Absolutely banger edition
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what a coincidence I just bumped some ket
Off to the land of nod
just got called parched in stoke
Fuck up Mikey you brothel rat
Wouldn't dare touch alcohol
You're a genuine fucking moron if you've ever tried that shite
Off to the land of nogs
you can spend fucking PENNIES on food just eating these two meals
Don't understand creatures who whine about not having enough
Quite straightforward as long as you stay away from Caviar.
Fuck up you involuntary celibate gorger bastard
Wouldn't dare touch caffeine
You're a genuine fucking moron if you've ever tried that shite
while my mum was pregnant with me my parents referred to me as 'bubba oops'
Bring out the gimp
*mikey comes crawling into /brit/ in a full body latex suit*
Want to hear a joke?
So an irishman walks out of a bar
D-did I do good moz?
>waaaaaaaah is horse tranquilliser
>waaaaaaaaah it's dirty
Fuck off. K-holing on an LSD trip is sexy.
where are the vegetables
doing a mark felton watch
if it all went tits up
got a bit hairy
hands down mikey is the only man in this thread you could count on in a combat situation hes been in more contacts than most men have had hot dinners
but what is the go with the english and tranquilliser?
>its just a flu bro
Don Lemon is a weatherman
Rachel Maddox is a talk show host
Anderson Cooper is a news anchor
Tucker Carlson is a talk show host
Cooper is the only one with any talent
Good one.
need corona out of business so i can continue pissing what savings i have up the wall on coke and prozzies
They were confederate dixie boys too haha
lefttpol contemplating suicide after xis gender realignment surgery has been cancelled
wow fatland isn't even in the top ten
Don’t know about that but 99% of the gimps in here are cowardly shites without a shred of honour.
I feel like that is a waste of a trip
ket definitely makes mdma worse
have cum inside a girl that wasn't on the pill before
told her i was about to cum and she didn't stop (she was on top) so i pushed in deep and shot my beans
afterwards i asked if she was on the pill and she said no, asked if she would take the morning after pill and she said no
was baffed
nothing came of it, she said she timed it right or something, but jesus that was a shocker
in hindsight it was hot as fuck
the nhs normally performs reasonably well and thus we don't need such large hospitals under normal circumstances
theres a shortage of estrogen because of corona
I, fitmick, could vanquish any wretch in this general quite handily.
>implying that isnt money well spent
Remember when we went to madrid in 1985 so we could go see The Smiths play, good night that
those poor pensioners
>when a close female friend who's in an unhappy marriage starts going on about how polyamory is natural and how humans were meant to live
feel like pure shit just want her back
It really isn't
tits too big
she can get it
lift all the weights you like son, it does not strengthen the jaw and my left hand is like a homing missile for soft jaws like yours
uganda be kidding me!
You've missed the point
A homing missile though. Topkek
I’ve done combat sports too kid, for a long time.
was tripping last friday playing the new half life vr game
very good
Fucking shut up you lying tosser lol
brum on the fucking map
if you look at it by staff they are
dunno why you need 30,000 staff for 1000 beds tho
homo missile more like
my largest concern about all this is the transpeople who will be forced to wait for life saving surgeries. Make no mistake, trans folks are not on ANYONE's mind right now, and that's terrifying
the chinese fireball, oooh
Like to see you try, 3 all Ireland's at 75 kg
mental how you can’t block ads on an android phone
Based Cooplands. Fuck Greggs
Has anyone been playing Bannerlord? I hope it comes to console soon.
just jealous because we didnt invite you
>he hasn't bought jaw weights yet
those are teaching hospitals
Good for you.
25,000 kikes on the insurance gravy train
I think John hopkins is a big teaching hospital though isn't it? I wonder if they count students among the staff.
Corrrrr miss em
In what? I weigh 85KG so whatever you dabble in (as long as it isn’t BJJ) I will wrestlefuck you, and if I’m feeling promiscuous (I always am), I might just unrobe you and deflower your anus, not because I’m gay, just because I’m the man. THE man.
If it is BJJ I’ll beat you into a bloody pulp and do the same.
wtf is a Cooplands??
hands writing cheques the jaw on you simply cannot cash
>t. never been to the North
Except building up your neck and traps does make you less likely to get knocked out.
my fists are heat sensing
you'll piss your pants and then its out of my control. Mt fists will strike you so hard it'll knock all your piss back up your urethra and out your mouth
Like Greggs, but better.
love her what a sweetie
What sort of cheques we talking here kid? Because mine be writing bills for millions. Put your money where your mouth is, because my fist is going through it.
well, day 1 of no alcohol done
it was boring as fuck
20 more days to go
just remembered a few weeks ago I was in the pub with some workmates and one of them brought up the pacer trains which were made from bus parts and I said "oh yeah, they do look a bit bussy don't they?"
and then I laughed because bussy but I think I got away with that haha
Boxing, would have a big laugh if you try to get close, I'd drop you before you got anywhere near me
some of us have WORK tomorrow
Bindi Irwin is on family feud right now and lads...I want to fuck her so bad...
stomach too flat, looks unnatural
Jab slip takedown would have you on your arse quicker than flies on shit
Based Mozman
not a bad tune this
boy poochie?
>get the sniffles
Not impressed pull your heads in
she's a midget
only workout what i need. Just do my neck a jaw.
Fake runts like you get drawn in. I leave it open. I want to get hit in the jaw.
I've broken more fists on my jaw than i can keep track of
lol, you've never come up against a high level boxer you dont now how to slip
I’m dabbing on these fckn hoes mang
aye a good questioon
>Irish boxing skills
Don’t care, cute as fuck, cute Aussie accent
Are you Nigerian?
she just got married mate
just did the absolute fattest dab
must have been one of the greatest dabs of all time
behold, the so-called chad eyes that I think just look chinese
Bindi irwin is the same age as me
id love to fuck a midget a fit one though not the weird looking ones with chubby forearms and massive fods
Fair enough, however, I would simply run into your fists headfirst and brace one or two meagre blows and then smash you onto your neck from which you will be paralyzed, from there I will make your demise slow and painful, like a spider taking his sweet time to devour a subdued fly.
She's got huge fucking tits too. She's a good girl, marrying young to a nice young white man. He gets to put a load on those tits every night, and it's sanctified by God.
good lad!
Every young fella should learn to box. It should be a rite of passage in today’s society.
lol have fun with your shitposting little bud
stay away from me man don't hurt me
*in a comedy Father Ted voice*
>Fair enough, however, I would simply run into your fists headfirst and brace one or two meagre blows and then smash you onto your neck from which you will be paralyzed, from there I will make your demise slow and painful, like a spider taking his sweet time to devour a subdued fly.
>when virgins think that they're allowed to cum anywhere but the cum towel
umm sweetie x
Shut up you fucking gimp. You're a disgrace to pikeyhood, you've never even had a fight.
Any “British” boxer of note is either Irish or a wog, except for Ricky Hatton
Run along now
why do right-wing views correlate so strongly with a low IQ?
You never learnt to box, you said you trained a couple of times when you were like 12
Fuck off, autist
She used to charge $70 a video for some content
Now she fists herself
Sad to see her demise. Some losers just can't appreciate privilege
Heavily based on reactionary emotion without thinking of long term consequences
I want to see this big talking irish gimp post some photos
There’s lots of gay pornography sites on the internet bud, I’m not here to satisfy your urges. I’m known as the big swinging dick on this general, fitmick is king they often say to me.
Massive up my way, more all Ireland champs than seems believable
Now that I think about Darwin coming up with the evolution thing isn't that impressive.
We knew languages shared similarities with one another based on proximity. We knew they had common ancestors and shit.
Evolution is literally the same as languages.
I can box, yeah. Don’t know any travellers that can’t to some degree.
lads there's this little spider fella in my bathroom who's set up a nice little web in the corner of the window sill and the window pvc and he's caught loads of flies somehow
thought spiders were useless fuckers before
Where you from pal
Post link
Not afraid of anyone from a nationality of people who died because they ran out of potatoes
Now the English? That’s a group of people capable of superviolence
i've got something in my front pocket for you
Good for the youth.
right wing people are a lot less likely to be pretentious gimps with woolly jumpers and beanies on, and they dont think they are clever because they've read martin luther kings autobiography and been outraged on behalf of another race
please don't say the s word
ever wish you could be marooned on a desert island
Contrary to what you may think, boxing isn’t an inheritable genetic trait Michael, you have to train. You may have genetic ability for boxing but you have to train. You haven’t trained Michael.
See what I mean Michael?
such as?
fucking lol
>thought spiders were useless fuckers before
classic ep
Finn Valley area, Donegal not joking I probably know a minimum of 20 national winners at various age groups, went to school with Quigley
I’ll superviolence my foot in your face kid
Why you trying to act clever for.
they are
normally they just sit in the corner and die without doing anything
Donegal good spot lad
I’m talking sense kid
stop watching are telly
fucking cringe hope it goes out of business
doing an /r/cripplingalcoholism browse
You’re talking shite, you psued
Because they're obviously true. Then you get to a slightly higher IQ range where you know just enough to engage with mainstream media or do a degree in sociology and believe all the left-wing lies you're told. Once you go past that, you get to an IQ range where the person can engage with mainstream media and academic sophistry but not believe it unquestioningly. Those people are also right-wing.
no, I don't need a loicense!
literally everything he did was justified
The Wolf in pulp fiction is such a gimp
If I was John Travolta or Samuel Jackson I’d slap him around for being such a mouthy boomer