
he's right you know

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Other urls found in this thread:


newtown bypass

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"sex worker" is some properly sinister newspeak

define bad

very sad pair of tits

Nah I don't not even a bit sorry bro

Favourite crisps lads?
for me its either bbq pringles or mini cheddars

fuck off clogwog

yeah, she's quite strikingly attractive otherwise

No, China did not “cover up” anything about the coronavirus. That’s Western propaganda.

It’s called COVID-19 because it was identified as early as December 2019.

The West is scapegoating China for its own unpreparedness. Don’t buy into the anti-Chinese rhetoric.

could pass the rona onto elderly family members
might be in for bit of inheritance

r e d

drinking tea lads

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i know the cure to coronavirus but not saying lol

I'm in Isolation Get Me out of Here
The Masked Doctor
The Covid Factor
Come Cough With Me


How would i know how to reach out to you?

This is really sad


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yep, bourbon biscuits and a hot cuppa ought to be it for the day. have a good eve, gentlemen

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You are a communist traitor.

shit gimmick

same with women
women go memtal at 30 without little nippers

brannigans beef and mustard
there's one shop in this whole city that sells them and I don't want to go in cos an old mate works there who is ghosting me

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Just add me on facebook or smth

cringe to the max

twice my shopping delivery was cancelled
fucking sick of it


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>bourbon biscuits
about 99% cheaper than yank oreos but taste the same

Enter the Dragon on ITV 4

didn't happen.

why so oily

Fucking shut up

wish the chinks didnt exist

This is how they test for COVID-19
Still feel that lava lamp is essential?

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wanna suck on those lips

no u

you bastard
how have yanks got bourbons and I haven't?
it's okay I'll have some cake and custard in a bit

They taste different and better.
How can you not know this???

i remember this guy
what happened to him

mad the way we are just better than some other countries and we've all had the same start the same resources, and they are shit and we arent

nigger who watches terrestrial tv in 2020

the whores are really struggling right now

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This is season where hundreds of guys will be graduating. News arrived to me that someone is planning to arrange a graduation party. We will send Carabinieri, we will send them with flamethrowers, to this graduation party. Just have it in two, three, fours months. Incredible.


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this just about confirms it then...
COVID is a ruse by bilderberg-illuminati-masonic elites to undertake mass lobotomies and ensure a stable and pliant workforce for years to come

bet the romans felt the same way
not commentary just an observation

*searches for 'whisker twink' on facebook*

taste the same

I like flicking the channel about with my dad and watching whatever is on

learned more about politics from phil greaves than anyone else

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happens every flu season

Goals 2bh

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i caught the wuhan flu a month ago
was over it in 3 days

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Where are they now?

bet theres loads of em still at it, mostly eastern europeans

got over the china cough in 3 days as well

Hahahaha I thought you knew my name nevermind then

>yep, bourbon biscuits and a hot cuppa ought to be it for the day. have a good eve, gentlemen

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holy epic!

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hahaha that can fuck right off

Rotten kike

is he hard with a massive curve in his cock or is that flaccid



salt and vinegar kettle chips
simple AS

Sorry you think this. Your tastebuds are ruined.

had a bit of a cough and tight chest for like 2-3 days and felt really achey then back to normal
how weak do you even have to be to die to this shit dude

anyone else seriously fucking hate yanks with a burning passion

mad these innit. look at this thing wooaaaaahhhhhhh hahaha what the fuck oh my days look at it waahooooooooooooo hahaha lets take another look aaaaaaaaaaaaagghhh hahahaha

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what was it like

how would i know your name?