So aside of drugs and hot women, what else is here?

So aside of drugs and hot women, what else is here?

Attached: Skärmklipp.png (1101x970, 266.53K)

Good food and nice beaches

why is Yas Forums so obsessed with latin america?


there is also gang warfare and starvation

Yas Forums is majority European and we have exposure to all other places other than Latin America. Natural curiosity. Also we're thirsty virgins and big brown booties makes us wanna coom.

not as many drugs as in europe though
please stop making threads about latin america


Good music
The best people
Friendly vibes
Viva América Latina

>hot women
not for you, bjorn

Only colombia and Mexico have drugs. The rest are peaceful soy tutorial mode cunts.

Women: only the caribbean (DR, PR, Colombia, Venezuela, Cuba, Panama) have decent afro-latin hot bobmshells, mestizas aren't really my thang

me :)

pretty sure the biggest coke exporter is Bolivia

Cute animals

Attached: pudúes.gif (500x310, 4M)

lol, bolivia doesn't export 1/3 of what this utter shithole does

>hot women
a 5/10 in sweden could be a model anywhere in south america

Hot men

Attached: 1_caiocastro-12472489.jpg (700x930, 274.89K)

>The rest are peaceful soy tutorial mode cunts.
With the exception of Uruguay, even the safest parts of South America is way, way more dangerous than the worst parts of Europe.

Other way around, Pierre

Coke's far cheaper than in Europe

you are right, I just checked, but still Bolivia and Per have pretty high production

yes honduras and el salvador is very safe

Good hills to walk up and down
Botfly bros
Zika virus
Wandering spider bros
Could probably get away with murder haha

No, Greta isn't pretty here, stop thinking we have 0 standarts.

>post-apocalyptic sheet metal villages
>Indio pagan temples in Columbia
>secret narco warlord states in the jungle in Columbia
>huge killer swamps
>armed economic enterprise
>a utopia of aryan mennonites and mission indios living in harmony in Paraguay (though spiced with lots and lots of murder)
>a utopia of Welshmen and gauchos living very very far apart in Patagonia
>black African tribesmen living in the stone age in the Guayanas
>enormous ersatz shantytowns with a few skyscrapers in the middle
>the West European city of Buenos Aires (but with much murder)
>the Chinese-Indio-Spaniard ethnostate of Ecuador

uruguay's capital has a higher murder rate than colombia's capital. If you¡re looking for safe spots, Chile, Argieland, Cuba and Ecuador are the way to go

All south american countries have at least high HDI as of 2019, if you want true poverty that would be Asia and Africa

then why you and all your neighbors lower nominal gdp per capita than china

They're included under Mexico. Venezuela is included under Colombia

Those are mexican countries



Heard that the Findom scene in Argentina is great.

These are average looking sudacas

Attached: Magazin-Mi-Gente-Mujeres-Diferentes.jpg (1280x720, 302.25K)

>hot women
a meme. They're not all that hot.

But that's wrong. Also China isn't all Asia

is that some sort of syncretistic indio ritual of great antiquity?

There is only mutts and negros in that picture

What country is that?

they are either super ugly or extremly hot. The attractiveness distribution is tailed.

Brazil and Colombia are often regarded for having the hottest women in the world

Attached: brazil.png (496x531, 227.92K)

god i wish i was born a middle class latino

the picture shows those country in green. this cope is sad

it's true

there are 0 indians in that pic. only a bunch of blacks and pardos

Colombia which is one of the prettiest ones
Seriously this "latinas are pretty" meme needs to stop, the most sought after girls in south America are the white minorities

Attached: w9gemeden5j41.png (640x798, 668.21K)

It's false. Chile is ahead of you as of 2019 and you're technically tied with Argentina, Mexico and the like

well Mexicans aren't of any one race either and they still do all that pagan shit with the skulls, which is why I asked (and cause I misinterpreted the sign on the banner saying the group of the women of the whatsit of the town of San Antonio as St. Anthony the saint)

This is your brain on western journalism

Attached: dsdfsdf.jpg (800x420, 42.12K)

San antonio I guess makes reference to a neighborhood name or some place

That pic is negros and mutts with black admixture, injuns from colombia and its surroundings just look SEA

Attached: esilda-young-teenager-of-embera-native-community-living-by-the-chagres-EBCPEP.jpg (865x1390, 112.56K)

cope the average swedish girl looks like this

Attached: swed.jpg (750x851, 504.8K)

And the average latina like this but instead of indigenous clothes they wear crackwhore tier clothes

This to be honest. Having gone to Europe really fucked up my perception of women here. In France you can find a woman that would be 10/10 model tier here in Chile, driving a bus or selling churros next street. Shit's fucked.

>the picture shows those country in green.
Not all latam countries have the same ancestry
>this cope is sad
Coping with what?

that's not average either. Or, well at least not here, dunno much about other cunts

I think people in your cunt are alot more familiar with that Zhang

The average latin american is either mestizo or triracial not amerindian. Amerindians are not latinos, they are whatever tribe they belong to.

Attached: 081773b01ecd98f4750c66c624cae93a.jpg (488x650, 93.63K)

Only bolivia is predominantly amerindian but the amerindians from there look different.

Attached: small-aymara-girl-in-the-street-in-copacabana-a-town-on-the-shores-AJRY9Y.jpg (866x1390, 151.35K)

Average latin people

Attached: chicano.png (1117x792, 1.67M)

Yep same experience
There is a girl nearby that is a cashier, a fucking carrefour cashier and she is prettier than most MODELS in fucking Argentina, its crazy how good men have it here but they let themselves be memed by media
These are average colombian women Colombia is one of the most european admixture heavy countries in latin america

Hard disagree here. You'd have to be in Bolivia for that to be the average girl's look.

This is actually a good pic for what the average girl looks like.

In Argentina the average person is 55% Caucasic and 45% Amerindian/mongoloid. That's the media, then it varies from region to region.
So there are no whites in Argentina, there are some white looking people but they represent than less than 10% of the population.

Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador girls don't count they are so ugly I struggle to consider them human beings we are talking only about the rest for the sake of argument

Kinda yes. Public university feminist commie students are more representive of the average for this cunt, which would be a lower middle class population

I see a bunch of qts in that picture. Plus this is a feminist demonstration from the sign atleast, suggesting it's the uglier women.

Sadly true

Attached: Skärmklipp.png (992x513, 1.13M)

Why are you in France?

1st from the right is cute too
also most of them have big asses, literally all the girl have fat asses aroudn here no joke
small tiddies tho, whichs sucks because i'm more of a tits guy myself

Cold blood murders!

What latin american country are you from?

Attached: peruvians.jpg (682x937, 514.04K)

Since the bagette likes to assume, I suppose this is a 10/10 in France, hence why she was Miss France in 2017.

Attached: Alicia.jpg (300x300, 24.49K)

femenists demostrations in latin america are attended by college girls, they are much better looking than average

Yeah I think there is some qts in that pic don’t let yourself get fool by that “French” frog, Latino America has a lot of qts but in average Europe has more qts but that’s only because yuropoor girls have more money to take good care of themselves

Yep, you are mostly mixed like most latam countries
