Why are they like this?

Attached: ok Dubai is soulless but it still has 10s of millions of tourists and is rich as fuck - so does le ebin city soul meme really matter.png (2110x1402, 3.37M)

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Nice filename

who? it's common sense, all those skyscrapers are just offices and NPC nests in the inside, but in the slums and barrios, there are stories, emotions, tales, passion, soul...

mexican cartels are just npcs programmed to do crime

Because Dubai has no culture of its own. Everything is copied from another country

Dubai is like sodom & gomorrah. If you are a good Muslim you should burn it into the ground.

I've never been but isn't Dubai basically just a muslim first-world version of an Indian city?

Come to brazil

an actual quality post

Imagine being proud of being cartel-ridden impoverished third worlders

I will some day


unironically yes. spot on

Nice bait w*jakposter you know the reason why people chooses small simple brickhouses is because they have some historical backgrounds unlike Dubai which half of their skyscrapers are built by the Chinese and slaves and have no souls

Attached: dbb01e5b3245d51d60f916b77e220c83.png (1084x1860, 957.75K)

how is Warsaw doing?

Dubai is soulless but so are commieblock and favela shitholes infested with lowest of the low subhumans who are too stupid and emotionally undeveloped to even be considered human.

For me, soul are places like Florence -- history, culture, good architecture, actual developed humans... The only downside are tourists.

Attached: Florence_Italy.jpg (1170x779, 133.94K)

I think it's because people get the impression that in poorer communities people are more family oriented and care more about each other. While extremely developed and wealthy communities are stereotyped as being cold, spoiled, and soulless


stop spamming Shadow

Florence is unironically a tourist trap. Not even good for tourism desu

>in poorer communities people are more family oriented and care more about each other. While extremely developed and wealthy communities are stereotyped as being cold, spoiled, and soulless

And you stop spamming w*jak memes w*jakposter

Attached: images (5).jpg (230x219, 6.21K)

>implying having lots of tourists is good
Its the opposite actually.

I'd rather tolerate a few tourists than live in a shithole (as long as those tourists are not British, at least).

yeah few. not tens of milions

>ZOMG I sooooo wanna go to dubai to see the big buildings and hotels and.. uh.. dubai culture and cuisine! (whilst not being able to afford jack all there)

Attached: 1579974404413.png (640x591, 20.02K)

Dubai genuinely does have soul, but you need to go to Old Dubai. Go to the old souqs (markets) and creeks, and you find that a genuine, quiet, soulful life does exist.

You're right

Attached: destinations-dubai-desert-hero.jpg (1250x555, 82.02K)

For me, it's Prague

Attached: 1472727543.jpg (1400x500, 272.35K)


Attached: BC8C84A5-0065-4EA1-81FB-F7C4FD593CF6.jpg (1200x630, 89.48K)

>going to dubai at all

Yeah I can't understand wanting to go to a desert. Anything south of Denmark is too hot and uncomfortable.

Muh middle eatern culture

"How can I live a fulfilling life without baking in the desert heat and watching someone getting stoned to death for x reason?"

"B-but the FOOD?!?!?"

Real talk though I swear to God the only good desert on earth is the Mojave..

what the fuck is that?

>what the fuck is that
That place in Fallout New Vegas

>real talk though
>reddit spacing
Kek, you type like a roastie/redditor

They're both third world shitholes filled with shitskins and/or pajeets/goatfuckers.

>Kek, you type like a roastie/redditor

projection, much?

>new worlders complain about lack of soul in today's architecture
>try experimenting with new modernist architecture styles to see what fits best in country
No wonder Canada has no soul. At least the remaining colonial architecture we have looks pretty nice.

Dubai is just tasteless, I enjoyed the old part much more than the glass dildos


Attached: 1555675661554.jpg (647x831, 110.39K)

any city that is build around everyone driving and nobody walking is completely soulless.

Attached: America was a mistake.png (1991x652, 2.49M)

public transport makes a city look comfy ngl


Attached: XT4TN9-n33x-JmMqj4IpPDV2F_IacUMcuIqZoDNe8a4.jpg (1600x1200, 501.04K)

Attached: disgusting.jpg (600x450, 77.59K)

Pic related is the american dream
50% of your city being parking lots

Attached: 52776087-e1291577096311.jpg (600x398, 110.98K)

why? the only problem that I can think of is increased rent prices and the best places to spend time in the city being crowded. yeah that's about it honestly
we have a lot of tourists and they don't make a lot of difference

Prague. aka one of the most popular tourist traps in the world

Prague is just the most beautiful city on Earth, such places will always be 'tourist traps'.

Well, having travelled a little, its just boring to be in Dubai, Riyadh, Doha, etc. There's good things about manufactured cities (Safer, better infrastructure, efficient public transport) but from a pure enjoyment perspective, organic cities like Colombo, anywhere in India except Bangalore, maybe Medina are just way more interesting.

Once you've been to one of the made-up cities, you've been to all of them. Except maybe Ashgabat.

unironically this

Attached: favela-slum.jpg (2000x1000, 776.58K)

No, the consumers are NPCs. The cartels are the chads that sell poison for billions

Cartels are modern day pirates

I wish i were a dictator city planner of this city, i would built a top of these parking lots luxury apartment buildings and leisure. Also i would turn some of the parkinglots in green parks with some sportingfields.

To make this possible i would invest in proper public transport and cycling paths (next to the street behind some protection (trees, parked cars and other kinds of barriers) this wat the cyclers and cardrivers are safe).

you honor this thread with your post

I was* of course

the problem is american houses and yards are too big and streets are too wide for public transportation to be good in most places. 99% of america is too spread out for anything like that to work. For america to be comfy entirely new cites need to be built from scratch with entirely different zoning laws. Even comfy places like Manhattan are ruined by the grid meme.

Honestly grids arent even to bad, the "organic city growth" is not bad but it really is over rated.

I think the vastness of the states, are as you said, a curse to comfy cities. But i really think there is a way out, cities can change from the inside out.

First you change the city center, then you move out to the nearest suburb, changing the concentraition and building better public transport within the re-developt neigbourhood. Then scale up these redevelopments each time you can.

i cant see American suburbs being able to adapt to public transportation. Its just too spread out. They would have to start from scratch.
I always think about what i would do if i had elon musk or warren buffets money and i would try to find a place in america that would let me build a city without all the shitty zoning laws we have. This country is so depressing i hate having to drive literally everywhere

forgot pic

Attached: american-suburban-neighborhood-with-townhouses-and-single-family-homes-in-the-east-coast-of-usa-with-stunning-sunset-aerial-view-WXTBMB.jpg (1300x1005, 190.41K)

Cartels are fucking ultimate chads who use same tactics Special Forces do


Is top image Brazil?


>oil prices are crashing
>people are waking up to the fact that Dubai is nothing but decadence on display and has nothing of value to display whatsover

lmao enjoy being yeeted back to the stone age fucking sandniggers

Well i ment incrementally changing your suburbs from block to block and yes that includes building new roads and bulldozing homes when possible.

The thing is people dont like to move when u want to. Thats why i wanted to be the dictator city planner.