Norway is only 80% white

Norway is only 80% white

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How norway will survive black women taking all norwegian men?

Japan is only 99.99% Asian

And 60% yayoi only


>black girl in black pantyhose
Why though? Isn't she black already?
I thought girls wear these just to blackify themselves

isnt that costume sami?

Agree. If we can't rule Norway than no one (or rather everyone) should rule Norway

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she tries to form a black hole.

Drammen city is probably 50% white by now. Lots of brown cute girls there

those "average" white women are fugly as hell

a woman wears pantyhoes so she doesn't have to shave her legs every day.

Why do they choose low denir ones over 80-100 denir?
It's to appear like a black queen that they will never be

you're saying it as if it was a bad thing or something
it's not

d-dios mio... is that norway? I thought you guys were scandinavians

>Why yes, there are lots of cute brown girls in Norway!

Attached: Oslo by.jpg (1200x682, 176.76K)


That pic is from Oslo and one of the immigrant neighborhoods.

The main difference between Oslo and Bergen city is that there are no immigrant zones in Bergen, you just have to mingle with everyone. It also means a lot less immigrant shops with various spices.

Attached: Bergen Noreg.jpg (2000x1335, 552.14K)

she cute

You are jomon.

how to get black sami gf

We Still have our HDI brother.

Don't all black women have those already?

legit question. How popular are black women in Europe? no meme answers

they are considered dateable and fuckable almost equal to the whites, but few consider them as wifes. its just something about raising a mutt child, i could never do that. asian perhaps, but a nigglet carrying my name? never.

that's pretty racist

yes. and despite my efforts to be liberal and open minded, i cant help it i want my kids to look like me.

For me it's Black guy/Norway girl

That was maybe 20 years ago. Black gf is getting more common even in smaller norwegian towns these days

You’re being replaced

so you choose inbreeding? don't you know about the benefits of race mixing? your ancestors wouldn't have been able to survive so far north if it wasn't for neanderthal genes.
personally I'm proud to be 1/16th black

>inbreeding in a population of millions

look at that tall skinny cutie in the background hmmm i want to suck his adam's apple

if you count slavs?

Soon it will be 0% inshallah.

damn, all the white in the background look like degenerates

We have a wide spectre og personalities in Norway, from full nazi to total lib. We are more like USA then we like to admit

well yeah? its actually legal to marry cousins here, so its safe to say inbreeding is a part of our culture. its a lot of social stigma against it, but in desperate times people did. i know one married couple who are cousins, and a few generations back i have cousin ancestors. i must say it hasnt done us any harm in fact i think we manage just fine.

They're pretty popular here, I see loads of WMBF couples way more than BMWF actually, I even have a friend who dated black girl a while ago

>my opinion is the opinion of everyone

Shut up incel. I fucking love non-white women. They actually have a personality most of the time.

Finland is still 85% white and it's disgusting.

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>I even have a friend

It's not racist to want to preserve your own race.

acute accent on forsgren is disgusting

yes it is

...and that's a good thing

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White? We don't use that word here, everyone living in Norway is Norwegians.
Grouping people into different groups because of skin colour is an outdated system.

>i want my kids to look like me.
They will still look like you.... They will get facial trait's from both parents

Does Norway keep track on ethinicity groups? In Finland we have only linguistic minorties etc and no ethnic gourp.

Tfw no black qveen gf during covid19 quarantine...... Why live?

Are all Norwegians Saami or mutts? I think so
Finland is whiter than Norgay

I'm not sure about that. My cousin who is a ginger with blue eyes married a japanese woman and so far the baby( 2 year old) looks like normal asian person with black hair and black eyes.


Inheritance of black genes would take away any similarity that would have been there from having his genes.
You're baiting just like the guy from UAE, if not you're wrong.

>Does Norway keep track on ethinicity groups
No, but we do keep track on country of origin for first and second generation immigrants

They have lived in Finland if you're thinking that.

>different skin colour
no they will not look like me.

Did you know that in Bergen we don't have ghettos? Every ethnicity lives side by side in friendship and harmony

yes because there are no genetic variation. People in Norway live so far north in the mountains they are basically isolated. If you're Norwegian and you breed with a Norwegian your offspring will be inbred. An inbred race with no variation. Getting some race mixing going on there would help them immensely.

Yes, because I read the thread before posting.

confirms my suspicions. thx good post

Stop lying

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why is it acceptable to be a nazi? wtf is wrong with you. no wonder Breivik is Norwegian

That is the real colour of kvens(queens)

>he immigrant population (those with two foreign-born parents) in Bergen, includes 42,169 individuals with backgrounds from more than 200 countries representing 15.5% of the city's population (2014). Of these, 50.2% have background from Europe, 28.9% from Asia, 13.1% from Africa, 5.5% from Latin America, 1.9% from North America, and 0.4% from Oceania.


it is racist to claim that the reason you don't want to be with someone or that you wont pro-create with someone is solely because you don't want your kids to mixed race.


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