USA is LITERALLY off the chart

>USA is LITERALLY off the chart
Euros please tell us your secrets

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don't elect orange man as your president

social autism

Wtf are you doing

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Tell Boris to go shake le orange mans hand pls

Turkey looks promising.

Can someone shop this to be the reality of China?

don't have 330 million people. like italy only have 60, spain 48, germany 80

Why isnt China or India off the map then?

Very high amount of imported cases early on, high rates of mobility, very high population density and physical contact in some cities plus normalfag partying culture.

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Brazil has 3/4 and their growth is under control

Blatantly lying, not even our health ministry trusts them and says they swept an astronomical amount of cases under the rug, I'd bet it's 40x more than reported.

Low amount of imported cases that were controlled early on, but their growth rate has been increasing significantly in the last few days.

Don't elect neoliberal shills as your president really
Our based and beloved by pol govt is quite natsoc in reality and they are actually doing some things to stop the epidemic
Mainly because our healthcare is failure but still

china is not honest with their numbers lol
and india isn't in the same situation as the us as of right now.

it's not like one infected means they will infect 2, and those 2 will infect 4 and so on.
but if you have a large population, and the right conditions, you have potential to have a larger number of infected. it makes more sense to compare per capita

Here it depends a lot on the region, relatively aggressive isolation measures have been put in place in my state early on, parks and shoppings have been closed down, police has been bullying people to stay home for over a week in my city, streets are fairly empty and we had very few imported international cases.
The vast majority of cases are in SP which had lots of people coming in from Italy, but they seem to be doing alright considering the capital is a very dense metropolis with a lot of people that use public transport.

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what happens if it gets into the favelas?
it sure looks a bit grim

maybe the best option at this point is just to nuke china and do a "hard reset" haha

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I expect generalized spread in favelas but low actual impact since favelados are young, they talk about community awareness campaigns to minimize spread but that's just wishful thinking.

look this chart.
all filthy countries got coronavirus a lot.
Why so high?
Because people are not clean.
Japanese people like to keep clean.
no dusts on the road in spite of no trash can.
we wash our hands everyday, we wear mask every winter.
I don't know why westerners don't wear masks on every winter, thats 1 of reasons they easily got coronavirus.

looks like you gonna fucked up very soon, well done

m-maybe the pandemic will at least lead to real reform here

Testing more than anyone else. It turns out when you test for something more, you find more of it.

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Your government is lying, stupid nip.

Just use chloroquine senpai you'll be fine

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lies and cover ups should be next to China

don't worry we're all going down the same drain eventually

>Quebec is becoming a new epicentre
>Quebecois are literally moving to remote arctic villages to escape corona

Attached: quebecois moving to the arctic to flee coronavirus.jpg (1076x657, 216.74K)

Stop it!


unlike many other countries the US will not survive a quarantine. Trum should just announce The Purge already. I've seen enough of the movies I know what to do.

lol 30 yo boomers

stay indoors, literally
simple as


It's fun reading how this is happening in every single country. It's like reading news from the future and then from the past.
>Wuhan closes and everyone flees before the lockdown
>Lombardy closes and everyone flees before the lockdown
>Madrid closes closes and everyone flees before the lockdown
>Paris closes closes and everyone flees before the lockdown
>Buenos Aires closes and everyone flees before the lockdown

imagine how easy it is for dictatorships to lie at the moment
everyone's in a lockdown so there's no travel or nosey journos snooping around, and if you can filter all outgoing internet messaging with a firewall like china, you could have body piles as high as kheops pyramid without any outsider knowing
everyone's too busy losing their shit over domestic epidemics as well

confirmed cases doesn't matter due to mass testing, the more you test the easier it is to control
which is why south korea was able to get a handle on it, same with taiwan and singapore
countries next to china know the drill given how many viruses that come from that shithole

the US and maybe some other countries now have extremely fast tests coming out that give results in 15 min and can be done without sending samples to a lab

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quietly optimistic the UK will avoid any massive death toll

Well USA has more population than all the EU combined and coronachan is mostly concentrated in high-density urban areas like California and New York metropolitan area, so your numbers are not really that bad for now.

Just like how Japan has "only 5000 homeless"?

>Well USA has more population than all the EU combined

It doesn't tho. EU = 512 million (including the UK) vs US = 317 million. Without the UK the EU has around 450 million which is still more.

Shop this to be the reality of South Korea as well. Why are they flatlining?

>Why are they flatlining?
Because they had a massive pandemic response already set up and ready thanks to MERS happening a few years back.

Within a day of labeling it endemic they had everything ready to go, they had multiple companies designing test kits the day China's doctors released the virus genome study and opening mass drive-thru testing and contact tracing measures.

>Why are they flatlining?
Once the Coronacult thing came out, the took no chances and locked down everything.

Wow, how come China didn't prepare? They had SARS epidemic a while back. H1N1 as well. They didn't even quarantine or mass test? You have countries like Italy doing mass street disinfecting. You'd think China would learn to do something like that.

japan just doesn't test their people. why? lack of dna testing capacity and systematic problems in their bureaucracy. topping it all, no more beds for coronavirus patients in hospitals.

the original japanese poster removed the video and its account because it caused a severe panic lol

>quietly optimistic the UK will avoid any massive death toll
On what basis exactly?

um they did retard

Alcohol blood and asocial nature

why do Trumptards keep repeating this lie? We're one of the worst countries in the world at testing right now, per capita. Our second largest state is barely testing at all because the governor just let all of the cities decide what they want to do themselves for like 3 weeks.

>Well USA has more population than all the EU combined
Lmao at the kind of retard that posts in this shithole

>please tell us your secrets
Don't be a nation of stupid cunts

>preparation because of past diseases
>large biomed industry that can produce testing kits with quality and quantity
>government that understood the gravity and responded swiftly
>large surveillance and big data dragnet that identifies the infected and people who are in contact
The surveillance thing helps a lot, but in the West you'll have such a rancor raised over the violations of civil liberties and privacy.

1. Our populace are dumb as shit just like Americans and don’t follow any social distancing rules.

2. Why are you acting like things are okay here? We’re on track to be like Italy in a week.

one of the few countries who has both a top tier health system and one that isn't entirely profit driven.


>top tier health system and one that isn't entirely profit driven.
Germany too

1. We have a few idiots flouting the rules but by and large people are in support of them. America's elected president doesn't even seem convinced that its necessary. Their famed unwavering positivity will be their undoing.
2. We should flatten out a little earlier than Italy because we locked down sooner. The yanks increasing in both cases and deaths faster than anyone at this stage though.

Nothing in my lifetime has made me more despairing of the state of my country than this pandemic. We had all the resources, both economic and human, to hold down the virus before it got out of control, saving human lives and also preventing major shutdowns. But there has been a total failure in our leaders and institutions so instead we are going to pay the price. I unironically believe that if this had happened to my grandparents' generation they would have been able to coordinate an effective national response, drawing from the same spirit of civic duty that got them through World War II. But that spirit is gone, and in its place is selfishness and retardation.

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>in the West you'll have such a rancor raised over the violations of civil liberties and privacy.
I never get why Westerners think this way. Looks like they alway repeat the mistake of confusing East Asian countries with China.
I don’t remember our government taking measures that limit civil rights such as lockdowns. Lockdowns? No regions in S. Korea was put into it, even Daegu was virtually isolated but did not end up in official lockdown like they did in China or USA. Italy went as far as to full lockdown of the whole country.
Our government implemented rationing system for mask purchase but that’s all. Koreans are not panic buying anything not because the government outlawed it but because they feel this is totally unnecessary.

It's an Accelerationists dream tho. The revolution comes soon, dont kill yourself yet

The accelerationists are idiots; they're as much wishful thinkers as the people who believe that everything is going to be fine

Accelerationism is a meme

>sacrificing your own people to save Europe
wtf I love drumpf now

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>Americans told to flatten the curve
>they mishear it as "fatten"

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During the Spanish Flu, America was only shut down towards the end of the outbreak. By then most of the deaths had already happened.

Tbf we weren't as mobile as a people then

Conditions couldnt be better. 2 more months is all we need. 2 more months of this kind of response. Viruses/pandemics are astoundingly good unifiers.