Other urls found in this thread:
/brit/ is an Objectivist general
Jonestown is pure kino
put some fucking pants on
want to start a cult. mostly for the harem
shagging a golf ball for banter
anyone know of any weird stuff on a similar topic/conspiracy type things that I can listen to as I try to sleep?
hard as fuck to have any motivation for my job whilst working from home on quarantine lads
disgusting aeshetic
are you kidding? the world is filled with strange cults. Why not start with Jonestown, I just posted a link.
>everybody pretending they saw a clip that doesnt exist
To be honest I'm asking having watched loads of stuff like this but in the hope of some regular source or an obscure story I've never heard before.
ah ok
out dont even need a cult
Look at Doc Antles
his zoo is basically a cult. he groomed those girls and fed them spiritual stuff
*gives them coronavirus*
Yeah but not really, that just how a harem is
>being as efficient as possible
not really enjoying blood meridian desu.
for me it's civic nationalism
Lol this is so me
The last true chads
>recieve two messages
>check notifications
>upside down smiley face
fucks sake
sex havers get out
dont get it
Stop this only reminds me of how newly single I am
why are pajeets more tolerable than zhangs? british control?
It’s wild how I feel so fucking stupid that I’d never come up with a bow and arrow but basically every group of humans all over the world had that concept down.
Why are little anime girls so cute?
Whenever I see an anime avatar online I imagine the poster is super cute
> tfw cuddling w cutie pie last night
> just about to make a move
> her dad calls her
> says she needs to be home by 10
Never been cucked that hard before in my life smdh
fuck off to r9k you pathetic freak not your safespace
those niggers haven't figured out fire yet though, they can't figure out how to create it
>swiping in Japan
Everyone is beautiful and interesting
>swiping locally
Everyone is hideous and has kids
i don't think a funnier image has ever been created
this is the peak of human comedy
She’s 17 lad nothing noncey about it she’s a proper woman
what happened lad?
Crazy shit.
Wonder what happened to all the bodies.
Lol you go girl x
no one in japan is beautiful you pathetic weeb fuck off
I’m just laying in bed not sure what to do
Ham sandwich, tin of sild in tomato sauce, and a J2O for my late night snack now. Delicious.
two tea
fruit tea
Average tinder swipe here
I want to smell Emma Watson’s butt.
she hasn't messaged you since? doesn't she feel bad at all?
americans are so 80s
funny you say that, always feel like britain is 10 years behind every trend when i visit my cousin there.
Fuck off norman I'll crack your fucking skull open
'do you still love my dick?'
France is twenty
getting worse by the day, only down hill from here for her she wont be a fit mature woman
Take the twinkpill
I was here 2 years ago forlorn over a breakup
Word to the wise lads, you get over it. It takes a while but the girl I thought I loved means fuck all to me now
It’s only been like 30 minutes but no, all I could say was “oh” and that was it
Always saw this day coming
you'll do nothing you frail coward you've never been in a scrap in your life
pipe down
Yikes lmao.
I wonder if Emma Watson ever looks down into the toilet after she poos and thinks “that is the poo of one of the most sexually desired women in the world”.
generic robotic yank dribble
Is that a man?
woah I think they might be on to something...
interesting reply
your son will not turn gay or tranny if you let him wear dresses and makeup when he's a little boy. as a kid if he just wants to do it, let him. nothing wrong with a bit of childish curiosity and fun.
if anything, being severely strict and punishing to him and forcing him not to wear dresses will 100% have the opposite effect and he'll end up repressing that childhood curiosity into full blown trannyism once he's an adult and can rebel
All of Europe is like that
When I visit my family in eastern Europe it's like 30 years behind
>brit zoomers now say "y'all".
they'll be the ones that let you get yankified. it's already happened to the aussies. brits have been a stronghold of american resentment though until the zoomers
am i wrong though
Two text no reply that’s when I knew
Don't be cheeky
one day youll look back and realise that it was a bullet dodged lad
this pill is too big for me to swallow
this is my favourite bodytype
Stuffed bra and no ass
post more
bit grim
was it your fault or hers?
was there a large issue/event which caused this?
>no ass
Alri Jamal