How come nobody told them

how come nobody told them

a) if you say you will be there are 16:45, you will be there at 16:40

b) if you borrow money from someone, you pay them back

c) dinner is served between 18:00 - 19:00

d) you move out of your parents home at 18-21 years old

e) when in a public space, such as a restaurant or the metro, it's rude to yell and smoke cigarettes

f) you don't throw trash in the nature

g) it's better to work hard for 2 hours than half ass it for 4 hours

h) you sleep when it's dark, not in the middle of the day. you are not little baby anymore

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your life is so boring you'll kill yourself at 42

what med shit in your food today

you'll die of coronavirus at 42

it's basic common sense

No he'll just chug antidepressants and get wasted on alcohol and then fake being happy on polls so they don't lose "happiest nation" rating.

based, he'll hunt a couple endangered reindeers and molest a 11 year old kid on his way to + drugs

>mexican education
and you take asmanyantidepressants as us

They fuck your women thats what matters


You can only train a Med so much before you reach the limits of their competence

Based chill tropicalbros

Cringe snowniggers

Literally who

imagine being danish and telling people how to behave
people on the street in copenhagen just full-body bump into one another and don't excuse themselves. it's like you guys are playing rugby out there.

>how come nobody told them

>a) if you say you will be there are 16:45, you will be there at 16:40

>b) if you borrow money from someone, you pay them back

>c) dinner is served between 18:00 - 19:00

>d) you move out of your parents home at 18-21 years old

>e) when in a public space, such as a restaurant or the metro, it's rude to yell and smoke cigarettes

>f) you don't throw trash in the nature

>g) it's better to work hard for 2 hours than half ass it for 4 hours

>h) you sleep when it's dark, not in the middle of the day. you are not little baby anymore

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Anything else, Fritz?

your aryan master

maybe it's because you mexicans are short and it's like a game
"hey tobias, du får 50 kr hvis du løber ind i ham der den mexicanske dværg"

>Corsica, Provence and Occitania isn't Southern Europe
>Anatolia is

bad map


Funny, I thought Anatolia was in Asia.


i) stop waving around your hands when you speak. are you deaf or something?

do montenegros think they're culturally med?

i'm 188cm and you do it amongst yourselves too
tough words coming from a cute nord twink though uwu :3


>eating dinner as late as 18:00
What are you catholic or something?

>h) you sleep when it's dark, not in the middle of the day. you are not little baby anymore
That's probably one of the reason we live longer and why we don't want to kill ourselves
>a) if you say you will be there are 16:45, you will be there at 16:40
That's wrong, I'll be there at 17:00-17:15
The other points are just stupid

deal with it bitch...i love it btw

>i'm 188cm
yeah sure lmao

Stop whining

Aussie-Turk here let me answer this as a qualified Med Bvll
>a) if you say you will be there are 16:45, you will be there at 16:40
So what? Who cares if I show up 15 mins late is the world over?
>b) if you borrow money from someone, you pay them back
Give some time mate don't expect to get paid back the next day
>c) dinner is served between 18:00 - 19:00
Dinner starts at 5PM mate
>d) you move out of your parents home at 18-21 years old
Do you not love your parents? Why would you moe away from your family? I don't care if I'm 40 or 50 I'm not moving out of my parents house
>e) when in a public space, such as a restaurant or the metro, it's rude to yell and smoke cigarettes
Ok I agree with that fuck those rude assholes
>f) you don't throw trash in the nature
I agree with that one too fuck tossers
>g) it's better to work hard for 2 hours than half ass it for 4 hours
At the end of the day the job is done what more do you want?
>h) you sleep when it's dark, not in the middle of the day. you are not little baby anymore
I sleep shen my body tells me to sleep thank you very much


blow it out your ass

>a) if you say you will be there are 16:45, you will be there at 16:40
Ah, typical Latin lateness.
>b) if you borrow money from someone, you pay them back
When you're considering to lend money assume you won't get it back. Ever.
>c) dinner is served between 18:00 - 19:00
Now you're picking on some weird shit.
>d) you move out of your parents home at 18-21 years old
The problem isn't living or not living with your parents, the problem is if you're a leech or a decent human being. As long as you contribute with the household income it's fine.
>e) when in a public space, such as a restaurant or the metro, it's rude to yell and smoke cigarettes
Cigs in open space are fine. Fully agree on yelling.
>f) you don't throw trash in the nature
Tell that to the Brits too.
>g) it's better to work hard for 2 hours than half ass it for 4 hours
You're the hat, not the head.
>h) you sleep when it's dark, not in the middle of the day. you are not little baby anymore
Siesta is actually good for health, specially in warmer climates. I don't do it but I get why they do.

>d) you move out of your parents home at 18-21 years old

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Reddit immigration to Yas Forums. They don't cope well with people not doing things the same way they do.

You're not an MED BVLL but another Injun rapebaby, cry on

You are a cretin.

I'll give you


The rest is literally lmao.

>h) you sleep when it's dark, not in the middle of the day. you are not little baby anymore

Do you know how hot in can get in these places around the noon? Sometimes, people do seemingly stupid shit for a reason. And before you start ranting about climatized offices, and this might come as a suprise to you, not everybody works in one.

Zitto animale

You frigid boomer, dumb boomer advice

Germanic autism the post

u mad snowyboi?

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wow i really made southrons seethe with facts and logic

No, you made people all around the world annoyed with your idiocy.

this jungle southrons is seething when he should be asleep

I thought pastizz was Greek or Turkish (Pöacha) untill I found out it was from Malti

Stfu nord twink before I conqure your sissy lands with my Imperium Legion

>having dinner while sun is up

based Dane

Ricotta or peas?

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Well you made a retarded bait thread and you get (you)s for it that show your retardedness.

We all get what we wanted ;^)

>g) it's better to work hard for 2 hours than half ass it for 4 hours

Holy fuck this hits hard. I can not for the life of me concentrate and do the work in a small period of time. I always procrastinate. How do I deal with this? Pls help

>dinner is served between 18:00 - 19:00
Absolutely barbaric. What the flying fuck. How can you live in such a shithole

North- south conflict in the eu leads to us doing this

Anyone on the Mediterranean is culturally med

>fake being happy on polls so they don't lose "happiest nation" rating
this deserves a soyjak

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You sound like a Jap


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1) huh? No
2) we pay back, you don’t
3) lol 19:30-20:30, 20-21 if you’re eating out
4)our state doesn’t cuddle us so It’s literally impossible unless your parents no pay for you
6) obviously

Jesus, what a moron.

Now is a good time for me to mention that I want to make love to the Finnish PM.

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I know that feeling

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How come no one told Scandinavian people to not kill themselves so much?

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You deserve a (you) for effort alone.