>Many high school students wake and leave home in the morning at 5 am. When the school is over at 4 pm, they go to a studying room in the school or to a library to study instead of going home. This is called 'Yaja', which literally means 'evening self-study'. They don't need to go home to eat dinner since most schools provide paid dinner for students. After finishing yaja (usually ends at 10 pm, but later than 11 pm at some schools), they return home after studying, then return to specialty study schools (which are called Hagwon) often till 2 am, from Monday to Friday. In addition, they often study on weekends.
>It is a commonly known saying in Korea that 'If you sleep three hours a night, you may get into a top 'SKY university;(National Seoul University,Yeonse Unibersity, Korean University)' If you sleep four hours each night, you may get into another university; if you sleep five or more hours each night, especially in your last year of high school, forget about getting into any university.'
>when you realize north and south korean are the same exact culture with a different coat of paint
Anthony Ward
Chinks all brute force their way when it comes to learning. There are literally shorter ways to retaining information, they just sit there and memorise dictionaries. Then they wonder how they keep seeing top students in Soccer practice while they’re sitting at home slaving away.
John Anderson
That's why K*reans have the smallest dick size in the world (objective statement)
are they even learning anything useful or is it just a scam from the educational sector? >yeah bro let your kids sleep for 3 hours a day how many of those kids stay awake at all?
Isaac Mitchell
people basically treat you like a subhuman if you don't go to university in korea plus there are limited places and they have to do entrance exams I guess the theory is you ruin your childhood to make sure you have a good life afterwards
Wyatt Robinson
aye but at wot cost?
Lucas Carter
I get that but how dumb are kids that they need 2 optional after-school courses that together surpass the actual school time? I guess it's good to decrease violence
Jaxon Allen
cuck mentality. Must show to society that they managed to do it
I figured. This is some Chiang Kai-shek "big leap" chinese-tier shit they're pulling there.
Alexander Sanchez
Ahahaha wtf man, I remember going to the principal's office and getting him to reduce school hours(near exam time). If you force yourself to study what's the point? These kids are probably miserable.
Brayden Ward
we have those questions here where you need to read and comprehend what you just read but they're not timed in less than a minute wtf that's insane. They're right in that nobody speaks like that in person anyway. Pretty useless test.
Brody Price
Of course they don’t. They wake up that early to play Starcraft 2 before school actually starts at 9am
Sebastian Bennett
sleep depravation is extremely harmful for the brain, they won't be getting into any university that way lol
They're like ants. That isn't even living. I'd call it slavery but literal slaves got more free time. That's like being a peice in a machine.
Levi Ramirez
i just autism'd my way through highshool and university sleeping 9h a day and playing minecraft, wow and eu4 all afternoon, ocasionally going out with the boys to get drunk and make out with girls why the fuck do koreans waste their youth I'm probably gonna get a good fulfilling job that allows me to comfortably maintain a family anyway
If you are at high school and cannot completely learn what you did on the day in under three hours you are either >Retarded >Autistically remembering every detail Which is both shameful and stupid and yiu should not be prideful of that
Yeah for me its similar. Studying much is basically admitting that yiu did not understand something
Matthew Hall
At this level of studying, isn't it counter-intuitive i.e. you're not learning as efficiently as you could the normal way? Seems like there would be diminishing returns. And are they even learning or are they memorizing?
Logan Kelly
>suicidal thoughts = actually offing yourself Retard Kim, koreans off themselves if they don't get in the university they want
They're basing the 50 seconds on the total questions in the section and how much time is allotted for said section. If you ever took the SAT, you might remember that some questions took 20 seconds while others took 3 minutes. Pretty shitty video.
Mason Reed
South Korea didn't even have a high suicide rate until very recently, and has been decreasing since 2011
Someone should introduce gooks to Anki. 30 minute rep'd myself through EE
Nathan Davis
Suicides in South Korea (just like pretty much the rest of the world) are mostly by old people, in South Korea this pattern is even more extreme, actually young people in Korea are *less* likely to off themselves compared to their Western and Japanese counterparts
>University graduates face fierce competition to become janitors
>Over a third of the 66 applicants for janitor jobs in Seoul had university degrees, according to the Eunpyeong-gu office Thursday.
>The district employed four of the applicants, marking a competition rate of 16.5 to 1. Of the new employees, three have a university degree and one a degree from a community college.
>The steep competition and higher-education degrees of applicants show that people are striving for steady jobs in Korea.
>The janitors are paid 35 million won ($30,998) annually and the position guarantees a stable job until the nation's recommended retirement age of 60.
>"The janitorial position was targeted for breadwinners in their 40s to help lower the unemployment rate in the country," a Eunpyeong-gu official said.
>The four successful applicants will begin work next month.
Reading this made me realise that North Korea is actually better off than South Korea. North Korea is naked dystopia. South Korea is a dystopia that pretends it is a utopia.
Jayden Russell
notice also how Asian-Americans are the racial/ethnic group less likely to have suicidal thoughts, along with Hispanics
Michael Thompson
Asian-Americans are also the group with less actual committed suicides
Josiah Baker
Jace Baker
To me studying feels like cheating; getting all the answers instead of figuring things out on your own. True knowledge can't be second hand, it can only come as your own understanding.
Hudson Foster
this is a pattern you also see in other countries, see for example New Zealand