28 days? time to start raping! edition
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So horny all the time
There should be a statue of Bob Hawke just outside the Sydney International Airport so kiwis know to pay their respects upon entering
oh, nevermind, he just made it official
When Britain had its empire it put the union flag in the corner of colony flags but what would happen if Australia or NZ started their own empire and needed some cool flags???
Being horny isn't a personality
thought new zealanders know who bob hawke is, even if its for the meme reason of setting the guiness world record for sculling a beer the fastest
still reckon its mental he did that though
28 rapes later haha
lads is becoming a diplomat hard work? wouldn't mind kickback in some embassy preferably in a nice country.
What's the grimmest city in Australia?
I'm talking depressing to drive through, grim inhabitants, no money, eyesore shit buildings etc.
you usually need to be an established polly with a big big social sphere beforehand
Ok and?
can leftypol stop shilling hawke? thanks x
what if you were a minor diplomat to some irrelevant place?
probably one of the rural ones in a methamphetamine crisis
heard townsville's going that way but they have the nice natural beauty element being in the tropical north coast
wish i was freed from this mortal coil
And shut the fuck up virgin
the most sensual areas of a woman's body are as follows
>back of the thighs
>arches of the feet
>calves and shins
>side of the neck where you bite (not shown)
how are you supposed to bring women down a peg or two without outright insulting them
she wants a man from wollongong
the issue with making fun of australian place names is that none of what you come up with will be more ridiculous than the actual place names
Are you an idiot? Hawke inspired the next gen of Labor and Liberal politicians, do you even know what he accomplished? Stop saying nonsense over a subject you know nothing of, makes you look ignorant
ah yes bob hawke the beer swigging womaniser, leftypol
surely the inside of their thigh is more sensitive than the back
yeah met a lad at oxford who wanted to be a diplomat and even for him, a rich young brit with strong academic success, it was a tough road ahead
Incredibly sceptical of anyone who actively dislikes Bob Hawke
Of the times he's been brought up in real life around me I've never heard a bad word. I remember staunch libs being sad at his death even if he gave them a hard time when he was in office
you can stop saying "hawke" as if that's a name people should know any time
you can stop saying "hawke" as if that's a name people should know any time
I guess I was talking the back half, so lower insides would count, but not so far up as to feel bone
definitely is. try running your fingernails up and down the inside of a woman's thigh for a while without touching her pussy, will drive her insane with anticipation
Give them the ol' backhand to put them in their place
No haha
how can being a diplomat be hard at all, all you’ve got to do is trek around Gaul, Germania and Dacia asking for trade rights and map information
how can being a diplomat be hard at all, all you’ve got to do is trek around Gaul, Germania and Dacia asking for trade rights and map information
>His academic achievements were complemented by setting a new world record for beer drinking; he downed 2 12 imperial pints (1.4 l)—equivalent to a yard of ale—from a sconce pot in 11 seconds as part of a college penalty.[17][18] In his memoirs, Hawke suggested that this single feat may have contributed to his political success more than any other, by endearing him to an electorate with a strong beer culture.[16]
Fucking straya
NOT enjoying how adversarial this edition's starting off as
come on lads
Have a mind numbing autocad toil job on today. What should i listen to for 8 hours
Have a mind numbing autocad toil job on today. What should i listen to for 8 hours
its not hard to do the work its hard to get the job because you get paid a fortune to do basically fuck all and a huge amount of privilege (look into all the diplomats (and their family) that have gotten away with blatant and admitted rape, manslaughter and murder in western nations because lol immunity)
the man was based there’s no two ways about it
what’ve you got to do on the ‘cad then my lad
my peepaw
extremely reddit take
Just got back from Chesterfield upon Smutton
Just got back from Chesterfield upon Smutton
no because im not some politically obsessed retard
Anyone who doesn’t like Hawkie or beer is cringe
Just got back from New York upon Newark
Then kick me in the balls really hard
Dragon dildo design
youve fallen for rorkes propaganda
reckon being contrarian against the nation's most popular PM just because is more reddit
Insult their appearance lol
sadly, thats the highest level they resonate on
the most sensual part of a woman is her mind
nothing gets a woman harder than using something trivial to emotionally manipulate you and then sexually dominate you for being pathetic
Isn't Chesterfield upon the rother
Draw up a map of all the fire equipment on site for an audit. Could do it on word easier but managerberg likes autocad because he can't use it
Ok but you first
Then stop talking nonsense you actual mong
>reckon being contrarian is reddit
>28 days without sex
I would go crazy too haha
Piss off back to /ausnz/ this isn't the general for that you absolute gimp, hope you dox yourself so any aussis can come and knock some sense into you
Piss off back to /ausnz/ this isn't the general for that you absolute gimp, hope you dox yourself so any aussis can come and knock some sense into you
all i know is friendlyjordie likes hawke so i dislike hawke
>emotionally manipulate
Love it when girls do this to me
No because then you won't be able to do it to me
you're not helping yourself
the liberals are just leftypol + corporate corruption
hard as it is for leftypol to understand not everyone is obsessed with money
No because then you won't be able to do it to me
wonder if anime foot aussie shags and knows his way around a woman from experience or if he’s establishing these axioms based on his cartoon fantasies
stop fucking arguing, ill clear this up right now:
Liking bob hawke: based and redpilled
hating bob hawke: cringe and bluepilled
stop fucking arguing, ill clear this up right now:
Liking bob hawke: based and redpilled
hating bob hawke: cringe and bluepilled
need a shite
have actually dox'd myself in two (2) images but nobody noticed
why is brown-wojack dave on an australian vpn now
why is brown-wojack dave on an australian vpn now
>longstanding ally betrays you just to blockade a shitty port
>batter them like a ginger stepchild, surround their last settlement
>decide to be nice and let them become a protectorate
I love the first Rome, but it was fucking dumb
Good point
*presents anus*
which video game
absolutely BOTH pilled
have a gf but get the majority of my ideas for stuff to do in bed while cooming on Yas Forums all day
she sat on my face and wiggled her arse on me while i caressed her thighs last night and it was absolute fantasy tier
she wore panties though because of social distancing we're not suicidal
absolutely BOTH pilled
have a gf but get the majority of my ideas for stuff to do in bed while cooming on Yas Forums all day
she sat on my face and wiggled her arse on me while i caressed her thighs last night and it was absolute fantasy tier
she wore panties though because of social distancing we're not suicidal
enjoy the new spam
anime foot lad doxxed himself?
Jarrah and Ganan are at her house stroking her body while she's playing with you
>Robert James Lee Hawke, AC, GCL (9 December 1929 – 16 May 2019) was an Australian politician who served as Prime Minister of Australia and Leader of the Labor Party from 1983 to 1991
you lot have to be the gayest cunts around to be arguing about some archaic politician
Politics shapes the very world we live in
did a campaign recently and the game is comically easy in retrospect, even on the hardest difficulty, you just need to know what settlements to capture first and enslave every single settlement
of course, me being a pacifist child never knew this and ruled through occupying every settlement
cunt you'd have to atleast 40 to even remeber this guy in office
saw a celebrity at the mall. was quite excited!
your entire country is reddit incarnate
CORRR! I bet she’s horny for my penis.
How does one tell the difference between a Bogan and a Kiwi? It is hard to pick out the accent difference between them.
Australia is very anti-reddit in practice, haven’t you ever noticed that the majority of famous redditors that get ridiculed are Americans?
So true
IT DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>unironically linking this boring fucking cunt
truly a one hit wonder (the gram of steel bit)
yeah hah except thats you
i don't buy it chief but decent attempt
politics belongs in Yas Forums stop ruining /brit/
tell me
time for another sourz and vodka
might make it a little stronger x
XGM was great
Not harder really but at much more depth
looked for a bogan accent and found this
really wish my mate would break up with his gf. she's shit and he's definitely settling for less out of fear of being single again. wish he'd man the fuck up and bin her.
Fine fine fine since you've nagged me I'll show you again
Basically it's 1.24% interest rate, pay into it every month and you'll be set for life, much safer and easier than stocksmongs
Based politics dull cases get out
life is so boring. this is supposed to be the closest thing to apocalypse kino in real life and it's a great big nothingburger
get some friends mate, genuinely
actual brainlet take
get a self-invested pension/super fund and make bank yourself
But the interest rate is lower than inflation so every year that pot of moeny becomes worth less.
You do realise that right?
Even after huge drops the stock market over 30 years grows at about 7% each year, outstripping inflation, which is why they do it?
that hasn't been 1.24 for months . also how could you not have hit 30k by now
Just imagine how horny all single girls will be once the quarantine is lifted lads. It will literally be impossible NOT to pull on the first night back clubbing
I never tried xgm even though I’d always play greek cities, have been meaning to try out europa barbarorum but I also cannot be arsed for a 400 hour campaign
You can swim in dozens of pussies and your dick will never be dried.
you're delusional if you think most girls aren't still shagging
Is horror the ultimate brainlet genre? I can't see how people can get scared over something that isn't actually real and only affects fictional characters. Not to mention the acting and writing are usually dogshit.
seriously considering getting a TEFL certification and teaching english in Saudi Arabia ngl
>find a qt saudi gf
>beat her with a shoe when she acts up
>nice dry deserte climate
only cons is living in derka territory