Is it true that Tamils are looked down on by other Indians?

Is it true that Tamils are looked down on by other Indians?

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Other way around

Are you Tamil?


how come?

Indians from every state think they're better than Indians from every other state.

there's a tamil girl in my class, and she has so dark circles around her eyes she looks like a demon

Weren't they Christian back in the day?

Yes, Norf Indians are racist brainlets. But they acknowledge that South Indians are smarter and more civilized. It makes them seethe but they acknowledge it nonetheless.

t. northie

The most attractive girl I ever dated was a Tamil Christian, TBQH. Super fit, perfect ass, pretty face, great sense of humor.

Tamils feel their culture is constantly under threat both from lawmakers in Delhi to migrants workers from the North.

Norf isn't just Bihar and UP.

Why do they look like east africans?

my family is from Punjab and they make the same tired old lungi jokes

They both look really friendly, honestly

Is Maharashtra closer to North or South, culturally? What about Goa and Konkan speakers?

Maharashtra has everything from Mumbai to ooga-booga tribespeople getting eaten by tigers in the jungle

I have met several Tamils that had elite families back home but they do absolute shit jobs here. Why?

What about Pune?

And? We all joke about each other don't mean there is any malice in it.
Pune is the cultural heart of Marathi culture.

Not him, but Pune fucking blows. Terrible traffic, shit nightlife, bland cityscape. Would never visit for more than a few days unless I had to. But, somewhat paradoxically, it didn't strike me as a bad place to live.

I worded that weird, what I meant was it is the epicenter of Marathi culture. Used to be the capital of the old Marta empire.

What are the "prestige" Indian ethnic groups? i.e. most successful, liked,etc.

Closed I can think of are Parasi who are Zoroastrians

Yeah they're probably Sri Lankan Tamils who fled during the 80s-90s cos of war. Even the poor ones who fled were usually from the highest caste (Vellalar i.e. "farmer"), but unlike earlier waves, didn't have a good command of English so they end up working shit tier jobs.
But because getting an education is so heavily emphasised, you'll find their children working in the professions more.

t. Sri Lankan Tamil di*Sporan

Fuck I can't type today

Tamils are generally the most hated people in toronto. Even libreal sw white people cant stand them

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It's less about ethnicity and more about caste.
For example, a lot of Tamil Brahmins would rather marry a non-Tamil Brahmin than any of their co-ethnics because non-Brahmin Tamils cucked the Brahmins back in the 50s and 60s by Dravidianists.

>For example, a lot of Tamil Brahmins would rather marry a non-Tamil Brahmin than any of their co-ethnics because non-Brahmin Tamils cucked the Brahmins back in the 50s and 60s by Dravidianists.
What did the Dravidianists do?

How is your caste decided? Why do races respect the caste of other races?

Same here about brazilians and north americans or others from first world countries(that brazilians thinks it's the same as being north american)

Dravdian nationalist consider upper caste as foreign invaders working to subvert Tamil culture.

>your caste is decided by occupation


Ofcourse not they are brothers and ancestors of us malayali bvlls

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Kinda half truth your caste is also decided by blood.So if our grand father,father and vice versa were low caste you will be also low caste.And since there is systemtic oppression low caste people cant really change their occupation

this guy was 25~ and working at a gas station.

Caste is occupation as well as genetic/racial.

>low caste people cant really change their occupation
Fucking retard, they are free to do whatever they want. They also get reservations in government jobs so they can take away opportunities from the upper castes.

Obviously we are talking of it in the context of the past

Can you tell if someone is lower or upper caste based off of their phenotype/physical features alone?

t. brahmincel

Basically they tried to wedge a divide between "Indo-Aryan" and "Dravidian" peoples by emphasising the difference between the two language families and wewuzzing a separate history, but this ideology only took hold in Tamil Nadu.
One part of this Dravidianist divide was manifested thru Brahmins v Non-Brahmins. A lot of Brahmins in Tamil Nadu descend from North Indian (Indo-Aryan) Brahmins who were originally invited by Tamil kings. As such they look a little different from the average Tamil i.e. lighter skinned, more North Indian facial features etc.
These Tamil Brahmins, over time, basically became the Jews of TN; highly literate, highly intelligent (most of India's space team are these guys), big landowners and quite condescending to non Brahmins. So once India became independent and democratic, the lower caste masses voted in successive state governments that put restricted their university entry, job quotas etc. It wasn't discrimination on the level of Jews, but it was bad enough that many chose and still choose to emigrate to the West for opportunities.

The funny thing is that the principal agitators of the "Dravidianist" movement were native upper caste non-Brahmins who merely wanted to gain more power and influence but still treat lower castes and dalits like shit.

Yes, easily.

Read fucking retard i said systematic operation.Reservation in parliament wont do shit if they dont have any political power play.Also most of the bureaucratic power are held by upper caste corrupted grandpa in their 60's.How the fuck do you think there is such thing as dalits,untouchables and concept of upper caste/lower caste in fucking 21 century.

Nope, we are too intermixed nowdays.

malayali "bvlls" are getting cucked in birthrates by muslims whose only allegiance is to their religion and their ummah lol

>most of the bureaucratic power are held by upper caste corrupted grandpa in their 60's
Can't you fucking read you brainlet momos-making mountain chink nigger? I SAID THERE ARE RESERVATIONS IN GOVERNMENT JOBS.

Speak for yourself mutt.

>All the smart south indians that actually try to civilise India are north indian
Nice try Street shitter but your kind are not smart and will never amount anything . You sound like Nordics who claim they are roman . If all the south indians that work at Isro and stuff are north indian why couldn't your kind stop shitting in the streets first ?

Not always. I'm Kara Boga level dark and yet I'm of the highest caste in my area (not Brahmin). But certain castes do have a particular phenotype since a lot of them have married within their castes for generations. Which is why the genetic differences between castes is bigger than differences in skin colour.

This is stupid.
They are all poop skinned street shitters

>The Mughal rape baby cuck that got invaded and ruled calls unconquered people cuck
Oh I'm laffin parambuthoori

There are no upper-castes in South India. If you're a south indian you're either a brahmin or a Shudra.

Is there a caste system in Nepal?

You'll be a minority in Kerala soon. Just recently a smellu IS recruit killed around 20 kuffars in Afghanistan.

Why the fuck do Indians care about caste still? Serious question.

My group is already minority in Kerala dumb fuck

There is and he's most probably a dalit.

I'm not even North Indian, I'm a Sri Lankan Tamil BVLL. I'm just stating fax. Dravidianists are just pleb tier retarded because they purposely neglect to consider the Brahmin contribution to their own culture.

Now go eat your beef ul*Arthiyathu

? ?

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Then look at it this way you ricebag. Muslims will be majority soon.

cant you fucking read you retarded bhakt?I said the real power of bureaucratic lies itself within upper caste corrupted brahaims.I never fucking denied there are reservations for low caste people.What i am saying is since there is a systematic oppression there is basically no change or change is basically slow moving in a turtle speed.For example:For example in a 50 seat governmental office 4 reserved job in a government office wont do shit in a town of population of 40,000+.
Yes very .

This thread got too political, I am out.

Yea I don't know what Tamils think of that and I don't really give a shit. All im saying is the people in charge of anything intellectual in India are clearly southern. Are you going to claim the Isro chairman is northie too ?

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>50 seat governmental office 4 reserved
It's not that low in India, speak for your own shithole mountain chink.

I am newar you fucking retard .My caste is basally responsible what you know about nepal temples such as:pashupathi nath and such and we are the most successful caste economically by some large matric here.Even our country name is taken from newars. SO shut up you biari bhakt

He's brahmin isn't he?

>Rice bag
Seethe parambuthoori, nasrani rule Kerala whether you like it or not

t. Poodeep Patel
I don't know what you're smoking mate because Brahmins have all but disappeared from TN. Each passing day they're getting cucked by Vellalars, Gounders, Reddys et al

Does the caste system extend into the high altitude regions populated by tibeto-burman language speakers, or is it restricted to the Indo-Aryan speaking lowlands?