history
we are and always were BLACK, our future is 100% BLACK
well, to be honest and frankly, anglos actually love blacks and their culture and way of expressions. submmisive chink diaspora cant be replaced with them for instance.
OP hasn't mentioned any of those.
Blame the amerimutts.
>Uuuh, akshually OP posted a video and...
Shut up, polcel.
Vast majority of our media, everything from advertising to press, TV and radio is based in London. The people who work for them are based in the capital and this is all they understand. What the country looks like outside of the M25 bubble they are oblivious too so this ends up being reflected in their output.
Look at the recent "whitewashing" hashtag where some black woman moaned about the supposed lack of non-white faces featured in stories about the NHS despite it being utter bollocks.
>Shut up, polcel.
So can we have that selfie?
Country's dead. What else is new?
Explain this
This is true though. Irish migration formed Birmingham. A huge part of the population there is of irish ancestry.
1. That figure is from 2011
2. The 87% white figure includes Poles and other immigrants, the actual number for indigenous Brits was 80%
By now, it's probably hovering somewhere around 70%, perhaps even lower.
What do you mean, nigger?
>A huge part of the population
Hardly huge
WTF bongs?
>from chain gang to chainmail
its what anglo sjws do actually. not blacks. some blacks are indoctrinated or operated by the sjws though.
t. Polcel
Go back to blacked.com to feel self-loathing.
you watch your mouth lad or there's gonna be a problem