So much antiamericanism on this board

I have no fkn idea how people can hate Americans/USA and what are their real motives. If you look objectively, you must conclude that real monsters are enemies of the USA. All evil people, evil governments and evil countries hate the USA. It lasts for centuries. You can't really hate America without being evil and anti-human.

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*sharts in your thread*

Uh oh.

Because you're a subhuman slavshit and you can't understand simple things.

your values and morals =! other people's values and morals

um, based department? Yeah. That man there.

they're all leftists from /r/europe who came here and decided to use Yas Forums as /leftypol/
they're a cancer, really.

i could see how you might think that if NATO was the only reason your mother isn't being raped by a russian at this moment

t. PiS supporter

poor bait

I am not political about this. The USA didn't commit even 1% of crimes commited by such countries like Germany or Russia, but they are still hated. I can't understand this. Moreover, they really contributed to humanity. Like Netflix is American, Intel is American, nVidia is American. They also popularized democracy and human rights around the planet. Otherwise, we all would live in gulag-tier world without freedoms.

Nice b8 mate

I'm used to it. You could say I have developed an immunity to the petty false words of this board's residents

>They also popularized democracy and human rights around the planet

Look up what people in America think of this

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This is the greatest moment of my day, we have been ordained by god to bring light to this world, good day sir

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What are you even supposed to be implying with this post?

Thank you for your service

That white americans (The actual americans) disagree with everything the polish fag said.

Kys you attention whoring proxy using american

THIS is what they call warmongering....unreal

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Rare, do you know Mama Uganda?

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well you would be foolish to think your conspiracy theories matched with reality

We do? Thanks for straightening that out for me

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Your country is on the brink of a civil war fueled by the hate every and each of your people feel towards each other and you would be foolish to assume the contrary

Read about such things like Gulag or Auschwitz, then you will realize how innocent and humanist the USA is. Just imagine what kind of hell this world would be if Russia or Germany had so much power as the USA does. Or any other countries, probably. In this aspect, the USA is pretty much special. It doesn't need to burn people in ovens or dehumanize them with poverty, hunger and slave-work in camps to achieve some vague geopolitical goals.

okay, you are literally a nutjob

Cringe thread death to amerikkka

I know this is bait but if there must be a global cop I sure as fuck wouldn't want anyone else but the USA in that role
you can be a contrarian all you want but deep down you fags know it too

look up "years of lead", "operation gladio" and see why i'd rather these fuckers never interfered with my country again
China and Russia aren't any better, mind you, but that doesn't justify american imperialism

pardon me, but italy is a country? :^)

What are the odds of Uganda flag popping up WHILE i'm browsing through pics of Uganda?

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It is normal that empires try to interfere into internal affairs of foreign countries. Every empire does such things. But you must admit that Americans never killed millions of Italians, even though they easily could. That's what makes them better than Germans or Russians, for example.

americans invented the coronavirus and they are the reason why I am locked in my house right now

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>"the United States would have supported any initiative tending to keep the communists out of government."

That was a very big deal back then, in the long run we did you a favor

>let me tell you about your country
Dumbass, we've been closer to another civil war in past than we are now. Please don't post dumb shit. You have no clue what it's like here.

Why is the United States so hated?
Why do you hate it

I thought it was a joke

I would not say that the US government is evil with respect to international politics. This is because being evil requires a higher level of intelligence and statecraft that time after time the US has failed to project onto their areas of influence. When McNamara met General Vo they could not even agree upon why the war was being fought, they were completely unaware of Vietnam's aspirations for sovereignty. CIA failed to notice 100,000 Russians entering Afghanistan. Bill Clinton's sanctions on Iraq starved thousands of people, and accomplished essentially nothing. And do not even begin with the massive failure of Iraq and Afghanistan (indirectly creating ISIS and handing weapons to junkies in Afghanistan).

Then there's American corporatism (Big Oil, Big Pharma, Monsanto), to this respect this is the true evil being exported across the globe.

Also, the standard's of American life is being reduced decade after decade (stagnant wages since the 80's, lack of opportunity).


Some people on this website have fallen into bad personal habits. Or they started out with edgy ways of looking at the world.

>Your country is on the brink of a civil war
You're either very naive and gullible or being retarded on purpose and I hope for your sake it's the latter

they killed thousands, but even neglecting that, i'm not cucked enough to think being ruled by a foreign empire is inevitable, sorry

our """"communists"""" were socdem by the time you pulled all that shit, they were no threat to our democracy whatsoever
you didn't save us from the red menace, you killed innocents to mantain a few crooked politicians you trusted in power

JIDF shills on damage control.

Please do show me examples of social cohesion between your people

literally anything that happens everyday

Succesful bait

France and Britain did it better.

very dumb post

Just go outside
You're in Texas, right? Just fucking walk outside


never was, and never cared about anything but colonies


see above

The Soviets funded PCI, We gave millions to break their hold on unions. Saving the world can be a dirty business sometimes, you're welcome

It's weird that everyone will always blame America for racism while it can happen in any country, including Canada, UK, and Japan.

nice 1

Dude. It is a history, though. The world was divided between soviets and Americans. Americans claimed Western Europe as their property and Russians claimed Eastern Europe as their property. When Americans tried to stirr some shit in Czech Republic, f.e., Russians were sending tanks there and killing thousands of people. When Russians tried to stirr some shit in Italy by supporting commies, Americans were probably only assassinating some political leaders, and thats all. Did you see American tanks crushing Italians on streets during Cold War? I really doubt this. Russians were doing such things in their commie-bloc quite often

Nah, most of them are 50 cent chinks and r/AsianMasculinity discord raiders.

The only difference is AsianMasculinity doesn’t get paid for spamming posts and raiding boards. They do it for free, thinking Xi Jinping will reward them or something, kek

The Italian Communist Party was huge though, same as the French one, but in France there was De Gaulle to keep them down. In Italy there was nobody because your political system was designed so that nobody could really emerge as an executive leader.

See man, now THAT'S a bait

the PCI broke off from the USSR in the 70s most of the dirty stuff you pulled was way after that
in fact, that distance from the soviets was the whole reason, you just couldn't allow an example of constructive cooperation between communists and other democratic forces

they planted bombs in trains, stations, banks and town squares
they didn't do targeted assasinations, they killed innocents
i repeat, go read up on it

We get it. You like to suck american BBC

>governent is consciously sacrificing its own citizens for muh holy stonks market
>C-China's fault, praise our leaders
amerimutts are literally the biggest cucks in human history

>they planted bombs in trains, stations, banks and town squares

Soviet disinformation

those pesky soviets, proving in court that one of the main organizers of the Bologna station bombing was a CIA man literally this year

Count on the Pole to brown nose the evil empire. Pathetic wigger.

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Germany is no longer truly evil anymore because it was occupied and transformed by the USA. I wish Russia was occupied and transformed by the USA too. They need to be denazified too

You are very gay. Why are you gay?