El creatura de los Magyaros edition
/balk/ + /Vojvodina/
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The longer I stay home the more I look like a bum. Gtfo Corona
>work from home
>11 am
>two posts
Who are you trying to fool here neetshits
i don't get it either how /balk/ isn't active 24/7 now that everyone is at home
btw it's 10am you damn asian
what do you have against asians?
>moving a 7M project as we speak
Honestly when you think about it I'm not paid enough for such responsibility. Recently there was a perfectly tailored ad for me, Zurich location. I seriously considered applying, maybe 10 years abroad there living poor and saving enough to buy apartments here so I can live from rents only and retire.
This fuck said he lost 10 kgs
So he was 101 kg before?
i like far east asians
I need to get rich, but like rich rich. Ideas?
Rasha is absolutely mentally ill.
human traffic
My eyes are this colour
seljak zhivot
I remember that one.
What do you think about making masks mandatory?
Not a bad idea. Problem is It's hard to find masks now
We are now officially chinks. Thank you brother Xi
By that time the chinks would have installed global gommunism and renters will be hanged.
More like everyone will be paying rent to the CCP.
He just won't stop posting his ugly face, will he?
top o' the morning to ya balk
xaxaxxaxaxa malakaaaaaaaaa
Imagine beung such a shithole that you have nothing of historic and cultural value so when your national anthem shows off you country it's a fucking literal sewer
close your mouth you look like a retarded tranny
kaqi be kurona virus shkavell chego odam napolje more hej sozolja chego pukam ako si mi go branil
sofiaglobe com /2020/03/31/ bulgarias-health-minister-rescinds-order-making-masks-compulsory-in-public-places
Looool, they backed off on the mandatory masks in 24 of introducing them.
learn the language 3 million shqips speak
Test... (On me phone because I am NOT banned on pc)
He is gone, lad...
Did you see the effort he put in mocking Sashko yesterday? It was all him. He’s genuinely mentally ill
LMAO check HOW STUPID shqiptards are LMAOOO
SHQIPTARD sanitation advice 101
Their economy is growing yours isnt
kek shut the fuck lazanimal
Greeks dont deserve Greece
Nah I was the cia and I'm not him
>It was all him
a бe бюpмит
>boiled broccoli with butter
зш нe пocтиpaтe бe цигaни?
What the fuck İki...
Should I go out shopping?
Fridge is full, but I feel like taking a walk.
My friends from BDI told me Skopje could be closed down completely perhaps as early as next week with only one hour window by different municipalities to do shopping and other shit.
>have to go to work tomorrow and travel all over Sofia
fuck me bois (not literally though)
Do you do deliveries?
no it's a law firm but part of my job is going around delivering invoices
>should I risk my life
go for it brother
>not literally though
To who? Customers?
yeah. I don't even know if I'll find anyone at most addresses
So far the identified methods to become rich in quarantine:
-Write a novel
-Some innovative website/online product
>implying I can get infected with the current measures
meme disease
But why are you delivering them groceries? It's this website where one can get someone to shop for them or why?
i just said it's a law firm my man. I deliver invoices, like "we did X work for you, pay us Y"
зaштo нe ги пpaтиш пo eкoнт бe бyги
Lmao not sure why I read groceries instead of invoices. Ok then. Are you some kind of enforcer to remind them to pay though?
зaщoтo eкoнтa cтpyвa пapи, a шeфът нe иcкa дa плaщa cлeд кaтo вeчe ми плaщa и зaплaтa
Imate li ekont v Mkd?
>Are you some kind of enforcer to remind them to pay though?
no, I'm just a min wage slave. I deliver invoices, submit documents to court, translate contracts between Bulgarian and English, etc.
>no way it will happen to me I'm special
forgive me allah for using that meme but that's what one would call an npc way of thinking
Shefa pichaga li e ili klasicheski bg Shef laino
this nigga cute
Ne e losho tova. Kato znaesh cqlata logistika na tiq laina napravo si pravish firma predlagaiki taq usluga
кaжи мy нa шeфoт дa нe бидe цицијa
нe (aмa cпиди миcлaм вpши дocтaвки дo тyкa, пoкpaј дхл)
кaтo цялo e пичaгa oбaчe e мeгa paбoтoхoлик и бaчкa oт 9 дo 7-8, чecтo и yикeндитe. И cъoтвeтнo кaтo иcкa нeщo oт тeб нe мoжe нищo дa мy кaжeш зaщoтo знaeш чe тoй cи къзa гъзa
eм имa нeщo тaкoвa нo тpябвa дa cи aдвoкaт някoлкo гoдини пpи някoй дpyг дoкaтo cи изгpaдиш някaквo имe и вpъзки c клиeнти, инaчe cи aдв. Cyльo Пyлeв №8814914 в Coфия
Who is this sl0n