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Them Eskimos be stealing our white women
Im 'avin a cup of joe right now
please stop running your mouth, it smells so bad
The real source of all Morrocan-Algerian conflict
There's no data on Chad and I don't even know where the Virgin Islands are on the map, what are you talking about OP
>Vietnam drinks tea
Bullshit. They’re huge coffee drinkers
Coffee is for wageslave retards, comes in only one taste (coffeetards will claim otherwise) and generally makes you sick and addicted
Tea is for the thinking man
Post pic
Too late now
>makes you sick
How so Hans
Tea is better in every way. 东顶茶comes from the highest mountian in Taiwan, I gave this old black guy some once and his face lit up and he looked at me wide eyed and said "this is like the spring water I'd drink on the mountain when I was a little boy", it was like I was in an anime or something. Nobody has that kind of visceral, nigh spiritual reaction from coffee, its just what proles use to get through their day
Black coffee is the best. Anyone who adds stuff is ruining that flavor.
Rich coming from a chink faggot drinking hot water with leaves in it.
>Lecturing us about coffee
You've never even drank a real coffee in your life, you drink diarrhea water that's so far away from coffe that you actually drink it in huge cups during a meal, something that is absolutely impossible to do with real coffee
Sage and dilate, my American friend, also check 'em
tea is for virgins
coffee is for chads
tea is for women
coffee is for men
tea is the cats of the drinks, feminime
coffee is the dogs of the drinks, masculine
you cant argue with facts neettrash!
I start my day with a double shot of espresso and then drink tea throughout.
>you actually drink it in huge cups during a meal
Yes. More coffee = more better
i dont like the taste of chinese grass
What coffee do French nigs drink
spanish coffee I had is kinda bs. italian and finnish and swedish are good coffee.
Coffee is my reason for living. Just cracked open some freshly roasted Kokoda beans today.
>DAE have to chug an enitre pot before being able to function in the morning? Hahaha I'm so quirky right
Enjoy your meme drug, addict
drinkin' cofe right NOW frens
Girls like it when a man drinks tea.
delet this
Why not both?
Post pics
Its a false equivalent. Tea you can drink all day. It doesn't do much.
Its basically just smoking but needs to have at hand infastructure and is neutral for health.
Coffee if you drink 10 cups in a day you'll die at 30. and it's much stronger tasting.
But you have 1 or 2 a day when you want to stay awake
Caffeine doesn't have any noticeable affect on me so I hardly ever both to have a coffee not tea but fucked if I'm buying a cup of tea at a cafe
Tea, coffee tastes like POO
Coffee is a drug, tea helps to restore your vital essence. Tea drinkers are spiritual and enjoy the finer things in life, coffee drinkers drink their bitter mud water to get them through another wasted day
Sometimes it IS poo
T. Hans Cumberbatch
Can you even afford a plane ticket here, faggot?
I've tried it and it just tastes like normal coffee, there's really no variety to coffee, here we ground the beans with a bunch of other seeds and plants, and it tastes fine but it's no tea.
Yeah coffee tastes always the same but people will tell you how "different" they are just because the beans have a different size.
Meanwhile tea has a complete spectrum of different tastes and even two variations of black tea can taste completely different
Literally every person I've met prefers coffee over tea is an unironic soyboy or one of those annoying wannabe-american girls with zero personality.
>I prefer Mint Tea
Wannabe American? Do we even have a discernible culture at this point?
>the map literally showing that coffee countries are incel nomales countries
very based
Tea is for home, coffee is for when you're out
I drink more than a liter of coffee every day
All of the Chad countries are coffee dominant
britshits and their tea faggotry drinking leaves with semen, disgusting
I drink mixture coffee and green tea sometimes
Are you guys so autistic you create a false dichotomy that you have to choose between coffee and tea? lmao
Maybe instead of arguing about irrelevant shit you should focus on getting laid. LOSERS!
Classic coffee drinker cope
Based Teachad
ok muslim
I like tea when I eat (real) Chinese food, but other than that I would pick coffee
Stfu and go drink some bean water
>says the Kazakh
I eat tons of pork, drink booze, and have a big uncut cock
>south korea
>western slavs
>scandis in general
404 testosterone not found
Coffee wrecks my stomach whenever I have it for some reason.
I'm not Kazakh. Suck
>coffee comes from black cunts
>coffee drinkers love black cum
No wonder
Italians, Spaniards, Portuguese, and Danes are definitely chads
It might be the milk.
No I'm not lactose intolerant.