Rate my bird
Rate my bird
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I don't care about you as such but all birds are very cute and good and must be protected, so yes your bird is 10/10
Got any tits?
Well, I did not expect that.
your nose and lips are slightly asymmetrical. can you show ass so we can all decide what it is.
bird is symmetrical. so at this point its prettier bird than you
No, my bird doesn't have tits
birb/10 would pet
That bird is f*male so it's shit.
>Would rather fuck a tiny bird than a Portuguese QT
Classic Spaniard.
fuck women
Guacamayo 7/10
Would screencapping the pic at a slightly off crop stop it showing up?
It's from Reddit bro. Use google search next time, every search engine use different methods, and as such, can't find every result.
Based. I hate roasties so fucking much
just googled reversed the image and apparently it's from reddit. anyway. i wish i was this pretty. my life would be on easy mode. why did god curse me?
No, since it scans for similar pictures
You're right. Generally I always use Yandex/Google, made exception this time
>No, my bird doesn't have tits
he's probably talking about pic related
This. I really almost want to kill myself sometimes with how hard it is living and these people get everything handed to them.
i feel ya user... personally i'm most def killing myself before 25. i will not be able to cope with being ugly AND old.
I'm 28 and it keeps getting worse as my hair goes. Still a virgin, still at home, still a NEET despite applying for shit. I don't see it getting much better unless a miracle happens. Every day I think of how much better my life would have been if I was a cute girl, or even an average one.
same... being neet is hell
I am slowly going insane, and now I'm too awkward to pass interviews. My anxiety was so bad when I graduated uni that I never got anywhere and now I'm old and it is worse.
Why am I so weak and stupid and awful.
>I graduated uni
but c'mon user at least you did something with your life... cheer up
t. didn't even finish hs
You are literally me
Nice bird, show your pussy so we can rate it as well
Like if I was a girl I would have zero fucking problems
CS Interviews? Instant acceptance
Dating? Thousands of options
Politics? Fucking every politician is a woman now
Instead I'm here in hell, because some random gene flipped.
How do you end up like this in CANADA?
That is not true and unlike you I don't want to be a tranny
Oh I don't want to be an ugly tranny, don't worry user.
literally me, except i was also born in a 3rd world shithole
god must surely hate me
I guess I will count my blessings that I probably will not starve. But what is the point of a first world country if you don't get to experience any of it.
My bedroom would be the same if I was here or in brazil.
I rather rate your pussy
you look like tha bitch singing 'pork'ey the vas'
she cute
Can it do this?
If not 5/10
mine just bites me whenever i try to touch him
>tfw no parrot loving European gf
She looks a bit big for you lad
oh hi are you the guy who had a thing for white girls with frecks
tfw no portuguese gf
every time
Fuck off incels
>brown hair
>brown eyes
More proof that South-Europe is not white
Cute but clearly underage.
That's not a bird, that's a pussy
Please be in Porto
Rate my fish