Does this image triggers you?

does this image triggers you?

Attached: AyooHolUp.png (1357x800, 29.56K)

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It triggers me insofar I noticed you replaced Argentina's original red for some shade of blue.

Why does North Korea have a colour?
That map is inaccurate in a lot of ways even if the general idea is right.

It triggers me insofar I noticed you replaced Lithuania 's original red for some shade of blue

Post the real map

why do you post this image so much

Why is China so insecure? Not even Nords lie about their IQ stats that much.

Attached: nationaliq.jpg (1562x642, 180.48K)

to trigger whites (asians arent smarter than whites they cheat!!!) and blacks (nooo we cant be that stupid this IQ thing does not matter!!)

Cope. All of the surrounding East Asian countries score roughly 106, there’s no reason why that wouldn’t be their score as well.

Yeah because i am surrounded by fucking monkeys

This was meant for

> does this image triggers
> does this triggers
Argentina should be dark red

Why are Italians so smart?

Your source is a biased site :

Pic related is more from Wikipedia.

Attached: 1920px-World-iq-map-lynn-2006.svg.png (1920x984, 373.98K)

Mh, just a little

richard lynn is not a credible source

How about your news media then ?

>roughly 106
more like 105, that's how Koreans and Chinese tend to score, Japanese maybe something like 104.5, but China's score may be even lower than that because only around 92% of of China is Han

"China"'s IQ score is not as high as its PISA score would suggest, look at what provinces have taken part in PISA

Attached: PISA-results_ITALIAN.png (1181x2550, 426.27K)

Dude he's practically a white supremacist, why are you against him ?

and now look how the rest of China does on actual IQ tests

Attached: 2005.png (647x829, 183.19K)

Then what's your take on this ?

China is known to falsify PISA scores, if you even take that to be a good measure of iq- US hispanics score far higher than even Chile or Argentina (also, Argentina's pisa score is lower than chile and uruguays, that map is nonsense). Honestly I would more quickly believe that africans have an average iq of 70 than that chinese people have an average iq of 106
This would mean half of their population is above that and a good chunk of them are above what, 120? It's unrealistic and not reflected in reality
I am not a white supremacist and I'm not interested in falsifying science the way altright/marxists do.

>China is known to falsify PISA scores
core, see to see what countries data weren't published by the OECD because they didn't meet the PISA technical standards, China's not there

also, PISA is not an IQ test, and PISA is only representative for 15-year-olds in school, and sometimes this could make a big difference

>chinese people have an average iq of 106
ethnic Han Chinese tend to score around 105 always, whether they are in China, or Taiwan, or Malaysia, or Canada, etc.

>China is known to falsify PISA scores

or maybe that's just the truth, ever heard of Occam's razor ?


It would appear that wealth is the primary driver of IQ everywhere outside of SEA

Are mongolians wealthy?

>there’s no reason why that wouldn’t be their score as well.
the fact that they're all starving and taught to avoid critical thought might have an effect on that.

oops thought you meant DPRK

South Korea used to be poor as Sub-Saharan African countries just a few decades ago, but they still scored around 105, Africans did not

i refuse to believe my cuntrymen have anything close to a 3-digit IQ avg

should be africa - tier
fake / shit map

PISA is just not a good measure of education, much less IQ
ethnic chinese abroad are you usually some of the most successful chinese, its the same reason indians abroad appear smart when in reality their home is a shithole
China muddling the truth like always is the simplest explanation, zhang

regardless of all this talk of IQ and PISA, the reality is that China was a mostly preindustrial nation up until a few decades ago and is still a very poor country as a whole. It's unreasonable (if you believe there are ANY links between economic success and IQ) to think that they are smarter than westerners or even just their own fellow middle income countries

How are italians smarter than everyone else in europe

this is more of proof that they don't have an IQ of 105 than the opposite, if they were genuinely much smarter than europeans or anyone else they would have developed much faster.

sorry lesser beings but this could never bother me because im an ashkenazi jew and we are the highest iq cohort in human history

so China, North Korea and Mongolia are all falsifying their data in a seemingly coordinated manner?

>wealth is the primary driver of IQ

Attached: EKgiJdgXkAAqu3w.jpg (589x246, 66.25K)

Attached: EN89aSsWsAIDZF3.jpg (600x454, 34.31K)

I don't give a shit
When My dick hard i coom anytime

Attached: 1995-SAT-vs-Income-Education.png (1500x1862, 39.45K)

I got 138 IQ and I'm a massive stupid failure, but hey at least I'm good at recognizing patterns haha :)
It's a meme index

based, make more JAV uncensored thank you

>this is more of proof that they don't have an IQ of 105 than the opposite
WHAT?! so te fact that South Koreans tend to actually score 105 on IQ tests is evidence that they are *not* scoring 105??? wtf

from the height of my big brain med power i tell you:
IQ is a rubbish metric that environmental conditions during childhood such as nutrition influence greatly

>China muddling the truth like always is the simplest explanation, zhang
that nigger didn't present any evidence regarding China PISA scores are faked, do you even read what you share on here idiot

>China was a mostly preindustrial nation up until a few decades ago and is still a very poor country as a whole.
Hmm maybe it had something to do with the massive civil war and foreign invasion, followed by a incompetent leader who didn't know what he was doing.
Now they are developing rapidly and many Chinese have a quality of life on par with the west. Look at any major Chinese city and tell me they aren't superior to westerners, despite having less resources they are safer and more efficient than any western city.

and if anyone is "rigging the PISA tests" is not East Asian nations, see

The chinese cheated

see also this from the PISA 2015 Technical Report, does China's (or East Asian) data look particularly suspicious?

Attached: PISA 2015 Response Rate.jpg (1680x1538, 222.47K)

>and is still a very poor country as a whole
China used to be as poor or even poorer than some countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, but last year China surpassed Mexico on GDP per capita


Aw hell yeah boi. This is now REAL RETARD HOUR HOMES.
You can only reply to this MF comment if your national IQ IS MOFO BORDERLINE RETURR.

Are those who couldn't come to a proper alphabet but decided to write as using pictures for every single word and struggle with it for entire life have highest IQ?

>all these obnoxious goyim so very very proud about not being as bad as black people
inb4 sour grapes responses

Attached: 1 JHl8uVBMwSDB6eafxeU_cA.png (3000x1950, 160.39K)

>its the same reason indians abroad appear smart when in reality their home is a shithole
not really, it's exactly the opposite, Han Chinese arrived in Malaysia as illiterate tin miners, in Mexico and other Latin-American countries as illiterate seamen, in the UK as stokers

in reality the pattern you see is that poor immigrants that come from populations with high IQ tend to experience very rapid increases in socioeconomic status

If you're serious about iq you should be always using/viewing normal distributions, and it's not even hard but most people prefer the simple thing, even if it doesn't tell them much. For instance, arithmetic means do no not tell you how many retards a country has, which you could know if you have the standard deviation of the sample.

I only wonder if there were other factors

Koreans use hangeul
East Asians in other countries also score higher

>I only wonder if there were other factors

Attached: DfmrjQoVAAAU61S.jpg (1249x837, 268.78K)