We need to get the fuck back to work

We need to get the fuck back to work.

I literally cannot afford groceries right now.

Before pandemic: 9 cloves of garlic = $1.00
Now: 3 cloves of garlic = $1.50

I cannot afford to eat.

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Eat something other than garlic, Q**b*c**s scum

>can't afford garlic
This is how revolutions starts

Except in the US it will be when the price of McDoubles passes a certain threshold.


Imagine not being able to buy monkey meat

>he didn't hoard garlic in early march

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What's your job? Can you work at home with your job?

Did you know that McDonalds are closed around me because they're deemed "non-essential"? You Americans would riot over this. For me, it's a way of life.

I'm going to die.

how do I hoard women

>not having a n emergency garlic storage
are you new to this whole being francophone thing?

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I'm noticing it too. Prices are trickling up. Soon I'll have to get take out because prices stay fixed. Put even then a lot of places are reducing their menu sizes.

To be 100% honest I didn't realize how important jobs were to the world.

>mfw put on temporary lay off for 12 week
>still getting paid 80% of my wages tax free (so basically getting my normal wage)

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>Americans would riot over this
No lie, this whole quarantine thing is being sustained by delivery drivers and fast food workers. Fuck nurses, these people are the actual frontline heroes.

which is absolutely fucking absurd, but fittingly american.

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La soupe de grenouille, un délice

Que delícia.


Daddy Trudeau looks hot with the goatee

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he looks hot anyway

Frozen veggies and beans will provide you with practically all the nutrition you need, you can easily live for a week on $10.

And what happens if the food prices continue rising because there are less workers butchering up animals and picking veggies?

I'll just live off the topinambours in my yard.

>because there are less workers butchering up animals and picking veggies
those are considered essential jobs because they feed the society. if no quarentine for not essential jobs those workers will get sick, will not be able to work and then you guys will have an actual food crisis

post in-store prices

How on earth would this happen, we've been on lockdown longer and the prices are still the same, at worst stores don't put out as many special discounts as they normally do

If you lost your job maybe it wasn't such a useful job in the first place

this, the only thing that actually have higher prices now are alcohol and masks
don't canada have organs to protect the market from exploiting people in times of crisis? here you can denounce any seller/market that have arbitrarily made their prices higher for no bigger reason such an actual scarcity in the provider. we won't have scarcity in food here because the food industry is considered extremelly essential and everybody in this branch is working normally except restaurants that can do delivery but they can't open the actual... place (idk the exact word for this)

Nothing's closed in Sweden. Just another day like always.

send food

no, this is our chance to surpass your obesity numbers

No more smelly food for you, Kumar

eat shit and die shitposter

yes, we do, he's probably thinking of the big rooster-brand garlic packages that have been cut back because chinese production decreased, and now there's more expensive Canadian stock that isn't being price-undercut like before

same here

My groceries were cheaper than usual. A lot of store brands have been on sale

Food prices haven't moved at all here.

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You are correct. It's 9 for $1 now it's 3 for $1.50.

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Man all this free gibs by my government is making me upset. Why the fuck can’t I take a 25% paycut and just stay home for the next 4months like all the other laid off people. And then my taxes will have to go up After this bullshit passes.

the smaller packs were always more expensive, that's the same price as before this shit

Each clove was $0.11 before, now it's $0.50 each. Can't afford this shit.

>prepackaged garlic
Did you really make a whole thread about this?

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that's cheap as fuck. Garlic has always been about a dollar a bulb here

>first worlders complaining about price

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shut up macaque

Brazil food should be cheap. It's just that your wages are shit.


pepe the frog?

>not growing your own garlic

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le frogge hath arrived

>We need to get the fuck back to work.

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>not stocking up on garlic and ginger because you know most of it comes from china

lmao brainlet


uma delicieux

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una exquisitez

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How does one know where their food comes from except for the sticker on the plastic container of strawberries saying "Made in California"?

we all know that you're just a neet teenager, stop larping as a productive part of the country

just go to your local street market and ask to the vendor