/brit/ + /fr/

entente cordiale edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


Baise toi

le bas

Faisant un caca

Should destroy germany t b h l a d s

corr imagine the number of dead bodies that will be retrieved from lonely pensioner flats when all this is over

post beurettes

absolument dégueulasse

ah oui très intéressant tout ça
*se tourne et parle à quelqu'un d'autre*

These threads fucking suck, they end up just being /brit/
Fuck ya'll

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Good news lads my Azula pictures have transferred to my new phone

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/frit/ wahey

base et pilule rouge

voiciii les gars

>entente cordiale

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faire un poo lads

parlez vous francais lads?

I do have some outdated pics.

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this one is cringe

reddit-tier trash indeed

tell us about french women lads
have you developed slags yet or have you got your own subculture of trashy women

many femnists

search for cagole


Noticed a lot of NHS nurses getting a little bit too big for their boots in recent weeks

i am a nihilist
change my mind

I can barely see my breath

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Could do with a nice few quid

this one is criminal

fuck london and fuck paris



was reading how Lord Nelson absolutely just despised every single Frenchman in the world and had a good chuckle

parlevoui englais?

thanks but no franks


day 2 of no alcohol

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I was in London last summer and I have to say it’s very nice to live in, wide streets, great weather in summer, nice people and stunning museums
I will soon travel to Scottland too

J’aime l’Angleterre, l’Écosse, le Pays de Galles et le Royaume Uni. Irlande du nord is poo poo though

BBC is a bioweapon America unleashed on the world

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What a wifeable body

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Please don’t do the crying thing.

knicker flashes

there was a time many moons ago when polandball was the most anti-reddit thing on this site

left is peng

wish i lived in London tbqh

hey i live in london right now


got dat damn muddafuggen coonvirus

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Just reminded me of the cringe of when I go to Europe on holiday and you can guarantee there'll be a chav Brit go 'UNE BEERO AND CHIPS PLEASE MATE' ' AU REVOIR THANKS'

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Trading pennies for pounds

>location: manchester
>i'm looking for a single "mom"

fuck off

I haven’t drank in a while.
Feel good.

>Sometimes I just sit in front of the clock and watch it tick. Peculiarly, it doesn’t feel like a “waste of time.” Hypnotic almost.

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Thank you, Paris isn't great but the South of your country is peng as fuck.

Come lad, there are aussies all over London

some reading material for y'all

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pretty fucked that your newspapers outright tell you who to vote for but our murdoch ones did that in 2013 too

always make sure to match with these kinds just to let them know that theyve betrayed the white race and should be ashamed

there's fuck all to do

Don't lie, I've been in London three times and it was crowded with paki filth. Sure the museums were nice but not the "people"

dunnae how they afford it brother, is there even much money to be made over there any more?

Who is this person that I see posted everywhere?

shionie cooper desu

>Irlande du nord is poo poo though
what didn't you like about it?

do you actually do that

Listening to BBC news and I’m hearing stories about cops arresting people for sitting outside their front gate, buying ‘non-essentials’ such as paint and drones flying over pharmacy’s and dispersing orderly queues (adhering to the 2 meter rule) of people lining up for their medication.

Brits really do be living in a dystopian state.

sent "if coronavirus doesn't take you out can I?" to every single one of my tinder matches lads

dont you see it and think you ought to do something about it?

God exists

a toast?

I was chatting to a policeman last night in a garage. Never said a word about the lockdown to me.

Which meme had the shortest ever lifespan?

Fidget Spinners, right?

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A teacher and a clock are dividing their work marking test papers
The teacher crosses and the clock ticks

gonna need some compelling evidence for that

And thats the exact expression I had on my face while typing that post.

had a missus for yonks now haven't ever used a dating app

fake news

french """""people"""""

biggie cheese

Corrrrr mikey he must have been awestruck by your well endowed penis lad

alot of these girls didn't have a bad rack beforehand

funny thing is i live in london and i have been out most days to the park and i haven't seen a single police officer apart from some driving around in their cars

The meal

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what about it

its all so tiresome

biggie cheese has been regularly searched for the last three years

Just got dronestriked by a Varadkarian death squad for mincing out my front door

remember deathmarch

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Irish fool. Stop seething about us British people

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you fucking WHAT?


all me

what are some tips for bantering with people?
sick of not being able to make funny quips back
usually just go "haha yeah"
comes so naturually to some people

Im from the south, plenty of british tourists here. What’s more we don’t get chav trash but smart brits here who basically qualify as the master race

Because you’re an incel racist freak
Don’t @ me

Never been there but it sounds dreadful and boring

kony 2012

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very esoteric post

>subway and mcdonalds closed here

A causal sequence necessitates that the potential of each object is actualised by some other cause which is already actual. This type of hierarchical set (note, this is different from a linear set) requires a primary cause which is pure actuality. This "unmoved mover" can only be God.

un gunda me fait rire!

In London? Yes.

The rest of the UK outside of pockets is basically Eastern Europe tier, but you can earn very good money in London.

I know a LOT of aussies here earning a fortune after just a few years work (70/80k+) but that's just cos its london.

A lot of it is about the experience and fun though innit

i'm trying to take 3 weeks off it
longest break i've had in years in 2 weeks

>"chance would be a fine thing"

Stop being afraid of embarrassment
If you say something stupid just go with it, if you get grilled more for it just go with it

Only way to grow a thicker skin. If you’ve ever worked on a building site you learn this pretty quick. Most people are taught to banter by their father.

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any french people want to be my mate? :)

>Im from the south, plenty of british tourists here. What’s more we don’t get chav trash but smart brits

Absolutely based I love the French.

Only way to grow a thicker skin is to vigorously rub your cock every day


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mate that's a cracking deal
consider the fact that everything in this country is incredibly, unfathomably expensive

Dinner? Sure let me just head into the garden to pick a few snails, it rained this morning so they should be extra juicy!

I want to mate with you

how do you envision this god

Any moderno warfare man in

>Because you’re an incel racist freak
>Don’t @ me
Kek, have you even fucked a local before calling me incel, you poo-loving fuck?

what if covid was an april fools prank all along and we find out tomorrow

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That sucks. Burger King staff here aren't even wearing masks or anything and I live in a hotspot

doing a think

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Actually makes me cringe


The tradition of policing in the UK is that policemen are citizens in uniform. They are not members of a disciplined heiarchy operating just at the governments command. Yet in some parts of the country the police have been trying to stop people from doing things like traveling to take exercise in the open country, which are not contrary to the regulations, simply because ministers have said they prefer them not to. The police have no power to enforce ministers preferences, but only legal regulations, which don’t go anything like as far as the government's guidance. Teh behavior of the Derbyshire Police in trying to shame people into trying to use their undoubted right to travel to take exercise in the country, wrecking beauty spots so people don’t want to go there, is frankly disgraceful. This is what a police state is like. It’s a state, in which the government can issue orders or express preferences with no legal authority and the police will enforce ministers wishes

yeah was playing a bit earlier

earn good money, then give 3/4 of it away to rent or mortgageberg for a run-down 2 bed terrace in zone 53 with a 4 hour commute each way

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Don’t care about your inceloid rambling, virgin

Ton anus m'appartient, nigel

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COVID has been the biggest fucking nothingburger
oh nooo maybe a million oldest of the 8 billion people will die, let's spend a quadrillion dollars to avert it and in effect cause more suffering than what we're averting

post your dick . need to see how i measure up

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Not sure, haven't got to that chapter in my book yet. The author is a staunch Catholic though, so I guess it'll have to end up as being that interpretation

I'm gonna do it lads
I'm gonna grow a lockdown beard

Nah you didn't :^)


yag sbarro?

a fine thing indeed!

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was in paris once

went to david lynches night club with a bumble date then met two canadian girls

very good night, that

kinda cringe

muh par tea ent


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wish she'd fix her tights already
fed up of seeing them ripped

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Parlez français, anglais fils de pute

boomers lives are worth more than millennials simple as

are pukka pies ready to eat cold?

week 3 of online lecture toil in 10 minute lads

i need to share my screen and pretend i'm following, but in reality i've got my laptop out on the side anyway and i'll be posting on here regardless