
Soo Ataturk and the turks, wasn't he all about believing science and almost anti-religious, then how come the turks today still worship him ?

Attached: turk soy.png (782x758, 115.93K)

He was a Balkan BVLL so Anatolian subhumans still fear him

His real name is Ata-Albanian.

More like Ata-greek

Romania you were our vassal state for hundereds of years stupid bitch. Stop insulting one of our greatest leaders

hey guys, turks are not ACTUALLY turkic, am I an intellectual now?
on a serious note, if you have any questions about what we think of him, I'll answer you.

He cucked turkey for generations. Turkey would be colonizing the sun by now if stature never came into power.

Because most Turks believie in science and Deisim is at a all time high in Turkey, you just have the occasinal Erdoğangster worshipper from some sub 80iq rural village

Auto-correct lol

>>t.Al Wahib Khan from Pakistan

>t. Faggot

I asked already, don't you have any resentment towards him ?

also how about Erdogan ? How do you feel about him ?

why would I resent a guy that turned turkey from a third world islamic shithole to second world secular semi shithole in 15 years?

Because he neutered your culture, imposed the national dress of a foreign culture on you, imposed the alphabet of foreigners on in favor of a Turkic alphabet or an Arabic alphabet you already had history with, and he wasn’t even Turkish at all.
And guess what, now Albanians fuck tight Turkish pussy in Istanbul and retards like you just watch and say “wowow so much interracial unity, thank you Kemal mustafa!”

>neutered our culture
raping goats after a long day in the sect taqqah isn't exactly turkish culture by itself
>turkic alphabet
hadn't been used since like 900, seriously?
>arabic alphabet
abjad is a terribly inconvenient method to write a wovel-heavy aggluginative language like turkish
>wasn't turkish
being muslim and speaking turkish is as much turk as you're gonna get given how mutted the ottoman empire was
>albanians fuck tight turkish pussy
have you ever seen an albanian? we have lots in my school, they're all weird looking manlets.
>interracial unity
this is a good thing you underage cringelord

>let me tell you about your country

Attached: Zog.png (304x306, 6.63K)

> raping goats after a long day in the sect taqqah isn't exactly turkish culture by itself
You still do that though
>hadn't been used since like 900, seriously?
What’s your point? Why does that make it bad?
> abjad is a terribly inconvenient method to write a wovel-heavy aggluginative language like turkish
Hy, wnt t knw smthng? Ts nt hrd t wrt vwl rch lngges wtht vwls.
> being muslim and speaking turkish is as much turk as you're gonna get given how mutted the ottoman empire was
> have you ever seen an albanian? we have lots in my school, they're all weird looking manlets.
Yes and take a good look at them. They are the men who will fuck your women.
> this is a good thing you underage cringelord
You don’t understand the concept of satire.

>Well I'm 20% Turk so I think I have a good view on this

Attached: 1585639002565.jpg (931x1082, 443.09K)

>yup, ataturk, now HE was a good leader

Attached: F1901538-3770-4C92-A519-B052CAAC2CA0.jpg (750x1000, 75.91K)

>you still do that though
sects were heavily repressed until the 80s when the CIA backed coup government allowed them to gain a power base again, atatürk in his time had practically ended them
my point is that why would we adopt a script that no one used anymore and wasn't even something that we knew very well just because >muh history?
the rest of your post doesn't merit a serious answer

>t. Abu Bakr Al-Arabbiyah

>my point is that why would we adopt a script that no one used anymore and wasn't even something that we knew very well just because
As opposed to a script that has never been used in the the thousand+ years of turkic history.
You sound underage and you’re in school so I really think you should hop off. Maybe post some Kara boga threads to cope with the fact that Turkish clothes haven’t been worn in turkey for a century and just call it a day.

>t. አብርኸት ዓለሙበግሯ

1- it was used in the western world, the world that mattered in the beginnings of the 20th century. we adopted it because we wanted to be a westernized modern nation, not because we're complete slaves to the westerners. is this really difficult to understand?
2- I'm willing to bet I'm older than you + have a better understanding of turkish history than you
3- who keeps wearing traditional clothes anymore you dumb cunt?

>it because we wanted to be a westernized modern nation
You don’t have to westernize for become a “modern nation”. Deracinating (write that down deracinate) your own culture for another is the lowest form of self hate and disregard for your history and past.
> 'm willing to bet I'm older than you
I’m 22
> have a better understanding of turkish history than you
I hope you do, you are Turkish.
> who keeps wearing traditional clothes anymore you dumb cunt?
Parts of south East Asian, gulf Arabs, Indian women, some parts of Central Asia, some parts of Mongolia. I could go on.

westernizing = modern nation, this isn't the golden age of islam where europeans don't matter, the vast majority of technological developments from 1550 to 1950 were from europe or its extensions like america
I'm 22 too
all of these are either semi shitholes or complete shitholes, and it's probably only in villages, I'll remain westernized if this is traditionalism lol

Pic related is what used to happen.

Attached: fkoff.jpg (480x360, 43.68K)

> westernizing = modern nation, this isn't the golden age of islam where europeans don't matter, the vast majority of technological developments from 1550 to 1950 were from europe or its extensions like america
No not at all. A free market, peace, and good resources is a modern nation. Countries have westernized and remain shitholes. India is completely westernized and it is completely shithole. Half of Africa speaks French for God’s sake.
>all of these are either semi shitholes or complete shitholes, and it's probably only in villages, I'll remain westernized if this is traditionalism lol
Look at the fez for example
>Mustafa Kemal Atatürk banned the fez in Turkey in 1925 as part of his modernizing reforms.
look at the inferiority complex. The size and scale of it. Russians still wear their fuzzy hats. Scotsmen still wear their cool caps, but no. Fezzes were made ILLEGAL. Is Scotland a shithole?

That and kidnapping your kids, raping them and brainwash them to larp as turks.

fez isn't turkish culture and was a symbol of ottomanism, it's not an inferiority complex to deny reactionaries a cultural symbol behind which to unite.
>india is completely westernized

They wear western cloths (the men at least), replaced half of their language with English, have an English style parliament- what more do you want?
> fez isn't turkish culture and was a symbol of ottomanism, it's not an inferiority complex to deny reactionaries a cultural symbol behind which to unite.
Wrong. Fez is a Turkish symbol, it’s just not a Turkic one. And if that’s the argument you want to make Mustafa Kemal Ataturk should’ve worn a Kalpak instead of a top hat, and replaced the fez with Kalpak instead of western hats.

Atatürk unironically was the greatest modern European statesman

That mostly happened South of the Danube.

He was the 20th century's Bismarck, I'm surprised by how so many Turks here seem to hate him

our diaspora is mostly goatfuckers from bumfuck anatolia eternally mad at kemalists for hanging their retarded islamist great grandparents

Because they devolved back into mashallah roach shit and senseless nationalism
The national identity Atatürk propagated may propably have been at fault for this, but it consolidated Turkey as a rather prosperous region in the Middle East

I could almost smell the albanian semen on your lips when I read your post

Cringe turk
Unironically based mutt

why do you keep bringing albanians up?
if albanians are better than anatolians, that's not my fucking fault, I simply look at who's less retarded and better for me and support that side

I definitively won the argument and now I’m just doing my victory lap.
> why do you keep bringing albanians up?
Because they have free real estate in my head.

no I won the argument from the beginning, and am simply shitting on your head right now.

Big cope and damage control.

Why do Turks hate Arabs so much? I know the Turkey-Greece rivalry has been a meme for sometime now but the vitriol I've seen Turks and Arabs throw at eachother is on another level entirely.


keep seething, mystery meat goatfucker.

Bismarck was great with foreign policy, regarding domestic affairs Atatürk was better

What’s your major in school? Bachelors of Arts in Cocksucking?

atacuck wiped out half the ottoman military because they disagreed with signing a treaty with the british and wanted to continue fighting, he killed more 'turks' than any foreign alliance against the ottoman empire during ww1 but his followers worship him because if you reveal the true history of atacuck you get unironically put in prison.

such a great leader that he turned a country that was a world power with some of the greatest infrastructural development in the 19th and 20th century into an undeveloped nation where a majority of its people were illiterate because he imprisoned anyone that didn't adapt to romanized script.

not to mention atacuck was fluent in arabic.

economics actually, it allows you to understand with a different angle why atatürk was unironically based and did a great thing by decreasing the importance of pisslam as much as he could.

He was a freemason and achieved apotheosis (with help of the devil).

awful bait, you need to be more creative

WOW you actually fucking study economics and don’t realize it’s not westernization but an open market and well managed exploration of resources that is the true wealth of nations. Incredible. I’d hate to read your thesis. Let me guess, it’s that pretending to be white leads to economic prosperity?

Why is this board so obsessed with turkey

it's technological advancement, aka for the last 500 years westernization. also efficiency of labor, something which islamic culture decreased especially after neo sufism.

The printing press was banned until 1726.

is it true that Atatürk promised the Kurds autonomy for supperting Turkey during the war of independence and then betrayed them afterwards? Also, what do Erdogan and his party think of Atatürk, considering that he seems to like to LARP as Sultan and embrace Islam?

but the Ottoman Empire was a shithole by then .

>Hy, wnt t knw smthng? Ts nt hrd t wrt vwl rch lngges wtht vwls.
I sure hope you are joking

Um ok sweetie and? Yes that set them back a 100 years but that’s not the point here.
> it's technological advancement, aka for the last 500 years westernization
Adopting foreign technology is not the same thing as completely replacing your garb, culture, parts of your language, and script for another’s.
> also efficiency of labor, something which islamic culture decreased especially after neo sufism.
No idea what you’re talking about here.

dislikes him obviously. or rather what he represents.
if it weren't for people like me (30 percent of the country) who didn't hold on to the kemalist ideal in the middle-eastern geopolitical environment, turkey today would be another iran.
kurds were under british control from the very beginning, and revolted against the ankara government a few times in the east during our most difficult hours (the fight with the greeks)

>turkic alphabet
>hadn't been used since like 900, seriously?
and anyway before the turkic alphabet you used the greek alfabet and before that the phrygian alfabet

No I’m not. English has tons of vowels too and you can really easily write it in a semi abjad. It would just make it harder to learn for foreigners.

Greek alphabet was never part of Turkic culture. Phoenician alphabet was never part of Turkic culture.

It's true but it was due to the Young Turk party wresting control of the state, they used their influence to enact reforms such as the decriminalization of homosexuality.

tell me, how did atacuck divorce his wife again? he did it in arabic, yet he criminalized talaq for everyone else. real great hypocrite leader.

atacuck was SUCH a great leader that a good deal of his reforms were reverted after his death because people hated him. he spent a good deal of time being drunk that ambassadors considered him an embarrassment when he welcomed them inebriated.

Didn't Bismarck essentially prevent any sort of socialist unrest by installing one of the most generous welfare and work security?

technological advancement is concurrent with cultural influence.
besides, we're all wearing american style clothes anyways, even the euros.
of course you wouldn't know, you're trying to tell me about my country.

>unironically using muslim terms
ok, towelhead

the muzzie thinks learning another lang & democracy is bad & western. when that's what made islam based during it's short lived golden period.
Alas it grew too wide for its own good and now consists mostly of loser sub-humans in any given region.


let's hear you speak some Turkish
I have the feeling you are a 1/63th Turk >muh heritage mutt.

>besides, we're all wearing american style clothes anyways, even the euros.
Kemal literally had to make fezzes illegal to stop people from wearing them.
> technological advancement is concurrent with cultural influence.
besides, we're all w
Haha ok now we should just replace our culture every time some country comes up with a new technology. Pathetic, if a culture changes, let it do so naturally.

Nigga you literally have an English parliament and are part of the commonwealth.

you can't even refute any of the points, you just insult. real good 'education' there, kemalist. cringe how you talk about how 'enlightened' people became when you are sub 80 iq, if you are really 'enlightened' by atacuck why can't you argue rationally? atacuck's followers are literally a cult of the ignorant where they spend their time never questioning their 'supreme' leader who was so supreme he died of cirrhosis due to alcohol abuse.

yes, the people who had been living under the ottomans for like six centuries, and had been wearing fezzes for a century, still liked the ottomans. the reactionaries knew this and tried to use the fez as a cultural symbol against gavour modernisation, like you would apparently. intellectuals led by kemal understood that it was over for both islam and the ottomans and banned it to deny reactionaries any breathing space.
is this really bad now?

how? it was nationalist from the start, just that he also incorporated some masonic enlightenment ideas

you're so disillusioned and flatly wrong, anything more efforty than a simple insult is for me a waste of time

dude you are overdoing it with the sucking semen and miscegenation crap
I guess it is an American thing

Lmao @ the muslim parasite who rejects westernization while living in the fucking USA
You pathetic delusional nigger

you do realize that a hundred years ago nationalism was essential for survival, right?