Imports whole chinese cities including workforce

>imports whole chinese cities including workforce
>they take over parts of your economy and smuggle BILLIONS of Euro currency to china
>they bring and spread a disease, causing the economy to crash
ok good. go fuck with those chinks next time u get the plague fucking useless niggers

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Other urls found in this thread:

shut the fuck up kraut

>trying to deflect that Italy's patient zero was a german

Shut the fuck up kraut

thank god they have big balls. if it was up to us we would have probably paid

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shut the fuck up turk

bullshit hospitals were full of chinks there it was their fault

lol that's how shitaly make global economy decline

Hopefully they will kill the EU and germans will suffer


no, it was a german from Bavaria, there are scientific papers on that
next week it will be your turn

go kiss some chinks giovanni

meme answers won't hide that you infected us and Austria infected the rest of europe

Next week you will be forced to publish real data.

>HELP my nonna is dying from corona I need that gibsmedat EU money. Look we put all our debts, that we even had before the crisis, in a large bowl and you pay it, ok? sounds good? No!? FUCK U GERMANY

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if you let italy down the chinese and angloids will have free reign in europe because nobody will take you seriously
having power costs money, power is money, influence is an investment

you still had planes from Wuhan when people started dying on mass. also you were sucking CCP cock the whole time, you ask for European money and say we are not your brothers and stab your backs but you have 0% loyality and you are compulsive liars

We should enslave the southrons

Italians should just default on their debts and issue a new currency

t. economics pro

Italy why?


false, we have been the only country blocking flights, the other eu countries didn't and we have been hit from ppl coming from other countries.
8th february:

they'd probably just brrrr infinite money
zimbabwe tier in a month
dumb meds

this is what Nazi Germanys economist did,
>we have too much debt
>print off 10 billion marks and pay the debt with that
>now make a new currency when we have no debt
simple plan that always works.

It's only cool when they do it
Like not paying debts

Hello w*jakposter remember me ?

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they also had 330 billion forgiven after WW2
meanwhile we have never defaulted, I got that we are brown and blablabla but this is not cool

VERY based. Fuck pasta niggers

just default.
the banks cant do anything about it.



They never fully paid their WW1 debt either
Why do they do this?
France fully paid in 2 years after the franco prussian war
Why are they like this?


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>tfw we're going to get in the Euro just as it implodes
I hope we can get whatever currency Germany adopts afterwords.

btw chinks were caught in Italy sneezing and spitting on doorknobs to spread the disease

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You can get the g*rm out of the forest, but you can't get the forest out of the g*erm.

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Then again Germany created the EU to transform poorer countries into economic vassal states.

Next time Italians will offer their cats and dogs to be eaten by these people and then they will ask germany for fresh pet-loans

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how did you know that this video is in italy? could also be made in america or even china.

>They never fully paid their WW1 debt either
we actually did
took us 92 years to pay ww1 debts back

>ok good. go fuck with those chinks next time u get the plague fucking useless niggers

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>132 billion? Why would you need 112 billion for Here's 67 billion, deal?

*Shoots him*

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>imports whole chinese cities including workforce
Gonna need a rundown on this

he's being an autistic retard like all Germans. Italy's entire asian population isn't even 0.5%.

>italian company makes handbags
>chinese start out selling material
>then workers
>then they buy the company
>at some point it's 100% chinese only the sticker on it is italian
>chinese start buying more companies
>open their own shops, only buy from each other
>buy all the land only rent to each other
>at some point the whole city is chinese (millions of chinks)
>everything is now chinese, prostitutes, car salesmen, wedding companies
>they use it to fuck with our system, not pay taxes (italia national sport) and steal foreign currency
This was all a plan laid out by the CCP, nobody would accept shit like this for some pocket change, except italian politicans

Does anyone have some screencaps or something of Italians being mad about breaking pasta? I find this one hard to believe

chink chong eat dog small dong

>>at some point the whole city is chinese (millions of chinks)
>this Yas Forums tier schizoid
Which city is this hypothetically happening in? The entire country only has a quarter million chinese and the largest city in Italy (Milan) is only 10 million people. What city suddenly gained 20-100+% of its population in Chinese and why isn't it news?

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>he thinks I'm a chink just because he's a conspiracy theory retard

It's real in his mind

>Italian normies on yt or something jokingly pretend to get mad
>Yas Forums: hahahah look italians are so autistic about food

20 years ago there were 0 chinks
now its a whole chinese city they brought here, also those stats dont show illegal immigrants

chink chong small dong eat cat play ping pong

>also those stats dont show illegal immigrants
Stop deflecting, I'll ask again - which city is it supposedly happening in? Which city is it you claim is now "entirely chinese" and has "millions" of them?

I wish there were millions of chinese then I could finally find a qt azn gf.

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>they brought here
>brought here

kek so OP is just a proxyfag larping as a kraut.

>CPP sends chinks to subvert EU economy
>noooo it's only a few innocent chinkerinooos they didnt do nuttin its only a million bat eating, lying , cheating and stealing chinkerinooos they are not foreign agents

no he's LARPing as an italian LARPing as a kraut, since everything he's saying is made up.

Prato chan, prato is the best example thex catch like hundreds illegal workers every month, they come in container ships

damn....guess int really just got BTFO

>MADERU UP NOTHINGRU TO SEE HELE OH NO NO *spits on your doorknob*

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Are you schizo? The only container I heard was the viets immigrants found dead in a lorry in the UK last year.

so your worst case example is a town whose total pop is less than 200,000, meaning the amount of chinese would be tens of thousands at most. But sure "millions".

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you come here to subvert a nation and now you are arguing that it's not that many people
what about those chinks that are here being worse than jews?

I'm not chinese retard, keep deflecting because you can't even keep your own argument straight from one post to the next.

>how did you know that this video is in italy?
No one died a gruesome death.

>this utterly bootyblasted kraut

Attached: smug duneworm.jpg (225x225, 6.8K)

>some minimum wage no-education chinese working in a cheap textile factory in some little bumfuck Italian town is trying to "subvert a nation"

KEK the absolute state of Yas Forumstards

>Kicking a nation at their lowest point

Terrible atmosphere. I say we call off all Italian banter until the ideas of April.