wtf why is the Netherlands so rude to Italy and Spain
Wtf why is the Netherlands so rude to Italy and Spain
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But the Dutch are like 30% non-European these days, it's not like they're white anymore.
They are helping meds to help themself
Not all racism is between PoC and Whitoids
holy based, those who pleads for mercy dont deserve it
Start paying for your own shit, man
they will soon be in the same situation, why would they send supplies they'll need? I don't get why the government even asked
The history
Don't know
We actually offeres them loans without interest (free money). But instead they prefer that we pay interest on their debts.
Italians and spaniards alongside morrocans and turks still all their women
how is it free money if you have to pay back?
they want to increase the contribution of money to the EU (totally not to our benefit).
And now they want to introduce Eurobonds, which are entierly against our interests
Can confirm, stilled lots of dutch women
Its either.
A. We receive money due to negative interest. They receive money without interest. And they pay back less money due to inflation.
B. We pool our debts. We cant use the pool because the interest rate is higher for us. Italy makes more debts, as they usually do. And Italy will have to pay the debts back with interest.
The Netherlands chooses A. But Italy gets butthurt because they want B.
But how can I Larp as moors if you don't play
And the only reason why they want B is because they dont plan on sever cutting their spendings.
Because otherwise A is a lot more beneficial.
*on ever cutting their spendings
so you take a loan with negative interest and give it to italy with no interest.
Seems to me like you make a profit out of their misfortune
Italians already have 137% of their gdp as debt. While max 60% is the EU norm. And their plan is just to keep spending until the system breaks, in their favor.
It would be better for us if we used the money for ourselves.
>seajews still advocate austerity because it makes them more rich
to the ocean you go, worthless rebranding nation with no value
How much spending do we need to cut? We already did that and it didn't work
>The question for the Netherlands is whether the empathy deficit is now damaging its effectiveness.
>Two days after Hoekstra made his controversial proposal last week, Agriculture Minister Carola Schouten asked for EU support to compensate the Dutch flower industry for the impact of the coronavirus crisis. Solidarity for tulip growers was not forthcoming.
>“That the ministers didn’t think those two things would be connected is almost embarrassing,” said Korteweg.
>the EU is now dividing 37 billion euros to combat the corona virus
>the Netherlands receives 25 million
>Morocco who isnt even an EU nation and has less victims receives 450 million
Until you have a positive balance. So your debts decrease.
i'm just gonna throw stuff to the sea, knowing that i'm fastening the sinking of that worthless country that is the Netherlands
What's with all the seriousposting?
Anyways, fuck dutchies they are gelous because they are flat and we have boobs
that money goes to german and dutch families in morocco :^)
good post, fuck these giant cunts
They (and the germs) are taking advantage of us, they're not bringing their best, they bring drugs, they bring drunks, they bring crime, they sell us overpriced junk that se could easily manufacture here and bring jobs back to Spain and make SEAT great again but they cheat us with their double-face competition rules, they cheat us with their double-crossing tax policies, they cheat us with their twisted deficit and inflation and shit rules, they cheat us with their fixed money printing machine because they decide when and how much money printing and on what terms and shit.
But no more of these parasitic germs and illegal drugs smokers. We'll quit the euro, get our own moneys printing machine, the hell with their competence and deficit rules, fuck Phillips and Siemens, build a wall of austerity around their ass and have parasitic germs and druggies pay for it.
I love to rent free in the head of this one single dutch poster HAHAHAHAHA
We already pay so much, we always have to bail out the brownoids.
It's 12:00, isn't it time for your 4 hour siesta by now?
Lol based neutral Spain
>so much
>less than 0.4% of the GDP
finnish ppl should work harder
thats after lunch mate, so around 2pm
>We already pay so much, we always have to bail out the brownoids.
Out of the countries that contribute, all of them but 3 want the eurobonds.
Cope harder d*tchie
Because we're a bunch of apish subhumans and we deserve it.
t. brownoid
>tfw never defaulted on our debts
t. Dutch faggot
blanker dan jij achmed
Nexit when
Do you think the brits regret leaving yet?
The UK wasn't in the Eurozone so this debate would not have involved them at all
Yeah but they will never admit it
I am anti European "Union", so I fully support the decision of the Dutch government. I hope this only speeds up the process of the "union" collapse.
but we're going to bankrupt outside of the UE
They really hate us. I traveled to Netherlands a couple of years ago and they were very racist and rude to me.
As soon as I landed at the airport, the police forced me to leave the airport as soon as possible, and not through the normal exit doors, but through the exit doors for the cleaning workers. I asked why, and the policemen told me "fuck off, dirty Spaniard.
At the hotel, at first they were very kind, but when they saw that I was Spanish they treated me very badly and gave me the worst room they had available, they didn't even clean my room. On the second day I asked why my breakfast had not been served and a few minutes later a hotel worker brought me a dirty tray with burned potato chips and said "there you have your food, Spanish dog".
The cities were beautiful and nobody treated me badly except when I said I was Spanish, then their kind faces changed by looks of hatred.
The last night I ended up at the police station for no reason and there two female police officers raped me, it was such an embarrassing situation, I still have nightmares.
they're obsessed with us for some reason
>but we're going to bankrupt inside of the UE, it was about to happen to us during the previous crisis
It won't though, so don't dream. Best we can hope for is the end of the euro and the single market, back to pre-M*astricht EEC, bringing back national customs and national sovereignity over international trade agreements.
we literally didn't bankrupt because of the EU
Are you autistic? Did someone rape you using oil?
We literally were never going to bankrupt, the money was to rescue the banks.
I aint seen none of this money.
This is fake.
>the banks
the only bank we rescued was Banco Gallego.
All the others we're cajas or banks created by cajas and/or ruled by cajas.
Which means we brought the trouble upon ourselves by having public banks we mismanaged into bankruptcy.
I am Spaniard and I eat paella all day.
In so sorry user. The Dutch will pay for their racism one day.
they are always rude to anyone m8
You can rape my wife and daughters while I watch
Not even Greece did that when they had nothing to lose, that should tell you something