Sweden is only 68% white

>Sweden is only 68% white

Attached: Size1000[1].jpg (1000x664, 63.4K)

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Still 98% white by Brazilian standards

but that's not the standard that matters
lmfao imagine coping this hard


pure blooded viking


> 68% white

no it's 68% native swedish. It's white percentage is much higher than that.

Can we bash on other countries as well?
All I see are
threads, i get that your country has nothing to offer but maybe there is something that we don't know about it that is cool.

PS. I'm getting hungry but it's 4AM, good night.

Attached: sweeds with foreign background.png (1307x793, 36.16K)


>according to Statistics Sweden, around 3,311,312 (32.3%) inhabitants of Sweden were of a foreign background in 2018, defined as being born abroad or born in Sweden with at least one parent born abroad.[254] The most common countries of origin were Syria (1.82%), Finland (1.45%), Iraq (1.41%), Poland (0.91%), Iran (0.76%) and Somalia (0.67%)

>Syria, Iraq, Iran, Somalia

Don't worry bro just here to show you the facts.
Anyway, Sweden isn't shit on enough

why is that ape using a police uniform?

Don't call us Swedes please.

sad check

Attached: 1585330781240.jpg (981x1476, 122.15K)

By now only 60% of Sweden is actually Swedish.

>the Swede of the future

How far will Sweden fall in the name of the Dark Gods?

Attached: Sweden40000.jpg (539x650, 47.39K)

Attached: swedishathletes.jpg (1000x1000, 285.76K)

kinda crazy to think about isn't it? until just 50 years ago they were like 95% white.
also the number is inflated by all the obsolete boomers. you could discard them so in middle age to young group it's probably below 50% lel

so this does not even include the non-swedes whose parents got the citizenship, just the last generation migrants? in that case it's even more than that. absolute state. i want to go to sweden to see for myself and compare with historic footage and pics.

would be cool to have the age pyramid with the real origins

I've seen your pasta before and checked the stats myself. The picture i posted is more reliable that your shit. If you want this screen has more detail.

Attached: sweds.png (1379x820, 33.07K)

Attached: Sweden-Refugees-copy[1].jpg (239x211, 28.51K)

in the other thread you were "done arguing" now you're back kek


>so this does not even include the non-swedes whose parents got the citizenship, just the last generation migrants?

The actual number is even lower lmfao

Attached: Sem título.jpg (820x590, 113.22K)

>44% of metropolitan children and youths and 30% of those from middle-sized ciites have another native language than Swedish

Attached: 1559814211549.png (783x286, 35.07K)

adding up those numbers it's even HIGHER LMFAO
3.4 million
Sweden is gone.

you are literally proving my point for me. It's 68% non native not non white. The second largest group are finns

are Chilean Swedes considered white

What's going on here?

>The second largest group are finns
Not since 2017, they've been surpassed by Syrians


Syria is the second largest kys

Attached: Sweden-Migrants[1].jpg (800x532, 69.45K)

get fukt retard


Just admit you are being dishonest right now and misusing 68% white with 68% non swedish

top 10 largest foreign groups
1 Syria
2 Iraq
3 Finland
4 Poland
5 Iran
7 former yogoslavia
8 bosnia
9 afghans
10 turks

4/10 countries are european

>F-Finland is the largest group
>out of the 10 top, 4 are E-european

Sure, I'm the one being dishonest right?
KYS cucknadian

6/10 are still non-european kek
68% bro.
This just gets funnier with each post

t. Kevin Magnusson

All these jealous peasant 3rd worlders lol. Success really does breed jealousy.

Source? Sounds like bullshit


t. Jamal Alan Svenson
lives in Minnesota
thinks he's Swedish

I'm 100% of English stock


We wuz red coats n shit


Good, atleast they have an actual diverse police force. Most pigs in europe are white guys in their 30's thats not very effective with anything other than beating up students or homeless people

Why shouldn't cops beat up uppity faggot humanities students? lol

Good. Let sweden burn down to the ground first and set an example for the rest.


>le 56%
Close enough.

Unironically wish for it to become 0%
>t. military academy dropout


this tbqh

go walk around Stockholm without getting robbed by syrians. Sweden tries so hard to hide how fast they're turning brown. There are food labels in arabic now

Very sad.
You should close your borders finnanon.
Stay safe

stockholm is whiter than helsinki because they have isolated their syrians and migrants to ghettos like rinkeby. i saw less arabs on södermalm than i saw in central Helsinki

they integrate better here due to not being isolated. Sweden cannot fix their problem its over

they will be once right wing stops larping


i go to stockholm at least twice a year and i see it myself

sounds like sydney shoving all their arabs in the west
it's more spread out in melbourne, brisbane etc

Around 60% too high.

Are you just shitposting or do you honestly think less Europeans is a bad thing? I seriously can't tell anymore, thanks to the sheer amount of Yas Forumsscum on this board.

Attached: 132121851844.jpg (400x400, 84.53K)

Do you think it's a good thing? Indifference is the most logical choice.

Less native people in their homelands to such a catastrophic % is always a bad thing.

Now, Zhang, off yourself.

Laughign stock

This is a great time and who cares. Swedes love to be replaced.

So since we're still the best nation on earth at basically everything, does that mean whites aren't actually better at anything than the rest?

Attached: 1583165489010.jpg (960x980, 386.56K)

yes, I am sure you're 100% willing to extend that beautiful sentiment to non-white + african tribes...If you're white there are other ways to find recognition for it on this board