*thrashes your fragile hetrosexuality*
*thrashes your fragile hetrosexuality*
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Thats a drawing
Tfw i wish i was ganondorf in this situation. Tfw No cute nordboi bf
He sure did
how is this thread Yas Forums 404 inb4 ?
kys dumb tranny
>that bulge
aw yeah, that's the good stuff
Why is Homo fanart so rapey compared to wholesome hetro fan art?
Because homos all think that its hot when young boys are raped by big men. Its called pederasty and it has always been the most common form of homosexuality.
I miss handsome heroic OoT link or TP link
I don't like this gayass twink ""hero"""
Is this better?
Kingdom Hearts turned me gay before I was even in my teens, but Link is a sexual icon anyway. BotW improved his appeal a lot too.
Based Killua x Gon poster
Rape is disgusting. I don't like it.
I see I'm in the company of people of undeniable good taste in here
Surprising low number of finns. I though you are way gayer flag.
Rape is patrician
t. every woman on earth
He actually the whole seme uke shit makes me want to hurl
Sexual orientation is a meme, there is only moral sex (between a man and his wife) and immoral sex (everything else).
I have no idea what you just said
based reinhardposter
Cause cute Lil twink bois were meant for big daddy muscle Dick. Plus IF u cuddle afterwards its okay
why are there so many fags here
It's something fujo's obsess over
For me it's mostly Killua, but I like their relationship anyway. I should get around to finishing the anime at some point.
I just started LotGH and Reinhard is great.
Nip fujos have shit taste with their strictly defined relationship archetypes (seme & uke) and especially the recent omegaverse garbage.
Good thread. Dont forget to post some link twink too tho :3
There never are enough killuas
>I should get around to finishing the anime
You really should, and then you should join us in suffering in silence because Toghashi still hasn't finished Dragon Quest 100%
>You really should
I just got stuck in the Greed Island arc since the whole game business wasn't very interesting. I'll get back to it once I'm done with my current shows.
>Dont forget to post some link twink
"twink" is superfluous when talking about Link :3c
Is the janny gay?
Tfw No twink link bf slaveboi
>2 away from quints
we failed him desu
>I should get around to finishing the anime at some point.
so should the writers :-\
Based and hadrianpilled italo user
>we failed him desu
Better this way, or the thread might have been derailed
Now let's go back to destroy our own fragile heterosexuality please
tfw no nordic-germanic libertus twink to seduce my cock away from women
Because the new wave of homosexuality focuses on the differences between big strong men with huge dicks and small twinks with tiny dicks, and new wave gay bottoms insert as the twink
My guess is that its somewhat of an offshoot from the tranny movement, they want to feel like females sexually but without transitioning
greed island gets better as it progresses
just wait if you ever get to the chimera ant arc where they take 16 episodes to get through 30 minutes of in show time. I swear there isn't another show like it.
Also forgot to add that it also appeals to incels who have no luck with women, and see twinks as easier to get and the closest thing to women in practice
>Now let's go back to destroy our own fragile heterosexuality please
wew, im just kicking a dead corpse at this point
Better make sure it stays down
Post what turned you gay
pic related
I was brainwashed of course
Cute blonde bois and that most women are annoying and ugly
that motherfucker isn't getting back up
alright boys im gone for now, keep my thread alive
I meant to reply here
Gotcha. I'll pick it up again once I'm done with LotGH and Jojo part 5.
>part 5
Who are your favourite boys so far?
My dream is to have a femboy boyfriend to cuddle when i get buff
Narancia and Mista. Former because he cute, and Mista is just the coolest.
one day my friend came in school and he had khol in his eyes
i had a boner
Isnt that a girl?